The Great rB Raid Of 18/12/07

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It all started when the /rB/tards decided it was time to defeat the cancer that was killing redbrick, and prevent aids from taking over #lobby.

Lobby raid.JPG

The Raid

It was decided that the /rB/ruthas would gather in #/rB/ on the irc server, to finalize the raid. After some discussion and testing, which ended in FAIL, the raid began. Robby, one of the leading /rB/tards, lead the attack with some Fresh Prince of Bel Air, they still songs songs of this epic win to this day...

Now this is the story all about how

#lobby got flipped, turned upside down

And Id like to take a minute just sit right there

I'll tell ya how we got b& by failchair

In west Glasnevin born and raised

On the irc server where I spent most of ma days

Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool

And all shooting some cs outside of the school

When a couple of n00bs, they were up to no good

Started talkin shit in the #lobby-hood

We got in one little fight and the admins got scared

And thats how we were b& by the modfags of failchair.

Robby led the charge with Winters following closely behind, joe5ie added to the poor lobbyfags confusion by simply copy pasting what Robby had said, epic spam ensued as lobby was flooded by spam. All those who stood up to be counted to fight cancer & aids were promptly b& by the modfaggotry, we shall remember those fallen.

A screenshot of the epic justice was taken as a memorial to all those who were b&

Lobby raid2.JPG

The battle went on for over 9000 minutes in #lobby, but soon the cancer started to fight back and promptly b& the /rB/ruthas. Shortly afterwards, an impromptu invasion of #intersocs began, this blitzkrieg of a raid ended as soon as it began, many were b&, all except for Robby who still idles there to this day...

The Aftermath

Many /b/ruthas were b&, the modfags spread cancer and aids. CmteFags request takedown of imgchan however it is moved to /rB/ .

Rise again /b/rothers NEVAR FORGET 18/12/07.

(disclaimer, lulz was had by all, no hard feeling <3 receive & redbrick tbh)