Irssi is a terminal based IRC client for UNIX systems which also happens to be Redbrick's default IRC client.
Using irssi on Redbrick
To use irssi on redbrick type 'chat' at the prompt and hit return. You could also use:
irssi -c
Th -c option allows you to choose the IRC server you connect to, so if you'd like to join Quakenet or somewhere else from Redbrick, just put "" there instead.
Once connected, you can join whatever channel (chat room) you like by using the join command. If you've started irssi by typing 'chat' at the prompt, then you'll automatically be in #lobby, the default channel. If you wished to join lobby, the main chat room, use this command:
/join #lobby, for general cases /join #channel_name.
This will bring up a new screen with your window to that channel. Each new channel is in a new window. To move between the different windows press alt and the number of the window you want to go to. If the window number is 10, use alt + 0. If it's greater than 10, use /win number or alt plus the letter keys starting at Q.
Useful Commands
If you want to see who's logged into the current channel, use /names or /n. This will list the users in your current window. Using /who will bring up a list of users with more detail in the status window (1).
A very handy feature is private messaging. You are able to send another user a message which nobody else can see. Type /msg username message or /query username message. You will see your message come up in a new window. You can then resume your normal chatting and if a person replies to your private message, you will see the window number pop up in pink along the bottom scrollbar. When you are finished messaging someone, use /wc to close down the window. So long as a user is on the same server as you, you can message them without being in a channel.
There's a help option offered by irssi. /help will give you a list of the different topics. Then use /help topic to get more information on that particular topic. All this information will come up in window 1.
By typing /set you can see all the settings which are mostly preset for you. If you wish to alter any of them, use the set command again. Just say you wished to change your realname: /set real_name newName . The changes you make are saved in a file called ~/.irssi/config.
Each user has a nickname. This is what will come up as your name in the channel. By default, this will be your Redbrick username, but you can set this to anything once another user is not already using that name. Your nick must be no more than nine letters long. You can use the /w command to see what nick names are being used. To change your nick name, type /nick new_name.
The tab button will try to automatically complete usernames. So by typing ke and pressing tab, keloe will more than likely pop up. If another name comes up, keep hitting tab till the name you are looking for is there.
Down the bottom of the screen is a scroll bar with most of the information you need at a glance. The information, in order, is the time, your nickname, your current window and sometimes there are brackets [] containing window numbers. If the window number is white , then normal chat is happening in that window. If the number is blue, then someone has logged on/off or a mode has been changed. If the number is pink, then a message has been addressed to you in that window.
Quitting irssi
/part or /leave will exit a channel without actually leaving irssi or disconnecting from the server.
Exiting irssi completely requires either /quit or /exit. These will disconnect you, exit irssi and leave you back at a command prompt.
If you need any more help with irssi, please feel free to hey a helpdesk member or mail at