Great Ban Of '11

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Early in January 2011, when the student population of RedBrick were under pressure studying for their exams, a strange phenomenon occurred. Some students resorted to spamming channels with figlets and the like to get an intense buzz of adrenaline before the 1st semester exams.

The spam wasn't tolerated.

The associates and majority of the students were angered, forcing the committee to implement an automatic 24hour ban at the first sign of a figlet. #lobby went +t for the remainder of the exams (with something to the effect of "WARNING FIGLET = 24 HOUR BAN") and the spammers looked for new ways to get their kicks. They came up with the ingenious concept of collaborative figleting, in which 3 or more members would create a single figlet - If you're only posting two lines you can't get banned, right?


16:50 < a>    ____                _     ____                       __   _ _ _
16:50 < a>   / ___|_ __ ___  __ _| |_  | __ )  __ _ _ __     ___  / _| ( ) / |
16:50 < n>  | |  _| '__/ _ \/ _` | __| |  _ \ / _` | '_ \   / _ \| |_  |/| | |
16:50 < n>  | |_| | | |  __/ (_| | |_  | |_) | (_| | | | | | (_) |  _|   | | |
16:50 < l>   \____|_|  \___|\__,_|\__| |____/ \__,_|_| |_|  \___/|_|     |_|_|
16:51 < hauK> lol
16:51 < dever> lol
16:51 < atlas> Smooth.
16:51 < dever> no bans. not figlet. excellent.
16:51 < beimear> grand
16:52 -!- mode/#lobby [+o isaac702] by ChanServ
16:52 < dever> have the rules on figlets been solidified yet?
16:52 < a> WHUWHUWHU
16:52 < dever> that is not a figlet isaac702
16:52 < a> I only pasted 2 lines. is that a ban?
16:52 -!- mode/#lobby [+b *!*lithium@*] by isaac702
16:52 -!- l was kicked from #lobby by isaac702 [l]
16:52 -!- mode/#lobby [+b *!*e@*] by bunbun
16:52 -!- a was kicked from #lobby by bunbun [a]
16:52 -!- mode/#lobby [+b *!*nanaki@*] by bunbun
16:52 -!- n was kicked from #lobby by bunbun [n]
--- Log closed Mon Jan 17 16:52:24 2011

The ops went on a banning rampage and our heroes memory lived on for those 24 hours in /bans #lobby. There was something like 10 or 12 people on the banlist at one stage. Soon the carnage spread to other channels (mainly #intersocs) and even pms.

After exams, order was somewhat restored with spam returning to normal(ish) levels.