RBOnly:Minutes 2004 12 01

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Redbrick Committee Meeting: 15 November 2004

Present: Michelle, Donal, Charlene, Eoghan, Mark, Mickey, Tina, Dave, Charlie Apologies: Una Absent: John

Matters Arising

There were no matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting. (15 November 2004)

Reminder Email

The admins will send a reminder email about account renewals on Monday, 06 December 2004, alerting people who's accounts will otherwise be deleted.

It was mentioned that the CSD signup system in the hub was being used for renewals and for new members. The new sign-ups need to be mailed to pick their username and be added to our records. Donal will mail CSD and make sure we can distinguish between those who signed up on C&S Day and those who did so afterward.


Most sections of the newsletter are in. Donal awaits a mail from Mark outlining upcoming events for christmas and semester two and will send the newsletter as a semesterly review, this Friday, 03 December 2004.


A discussion was held on disciplinary arrangements for a recent incident and will not be minuted.

Disuserment policy is (and will continue to be) in line with the Standing Order. A policy for IRC is being drawn up by Michelle.

Redbrick Wiki

The committee support the work being done on the wiki and it was decided that its operation would be independent of webgroup control.

Christmas Event

Donal gave a breakdown of the recent problems being faced in organising the large christmas event. A meeting will be held on Thursday, 02 December, provided that one attendee is possible from Snowboarding, LGBT, RedBrick and Music Soc.

Future Event

Mark gave a list of upcoming events; Paintballing - a decision was deferred on whether to subsidise Gamesoc Joint Event - no indication yet of what this might be Tech Week - Donal contacted Irish Broadband regarding sponsorship Alt Rag Ball - dice@rb interested in performing Intersocs Event - no indication yet of what this might be

Committee Meal

The meal is provisionally set for Saturday, 18 December 2004, in the Mongolian BBQ. Dizer and Riona J. McCormack to be invited, in addition to the committee.