RBOnly:Minutes 2004 10 11

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Redbrick Committee Meeting: 11 October 2004 _________________________________________________________________________ Present: Michelle, Donal, Charlene, Charlie, Eoghan, Mark, Mickey, Tina,

        	 John, Una, Dave.

Guests: Riona Judge McCormack


Matters Arising \___________________________________________________

There were no matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting. _____________________

Freshers' Ball \____________________________________________________

Arrangements are largely complete for the event. However:

- A quote for the PA system is pending from Derek Williams through Mark.
- Committee members are required to help take people from the spike to the
  venue. Ceratin committee members, including Eoghan, Charlie, Mark and Tina
  will not be doing this, but going direct to the venue.
- Provision of IPAQ based and paper lists from the admins will allow us to 
  take membership money from any associates who show up and allow us to check 
  the legitimacy of members who arrive with no ticket.


User Additions \____________________________________________________

User additions are proceeding smoothly, according to Charlie. However, he notes two cases where a student number logged is unable to be matched to valid DCU details. _______________________

Committee Training \__________________________________________________

Michelle, John, Donal, Tina, Eoghan, Charlie, Charlene and Una are all likely to attend the training session on Saturday at 0930. _____________________

Troublegum.rb \___________________________________________________

"Never buy a compaq" - Charlie A decision has still not been made on the usefulness or binability (yes, I made up that word) of this server. Charlie will let us know in due course. ________________________

Intervarsity Event \___________________________________________________

Everyone is very positive about the nature of the event and specifics like the companies we will approach for sponsorship will be decided later. Donal proposed that the event be set in stages over the day as a time trial, which was accepted. Donal is great and most of the rest of the committee smell faintly of wee. No, not really, just checking to see who's reading the minutes. _________________________

Server Room Cleanup \________________________________________________

Charlie would like to throw out much of the excess hardware and useless items in the server room. He will need to contact DCU about dumping monitors. _______________________

Grant Application \__________________________________________________

The committee discussed the grant application, based on the provisional write-up from Charlene. Riona was present for this part of the meeting. Mark had left.

= Tutorials 

These will be held weekly. The first will have a larger expected turnout and refreshments will be served at it and all tutorials. The helpdesk will compile a projected list of all the semester's tutorials for a poster.

= The Christmas Ball 

This intersocs event will be the first major RedBrick event on the grant app. It will be held in conjunction with Snowboarders, Music and LGBT. Two members of the committee earlier expressed concerns that the inclusion of LGBT would cause a drop in numbers because of the apparently rampant homophobia prevalent among some of the membership. The rest of the committee dismissed this concern and are happy to include LGBT at the moment. Riona mentioned that one society should coordinate the finances for the event; this will be RedBrick. Music Soc will supply the band "Egomaniacs" for under 500 euro, as well as helping us source other music. The event will be held in DCU New Bar.

= Tech Week

Riona confirmed that a major publicity campaign of posters could be paid for by the SPC to help promote this week. Events on the grant app need to be separated into individual parts of the week. Events so far include the Intervarsity wireless hunt, a series of talks, an opening ceremony and digital art displays.

= The Alt Rag Ball 

This was discussed at great length due to the unfortunate absence of Mark. The committee were unanimously unhappy about this event taking the form of a bootleg concert, rather than the traditional alternative music option. Because Mark was unable to discuss his reasoning for staging this type of event, the committee did not make any concrete decision on the issue, but rather decided to apply for an alternative music option so that SPC funding allocation would be sufficient to allow them to take that option or revert back to Mark's bootleg concert plan later.

= The Bootleg Concert

The committee were unhappy about this event, especially after Music Soc's PRO mentioning their dissatisfaction with our running one. Mark was again unavailable to comment on his proposal, so no firm decision was made, though in the absence of enough quotes to add it to the grant app and the general feeling that it may not go ahead, it was not added to the Grant App. If this is resolved later and the committee majority wants the event, we will submit an additional application for it.

Riona approved the list of hardware requirements being applied for but expressed her concern at the possibility of there being no insurance for the server room contents. Michelle to check into this. ___________

AOB \__________________________________________________________

The Hallowe'en venues have been suggested by Mark as "Howl at the Moon", "Dance Macabre" and two venues rejected for not being thematic enough. Donal suggests "The Vatican".

The RedBrick Library is in need of book donations and Tina would like to post to redbrick.discuss and request them.

Similarly, the RedBrick Encyclopedia needs new entries and we hope to encourage submissions.