Why Did You Choose Your Username: Difference between revisions

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He wanted the username 'mcbain' but Karlos (mcbain) got it before him. Being original, Sarv decided that macbain would do instead, so he could forever confuse new users between himself and Karl.
He wanted the username 'mcbain' but Karlos (mcbain) got it before him. Being original, Sarv decided that macbain would do instead, so he could forever confuse new users between himself and Karl.
The name is that of a character from the book "The Princess Bride" by William Goldman. The specific character is Inigo Montoya, a Spanish swordsman out for revenge against a 6-fingered man who killed Inigo's father.

Revision as of 00:55, 4 September 2005

Feel free to add an an entry about your username below!


Because that's my real name. I thought Redbrick was some email yoke - all else fails, I was getting a decent email address.


8 letter truncation of my real name (boring but true.)


Sarunas Vancevicius. First letter of name, then first 3 letters from surname.


Cause I'm an xphile and Mulder's first name is Fox. :)


Cause as a fresher I though it was the character's name from The Hobbit


Cool picture I have hanging up. Have had it for ages and its by Art Wolfe.


I was a singer in a band. The guitarist mocked me for being the singer by calling me "singer". The nickname stuck. Non-Redbrick people address me as singer! My 2nd choice username was "scano".


It was a character in a book (Illusions by Richard Bach) I read during my formative years. Another rb user thought the description of the protagonist was suited to me so I nabbed the name.


I didn't. It was assigned on the basis that a) I was asleep and b) I read comics, didn't I? Ironically, I hadn't read much Sandman at the time.


Coz I like the sound of it. And coz it goes crazy when you put it in water. And not because of the Nirvana song.


I was using it as a web handle long before I joined Redbrick. It comes from the name of one of my first roleplaying characters that wasn't just a bunch of stats. The name for that roleplaying character though, came from the computer game Streetfighter 2.

Well actually cammy was my second choice. I would have liked to use The_Dead_One but that exceeds the 8 character limit.


The most evil and therefore cool character in a series of books that I was reading. Said series of books has since degenerated into a mush of crap writing. Boo.


He wanted the username 'mcbain' but Karlos (mcbain) got it before him. Being original, Sarv decided that macbain would do instead, so he could forever confuse new users between himself and Karl.


The name is that of a character from the book "The Princess Bride" by William Goldman. The specific character is Inigo Montoya, a Spanish swordsman out for revenge against a 6-fingered man who killed Inigo's father.