RBOnly:Minutes 2004 11 15

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Redbrick Committee Meeting: 15 November 2004

Present: Michelle, Donal, Charlie, Eoghan, Mark, Mickey, Tina, John.

Guests: Riona Judge McCormack

Matters Arising

There were no matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting.

Open Day

5 committee members will be attending (excluding Donal, who will be there for SPC reasons); Eoghan, John, Michelle, Tina, Una.

The quiz mentioned previously was discussed and deemed innappropriate.

Instead, RedBrick will provide photos and event details and be there to answer questions on the value of joing societies. Basic B&W flyers can be made from the current C&S Days one.

The banner will be used in the HUB and the a0 print will be used in the CA lobby, where RedBrick will have a desk.

Michelle/Tine to call Charlene and check whether we can print more stickers

Hardware Purchase

We need to order ASAP. Charlie to get the credit card from Siobhan in C&S and buy online.

TV Raffle

Raffle to be held after the meeting. Winner to be posted to the list.


Mark is organising a paintballing trip, possibly for the week after exams, which members will pay for. Awaiting Charlene to discuss partial funding.

Christmas Event

A meeting was held between RedBrick and Snowboarders and another is scheduled, although may not be viable during Artsweek. Donal to contact all committees involved.

Artsweek Poster

Donal apologises sincerely to the committee for having somehow managed to forget to add RedBrick's name to the artsweek poster he did. In a hurry. At 04:00 the day before it was due to be put up. Beacuse Rosa messed up her one. Not that any of this is any excuse. He's still sorry.


Quote from Eoghan is working out at 8.23e (6.80e + VAT), which may be too expensive. Further discussion required.