RBOnly:Minutes 2001 03 11

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Minutes of Meeting, 11th March 2000. Present: kpodesta, moridin, macbain, cokane, spock, phil, mark, tibor, p.

o Money Jon lost folder with reciepts so we'll have to get duplicates made up.

We have £1500stg allocated for the DLT backup system, which we can apply for as soon as Jon gets the details for it.

We have £300 or so for the Committee Meal -) lets use it!!

o Admin Issues The redbrick systems have now been moved to the Clubs & Socs area of the Hub. Our recent downtime was due to /usr getting corrupted; prompting a re-install; and CSD having to re-confiqure a router for us and complications in doing so.

We now have a new RedBrick 12x CD-Burner, currently in the hands of Sarvesh. This will be installed on a machine in the Hub to which Helpdesk will have access to.

We need to get a SCSI cable to install our new disk array, which we are scheduling for after the CA3 projects are finished. Quotas will then upped to 100Mb.

Phil is looking after getting Mailman fixed as it has not worked since the re-install.

Mother is currently sitting idle as we have no CPU for her - the current 450Mhz CPU that she was using has heat problems.

o Ents. Committee meal. John is qoing to organise this - probably for next week in TFI Fridays.

Brian will email the intersocs list to see if it is still active and who exactly is & is not on the list.

Redbrick anniversary event wil be on tuesday 17th April. The AGM will be on beforehand, at 7pm.

The SU want to run an event in conjunction with us. We (rb) are thinking that the summer ball would probably be best for it.

We're going to schedule a talk for tuesday 27th March, to be given by HEANET & Tom Murphy from Spin Solutions. Karl is going to see what is the story with CPL. Perhaps they will sponsor rb next year.