
From Redbrick Wiki

Theres are many varients and varieties of nerd, collected here is but a small cross-section of them.

The STOCS Nerd

A modern day variant of the STOCS nerd, though still similar in many ways to their ancestors. Note particularly their sloping gait, slack jawed stare and the anti-social aura of superiority which surrounds them. This lesser spotted variant of nerd is generally best avoided, lest you attract their attention.

Except robby, robby isn't a nerd, i mean look how ninja he looks.

The "Blenders"

File:Hustings 002.jpg.jpg

These are nerds not considered nerds in the general populous, but none the less, ask them the best way to rush as ct on de_dust2 in CS:S and they will have an answer, they will call 'tacs'.