RBOnly:Minutes 1998 02 05

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Minutes of DCU Networking Society Committee meeting 5th February 1998

Present Apologies

Jonathan Lundberg Kevin O Donovan Dermot Hanley Aoibhe McGoveran Dave Murphy Patrick Grant Kachun Leung Andrew Lawless Daire McKenna John Barker Shane OhUid

1. UCD's old Sun Sparc.

UCD Netsoc had a Sparc Station on loan to them courtesy of SUN Microsystems. They are receiving a new machine, and the old one is being returned to SUN.

Paddy asked BCS for sponsorship, in the form of a licence for Solaris. The reply was good, and it looks like we're getting that at any rate. BCS apparently asked SUN for a machine for us as well, and we could end up with UCD Netsoc's old machine. This is, however, unconfirmed.

2. Global Cafe.

We should go ahead immediately with organising an overnight gaming session. To be discussed with Finbarr Clarkson.

Server for Global Cafe - - using Nurse is apparently not a viable option, due to the hardware failures etc. If we were to use Nurse, she would need a new Motherboard, and quite possibly a new hard drive. (Dave Murphy adds that the memory is, quote, "dodgy" :) ).

3. As previously stated, a licence for Solaris 2.6 is a definite go ahead.

4. Insurance of Hardware.

We need to insure all of our assets. Insurance in the form of sponsorship?? Talk to SU/SPC about any schemes they may offer, or know about.

5. Location of "Monolith"

The servers need a new location, since we're being moved out of the Journalism lab this month.

Possible areas include - Physics building Talk to Joe Maxwell, room N117. (refered to by Mick Kennedy)

- EE Building Talk to John Whelan, room A124.

6. We decided that members of DCUNS may hold as many accounts as they wish on the Redbrick Server(s). Each account must be verified with a valid DCU Student Identity card.

7. Tutorials.

Weren't very successful, not many turning up. Posters aren't of good quality. It should be advertised as a "Web tutorial" to entice more people. The next tutorial should not take place until Mother is up and running.

8. Mother.

Backup's made before crash should be restored onto mother. Nurse and mother should run side by side for a period of one month.

Xlibs on mother. No point in enabling them, since most DCU routers block X in any case.

9. Next Ents Event.

RAG WEEK 1998 - - Bouncy Castle should be organised. - ST:DCU/DCUNS Playstation tournament.

Rest of Year - Mean Fiddler Funnel Bar

Valentine's night, return to The Fleet. Kev should organise that, if not, then Jon.

10. Gopher Meeting.

Should be held on Monday 16th of February 1998

11. Admin Test.

Should be written up soon, by Dermot, Kachun, and Dave.

12. Logo - We decided on using Andy's logo design, but we may need a simpler one.

13. Noticeboard.

They are being constructed, we should get keys for them.