Finch is the command line equivalent of the popular instant messaging client Pidgin (GAIM), you can use this on redbrick to log into your instant messaging accounts. It is no longer part of a standard build, since 2014. If you require it you can email the admins.
Setting up Finch
Finch is installed on carbon and will need to be tunneled through tsocks.
Logging into carbon
First you'll have to log into carbon, so open up a screen and type:
ssh carbon
You should now be logged into carbon.
Starting Finch
Simply enter
tsocks finch
Finch should now be started and ready for you to use.
Configuring your account
You should now be at this screen.
- Hit down and select your account type
- Hit tab and go through filling out your information
- Hit save when you're done
Make sure your account you created is enabled like in this picture (marked with X), if it's not simply hit space.
Using Finch
Close a window:
alt + c
Move to the next window:
alt + n
Move to previous window:
alt + p
Move a window:
alt + m
Resize a window:
alt + r
Get up the actions list:
alt + a
Get up main options menu:
Extra configuration
These are some other configurations that may be useful.
Taskbar Flashing
You probably want your taskbar to flash when you receive a message and you have your web browser or something open.
Configure PuTTY with these options, you may want to save the session so you don't have to do this all the time.
Next you'll have to configure finch to give a system bell when a message is received, go to the sound configuration (alt + a -> Sounds).
Finally you need to make sure screen is set to give an audible bell. Do the following until you see the message "switched to audible bell":