RBOnly:Minutes 17 09 2007

From Redbrick Wiki
Revision as of 19:49, 8 November 2007 by Receive (talk | contribs)

Absent: Diarmuid, Damien

Matthew begins the meeting by hurting Kev's feelings with a rude hand gesture. Everyone then gives updates faster than I can write and Andrew hands out free diaries.

Standing Orders

Fire exits bit to be deleted.

Abuse of quotas bit to be edited.

Mass hey disuserment policy to be replaced by a more general disuserment policy.

Silly bit about sitting in a circle to be removed.

Cian to work on rewriting of these Standing Orders.

Associate Fees

6 euro, but new optional/suggested fee of 20 euro to be added for those who are willing to pay it. 5 or 10 year purchases not to be allowed after a vote of 6 against them, 4 in favour. 1 year accounts only.

User Agreement

To be fixed and rewritten and posted online.

Possible activation link to be included in emails sent out when accounts are created.

Auto-retrieve password

This needs to be fully finished and put online.

Freshers' Ball

Band + Venue are booked.

Tickets to be printed out for Clubs and Socs Day.

DJ wanted by most. Matthew points out that most ripped music isn't of high enough quality for a proper venue.

In the event of a laptop or custom CDs being used, Placebo are not to be played under any circumstances.

Camera still to be bought and advertised on posters.

Admitted people to be stamped.

Clubs and Socs Day

Monitors at the table displaying gallery + lobby. A spinning 3d red brick would also be cool.

People: Kev unavailable due to Games Soc committments. Matthew unavailable during lab tutor hours.

Software Licenses

Cian wants us to only use GPL software or something because Cian <3 Open Source. No-one <3 Cian, however.


CMS or wordpress type thing wanted for the front page to make updating easy. Filmsoc site admin tools could be reused.

Blog pages wanted for events, helpdesk, etc.

Cian wants us to use standard updatable software.

New Servar

Some downtime unavoidable.

Webtree to move, to be done late at inactive times. Apache shutdown for the duration. Mysql shutdown, some data less inevitable but nothing major.

IRC moving to carbon, no more monthly disconnections! \o/

New machine currently known as "honeycomb" for some reason, probably to become the new login server.

Timetable for downtime needed, advanced notice to be given everywhere.

Mailing List

Lots of whining.

More replies wanted, etc, etc...

Kat: "No-one has responded about the date for Halloween yet". Cian: "...the 31st of October?".

Repetition and spam to be avoided, but replies for important stuff mandatory.


Free food! Yay!

Bob (SPC rep) to be invited.

Venue is TGI Friday's.

Provisional date of 31st of October.

Meeting times

6pm on Tuesdays the new provisional meeting time. Room to be booked by Kev.


Helpdesk: First tutorial after account creation. LG25 if possible. To be discussed more by helpdesk people.

Server room: Swipe card access? Useful but has some issues, eg - lockout if the power goes down. To be discussed by admins.

Halloween Ball: Date needed, preferably before Haloween this year. Doran's the most preferred venue, alternatives include The Hub in town (hard to fill) and the Old Bar (not good so close to an SU event there).

Web boards: Cian to find out the progress here. Link's boards suggested as an alternative, but bad. Boards without slrn compatibility suggested as alternative if new ones don't appear. Decision needed soon.

Ashley asks if the committee wants to buy food for meetings, after a comment at the last meeting. It is pointed out to Ashley that the comment was in fact a joke. Ashley does not get jokes.