RBOnly:Minutes 2003 02 03

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Minutes of committee meeting held on 17/1/2003.

Present: Nikki Kenny, Trevor Johnston, Cillian Sharkey, Elaine Bannon, Dermot Duffy, Shane Tallon, Eoin Campbell, Declan O'Neill, Declan McMullen, Mark Dunne, Grainne Sheerin

Excused: David Johnston

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ratified.

0.1 RedBrick Room - Nikki was unable to contact Richie Kelly. - Cillian had mailed James Healy and will arrange a meeting but he is unsure how useful it will be. Also he tells us that Colm will give us a printed copy of the DCU strategic plan.

0.2 Kevin Warwick Talk - Elaine has been unable to get a copy of the Powerpoint presentation. - Colin has been looking for 80 euro. We have been allocated 60 euro and this may be increased because of the webcast part of the event. - Eoin and Shane will tell Joe Morris about the talk. - We must book a room in the Clubs and Socs area for the interview.

0.3 Rag Week Ball - Isaac Butt can be booked for E400, they will throw in a DJ for E450. - Jilted are booked. Des Bishop (comedian) is almost booked. In case he cannot do it, he can recommend a number of other comedians. - Eoin suggested that some acts might perform for free because Rag Week events are for charity. - It was agreed to start advertising the event immediately, then properly when the lineup is confirmed. - Nikki suggested using the electronic ticker-tape sign in the hub. - A vote was passed to call this event the alt.rag.ball. - A scanner can be used to identify RedBrick members when tickets are being booked. - Elaine requested a committee meeting on the Friday prior to the event.

0.4 Table Quiz - Arrangements all made and questions being compiled. - Trevor will assist with the typing up of the questions. - Eoin will supply a laptop for the projector on the night, Trevor will supply Eoin with the necessary video leads. - Tables will be E16. - T-shirts and baseball cap quotes are being obtained. Shane suggested asking the comedian to wear these at the alt.rag.ball. - We will run a t-shirt design competition.

0.5 Admin Issues - Dermot informed the committee that, within the space of two days, HEAnet offered us an Alpha 1000 and CSD another Alpha (formerly tolka.dcu.ie). - We are going to take both. These must be transported somehow. - Grainne informed us that we have been allocated money for 10 DLT tapes. - We may look for a special deal from HP for this (Eoin to enquire).

0.6 Any Other Business

0.6.1 SU Board - We will not run a second board for student union matters. - Moderation, while possible, would be unacceptably slow and would not be worth it in any case.

0.6.2 Voting Script - The script used for the online poll for the alt.rag.ball can be used for further polls and even booking tickets and what not. - 121 people had voted in the alt.rag.ball poll. - Dermot was congratulated on the software.

This concluded the business of the meeting.