RBOnly:Minutes 2002 11 25

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Minutes of Meeting, 24th November 2002.


  • Nikki, Shane, Mark C, Mark D, Eoin, Gráinne, Dermot, Declan, Cillian, David.


  • None

Intersocs Event

  • Acknowledged a major reliance on TCD netsoc for promotion and advertisement of the event.
  • It was noted that Carla lost us the possibility of having the Frames and/or Snow Patrol because of her inaction and her refusal to budge from having the event in Da2 again. Helena@netsoc.tcd.ie helped us loads

Christmas Event

  • Discussed possibly working with other clubs and socs for this event.
  • Should it have a Christmas theme?
  • Nikki said she'll talk to filmsoc about it.
  • Discussed venue, it seemed that the general consensus was to go for Break For The Border at this time.
  • Owing to us not having an Ents officer, everyone should pitch in for this event.
  • Eoin said he'd go up to the C&S area and call around tomorrow look for places like the Red Box/POD/Mono to do an all-in deal.


  • have to book the room! Nikki will do this (QG13??)
  • book somewhere for the afters? Ask in the Slipper.
  • Eoin suggested acetates or the use of the projector with a laptop
  • get amendments together and have it printed out.
  • Take minutes at this meeting!!! :)

Helpdesk Exam

  • to be set up before EGM.
  • Helpdesk lads will write it up a few days beforehand.
  • the date was decided to be Monday 2nd at 6.30

Carla's possession of system logs

  • Colm got the logs for her
  • At this point, we weren't sure of their content but we know they were auth logs, /var/log/messages, basically logs pertaining to su.
  • it was agreed that Colm was to be talked to about his actions.


  • It was decided that one member of the committee (usually Ents or

PRO) be nominated as Intersocs Officer. For the moment, this person is Shane.

  • A mailing list should be set up.
  • An Intersocs meeting which it was hoped would be set up before the Intersocs event couldn't happen because of the mess made with the event's organisation.
  • Boards: should we phase out the old redbrick.* boards and replace them with intersocs.* ? Decided to ask the users on the boards.

Any Other Business

  • question was asked: What if nobody runs for the Ents position? Mark maintained that the EGM be declared void although there is no precedence for such a situation occurring.
  • with the lack of an Ents officer, the Ents section of the grant form needs to be filled out.
  • Gráinne had statements of the accounts at the meeting for anyone's perusal.
  • Eoin talked to a guy from ReturnBatt about getting the batteries taken away. Apparently they provide a certificate of disposal which would cover us in case someone took us up on having illegally dumped them.
  • Clubs and Socs want the monolith and the rubbish gone ASAP. We should toss all non-volatile (i.e. non-battery) rubbish.
  • SSL certs - we need to get them signed for.
  • The amendments are up to date, and David updated the SO folder.
  • What to talk about with Ian Russell when we meet with him? Long-term proposal for Redbrick.
  • We need to make committee life attractive, especially non-technical positions like Ents and PRO. Need to get more first years involved.