RBOnly:Minutes 23 10 2007

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Revision as of 17:11, 25 July 2012 by Polka (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Absent: Coconut (excused) = Reports = Cian working on sponsors. Dano working on posters. Helpdesk are planning stuff. Richard has the cinema sign up script running and fixed ...")
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Absent: Coconut (excused)


Cian working on sponsors. Dano working on posters. Helpdesk are planning stuff. Richard has the cinema sign up script running and fixed outdated stuff. Drag0n spoke ilug about disk issues. Kevin has contacted atlas and got the number for ordering hoodies. Some hoodies still left in the server room.


Meet at 6.45 at Cineworld. Posters will be put up for it to promote the society. Having posters up is good for us.

Hallowe'en Event

Su Ball is on the 31st so days around then are bad. Informal Event of some sort instead. Drinking somewhere.

Next Event

November 9th for Bowling. Leisureplex is more usable than Omni as we don't need membership. Bowling to be followed by alcohol.


MS and Red Hat are currently being annoyed. Novell, Cisco and Intel to be bugged soon after. Symantec, 3com and Blacknight also suggested. Amy knows someone in Intel who could be useful. Any general tech companies should be bugged, a cisco 3560 would be nice. Cian is to coordinate sponsorship efforts. Bebo suggested as a possible sponsor!

New Server

Older machine donated to RB, currently running Solaris. Cian wants to keep it with Solaris for members to play with, admins to discuss other uses further. Someone needs to pick it up.


Prodigy will be offered to other Netsocs or organisations who might have some use for it.


Bob can't go on Tuesday 6th. TGI Fridays, Andrew to organise booking.

Standing Orders

Approved pending a spelling and grammar check. Eoghan wants the bit about committee mails to be reworded better.

IRC Rules

Kat likes specific ban times eg 24 hours. Others don't Some rewording needed, less hardline is generally better. Inappropriate links bit could be better. Eoghan suggests that it shouldn't be about protecting new people specifically as determining when someone is new and not is difficult. Kev to reword it and mail to list for further discussion.


Permanent link to committee.redbrick needed to encourage members to read it. Putty image on front page to be replace by a suitable boards image linking to web boards. Sionnach to be contacted about making an image. Webgroup has new people added, needs to meet up or have a discussion soon about improvements to the site.


  • MOAR football! Everyone has to actually attend next Monday., we'll have none of this silly "I don't like football" rubbish. Astroturf pitches need to be booked in advance for Monday.
  • Andrew gone for a week. Yay! Cian will manage the day to day Chairperson duties, due to having insane amounts of free time as a result of his being a complete failure.
  • There'll be some downtime for the new switch.