RBOnly:Minutes 06 03 2006

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Minutes for meeting on Monday, 6th of March, 2006.

Present: Michelle, Jes, Dave, Charlie, Una, Eoghan, Dara, Stephen(Igy), Ken, Simon, Stephen(Ryaner) Absent: Graham


Ken wants Panda bears for the 10th Birthday Eoghan is having a meeting at the weeken about the book Hoodies are going to cost too much at the current design Dara will mail a menu to the committee tonight for approval before sending it off Food is to be sorted out by wednesday. Dara is also to ask about cheap drink/drink promotions for the night Ken will have posters done by tonight and have them sent to campus print by tomorrow. posters to be put up asap Tickets should be ready by thursday We have a DJ for the night. Jes is going to as Tequilla Mockingbirds to play Myspace is gay! got 100 euro off decorations - balloons, party poppers, etc. The cake has been changed. SOmeone else is making it because the original person cant. it's going to be smaller but have a large redbrick on the top We decided on the mystery prize... which isn't going to be a mystery... a PSP! decided there was no room for a gamecube on the night Dara is going to ask about a reduction in hotel room prices for the night

Review of Techweek

Jes congratulated everyong on techweek The KPMG talk was extremely boring Simon thinks there should be a blurb about each talk so people have a better idea about what to expect from each talk and the topics also need more sexying up! Simon also thinks we should e-mail the heads of schools about talks that may interest their students so the head of the school can send it on to the class lists There was not enough committee members turning up to each of the talks. Overall techweek was better than last year We didn't have the timetable done early enough We need no more than 1 or 2 talks in a day And back to back talks are a bad idea!

Table Quiz

April 4th, Week 9. We need to organise donations and sponsorship asap Emperor is to write the quiz and shadow is to write the simpsons round someone suggested a family guy or cartoon round but this idea was rejected we're going to ask drama bob to guest host the quiz Prizes? nanos possibly, along with itunes vouchers We don't want too many associate biased questions for the quiz Eoghan will write to UGC about getting a reduction in price for cinema passes to use as prizes List of companies to ask for sponsorship to be sent to the list tonight

Any other Business

SPC Awards

Dara asked about the spc awards best soc thing. Its a two page document plus a 150 word blurb

Birthday Tickets

If people ask you to reserve tickets add it to the file on rb.According to jes, jizmo is sexy