RBOnly:Minutes 2002 06 11: Difference between revisions

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Cillian, Eoin, Shane, Mark Dunne, Colm, Kevin.
Cillian, Eoin, Shane, Mark Dunne, Colm, Kevin.

0.1 Clubs and Socs day
==Clubs and Socs day==

a) The use of barcode scanners was discussed, citing the  
*The use of barcode scanners was discussed, citing the filmsoc's use of them at last year's Clubs and Socs day.
filmsoc's use of them at last year's Clubs and Socs day.

b) Hardware - the hardware needed for our stand was also
*Hardware - the hardware needed for our stand was also talked of in detail.
talked of in detail.

c) Booklet - Format of the "introduction to redbrick"  
*Booklet - Format of the "introduction to redbrick" booklet was pencilled in - it was decided that a booklet was perhaps more useful than a plain sheet.
booklet was pencilled in - it was decided that a booklet  
was perhaps more useful than a plain sheet.

d) We need to ensure (closer to the time) that our stand will
*We need to ensure (closer to the time) that our stand will have network sockets available for our use.
have network sockets available for our use.

e) Publicity material was mentioned.
*Publicity material was mentioned. Andrew suggested a "redbrick blimp" for promotion. Colm suggested a prize for random users joining.
Andrew suggested a "redbrick blimp" for promotion.
Colm suggested a prize for random users joining.

0.2 Applying for Money off SPC
==Applying for Money off SPC==
- For the benefit of the new committee members, the  
For the benefit of the new committee members, the proceedure of applying for grant money off the SPC.
proceedure of applying for grant money off the SPC.

0.3 SPC rep.
==SPC rep.==

- Colm brought up the question of our rep. for next  
Colm brought up the question of our rep. for next year, i.e., who is he/she?
year, i.e., who is he/she?

0.4 Have the SPC passed our constitutional amendments?
==Have the SPC passed our constitutional amendments?==

- Again, it is re-iterated that until the SPC ratify  
Again, it is re-iterated that until the SPC ratify the ammendments, the minutes for committee meetings shall not be made public.
the ammendments, the minutes for committee meetings  
shall not be made public.

0.5 Committee meal
==Committee meal==
a) We have pencilled in the 21st June (Friday) to be the
*We have pencilled in the 21st June (Friday) to be the date of the committee meal. Captain Americas is decided to be the venue of choice.  
date of the committee meal. Captain Americas is decided
to be the venue of choice.  

b) It is also decided that it is to be payed out of the
*It is also decided that it is to be payed out of the committee's pockets.
committee's pockets.

0.6 Summer/Next Semester's Ents
==Summer/Next Semester's Ents==

a) Freshers Event.
*Freshers Event.
- Carla contacted the TBMC (Temple Bar Music Centre) to
**Carla contacted the TBMC (Temple Bar Music Centre) to find out provisional dates for the "Freshers Event" in the new year. the 15th October was unavailable, so the 16th (Wednesday) has been pencilled in as the date, until the date of C&S day can be confirmed.
find out provisional dates for the "Freshers Event" in
the new year. the 15th October was unavailable, so the  
16th (Wednesday) has been pencilled in as the date, until
the date of C&S day can be confirmed.

b) Weekend Away
*Weekend Away
- (The weekend away to the games convention in the  
**(The weekend away to the games convention in the Barvican, London). So far interest there has been little interest. Carla asked whether it would be ok to mail the membership to inform them of the event. Co-oraganising the event with the DCU Games Society was mooted. The games soc liason was interested. Carla estimated the cost per person to be approx. €80/90.
Barvican, London). So far interest there has been little
interest. Carla asked whether it would be ok to mail the
membership to inform them of the event. Co-oraganising
the event with the DCU Games Society was mooted. The games
soc liason was interested.
Carla estimated the cost per person to be approx. €80/90.

c) Interesocs.
- Carla had been in touch with Trinity's netsoc to discuss
**Carla had been in touch with Trinity's netsoc to discuss a joint event around Halloween  
a joint event around Halloween  

0.7 Cable for Enigma
==Cable for Enigma==

- Cillian mailed an appropriate company re: purchasing one,
Cillian mailed an appropriate company re: purchasing one, but has yet to hear a reply from them.
but has yet to hear a reply from them.

0.8 SSL Cert
==SSL Cert==
- David and Colm have been pusruing this of late, with Barry
*David and Colm have been pusruing this of late, with Barry O'Neill (bubble) involved.  
O'Neill (bubble) involved.  

- As a lead on from this, the validity of setting up webmail
*As a lead on from this, the validity of setting up webmail on Enigma was talked of.
on Enigma was talked of.

0.9 Resignation / Standing Order / EGM issues.
==Resignation / Standing Order / EGM issues.==

- A decision was needed as to whether Neil's initial letter of
*A decision was needed as to whether Neil's initial letter of resingation was still valid, in spite of the subsequent withdrawl of the letter. A vote was taken to decide whether his letter was final and if his resignation stood. The vote was: 11 for, 1  abstention. Thus neil's resignation was accpepted. Mark will stand in as temp. treasurer until the EGM. The EGM date has yet to be finalised.
resingation was still valid, in spite of the subsequent withdrawl
of the letter. A vote was taken to decide whether his letter was
final and if his resignation stood. The vote was:
11 for,  
1  abstention.
Thus neil's resignation was accpepted. Mark will stand in as  
temp. treasurer until the EGM.
The EGM date has yet to be finalised.

- The Standing Order propsed by Neil was rejected.
*The Standing Order propsed by Neil was rejected.

1.0 Other business
==Other business==

a) Boards on webpage.
*Boards on webpage. It was decided that a limited number of the boards was to be put up on the webpage, with possible censorship issues raised, in particular potentially slanderous/insulting material made public. The boards agreed to be put up are:
It was decided that a limited number of the boards was
to be put up on the webpage, with possible censorship issues  
raised, in particular potentially slanderous/insulting material
made public. The boards agreed to be put up are:


b) Possible guest accounts.
Mark Dunne proposed the setting up of a guest account for Andrew
Sheils. Colm seconded the proposal, and the account was OKed.
(username chosen to be gothwalk)

c) dcuguide / Adam Buckeridge affair.
Colm rejected Adam's latest proposals, put forward by Eoin.
*Possible guest accounts. Mark Dunne proposed the setting up of a guest account for Andrew Sheils. Colm seconded the proposal, and the account was OKed. (username chosen to be gothwalk)
*dcuguide / Adam Buckeridge affair. Colm rejected Adam's latest proposals, put forward by Eoin.

Revision as of 12:59, 18 June 2008

Minutes of Meeting, 11th June 2002.

Present: Andrew, Carla, Nikki, Declan, David, Mark Campbell, Cillian, Eoin, Shane, Mark Dunne, Colm, Kevin.

Clubs and Socs day

  • The use of barcode scanners was discussed, citing the filmsoc's use of them at last year's Clubs and Socs day.
  • Hardware - the hardware needed for our stand was also talked of in detail.
  • Booklet - Format of the "introduction to redbrick" booklet was pencilled in - it was decided that a booklet was perhaps more useful than a plain sheet.
  • We need to ensure (closer to the time) that our stand will have network sockets available for our use.
  • Publicity material was mentioned. Andrew suggested a "redbrick blimp" for promotion. Colm suggested a prize for random users joining.

Applying for Money off SPC

For the benefit of the new committee members, the proceedure of applying for grant money off the SPC.

SPC rep.

Colm brought up the question of our rep. for next year, i.e., who is he/she?

Have the SPC passed our constitutional amendments?

Again, it is re-iterated that until the SPC ratify the ammendments, the minutes for committee meetings shall not be made public.

Committee meal

  • We have pencilled in the 21st June (Friday) to be the date of the committee meal. Captain Americas is decided to be the venue of choice.
  • It is also decided that it is to be payed out of the committee's pockets.

Summer/Next Semester's Ents

  • Freshers Event.
    • Carla contacted the TBMC (Temple Bar Music Centre) to find out provisional dates for the "Freshers Event" in the new year. the 15th October was unavailable, so the 16th (Wednesday) has been pencilled in as the date, until the date of C&S day can be confirmed.
  • Weekend Away
    • (The weekend away to the games convention in the Barvican, London). So far interest there has been little interest. Carla asked whether it would be ok to mail the membership to inform them of the event. Co-oraganising the event with the DCU Games Society was mooted. The games soc liason was interested. Carla estimated the cost per person to be approx. €80/90.
  • Interesocs.
    • Carla had been in touch with Trinity's netsoc to discuss a joint event around Halloween

Cable for Enigma

Cillian mailed an appropriate company re: purchasing one, but has yet to hear a reply from them.

SSL Cert

  • David and Colm have been pusruing this of late, with Barry O'Neill (bubble) involved.
  • As a lead on from this, the validity of setting up webmail on Enigma was talked of.

Resignation / Standing Order / EGM issues.

  • A decision was needed as to whether Neil's initial letter of resingation was still valid, in spite of the subsequent withdrawl of the letter. A vote was taken to decide whether his letter was final and if his resignation stood. The vote was: 11 for, 1 abstention. Thus neil's resignation was accpepted. Mark will stand in as temp. treasurer until the EGM. The EGM date has yet to be finalised.
  • The Standing Order propsed by Neil was rejected.

Other business

  • Boards on webpage. It was decided that a limited number of the boards was to be put up on the webpage, with possible censorship issues raised, in particular potentially slanderous/insulting material made public. The boards agreed to be put up are:





  • Possible guest accounts. Mark Dunne proposed the setting up of a guest account for Andrew Sheils. Colm seconded the proposal, and the account was OKed. (username chosen to be gothwalk)
  • dcuguide / Adam Buckeridge affair. Colm rejected Adam's latest proposals, put forward by Eoin.