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Prodigy ~


Type:Sun Enterprise 450
OS:Solaris 8
CPU:2 x UltraSPARC-II 400MHz
Storage:Onboard Symbios 53c875 dual channel UltraWide SCSI controller
 2 x PCI Symbios 53c875 dual channel UltraWide SCSI controllers
 PCI FC-AL (Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop) controller [currently unused]
Disks:20 x 9GB UltraWide SCSI disks
Drives:Internal SCSI CDROM [currently disconnected/broken ???]
 Internal SCSI 8mm Exabyte tape drive [currently unused]
 External SCSI HP "BENCHMARK" DLT1 tape drive
Network:hme0 (onboard) [currently unused]
 qfe[0123] (Quad Fast Ethernet, a 4 port NIC) [only qfe0 currently used]
Extras:Sun 256 colour graphics card [currently unused]
 Three hot swappable redundant power supplies
The Name:Prodigy (prod' i ji) n. Something wonderful or extraordinary; a wonderful example (of); a person or thing with extraordinary gifts or qualities; something out of the ordinary course of nature, a monstrosity.The name Prodigy was picked by Phil (phil@rb). It was called 'marco' while in Sun and arrived to us with the rather imaginative name of 'PleaseNameMe'. This was changed later to 'Prodigy' but not before it enjoyed a brief period with the name 'beefcake' (no, really).


Prodigy was graciously loaned to the society by Sun Microsystems Ireland. As you can gather from the specifications above, this is one very powerful machine. It also has a price tag as hefty as the machine itself (when we recieved the machine, its cost was estimated at around £60,000). We recieved the machine in April 2001 and on the 13/14th October 2001 (the weekend after Clubs & Socs day) it went live, replacing Enigma as the primary login machine.


  • Secondary mail
  • Secondary LDAP

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