RBOnly:Minutes 2004 09 27

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Redbrick Committee Meeting: 27 October 2004

Present: Michelle, Donal, Charlene, Charlie, Eoghan, Mark, Mickey, Tina, John, Una, Dave.


Grant Application \___________________________________________________

A preliminary discussion on the grant application revealed that redbrick would be principally requesting funding for events but that some hardware was also needed:

Events - Mark will supply a full list to Charlene, who will assist him with costings. Descriptions will be required for these events, as well as financial projections. 8 tutorials are expected per semester, after which refreshments will be served. The first tutorial will take place on 11 October 2004.

Hardware - A fibre converter, rack rails and a cable tidy are required. The need for the fibre converter was debated by Dave, but ultimately not removed.


Website \______________________________________________________________

- Some elements of the site are out of date and will be updated by Dave. - Tina will email the webgroup with a request to have access to the front page.


Clubs & Socs Day \_____________________________________________________

- Tina has ideas for the stand and will discuss these with the committee

 before C&S day.

- Donal is working on an a0 print of the logo. - Committee are to mail their availability to the list for the two days. - Tshirts are being printed; 10 Medium, 10 Large. - Paul May has agreed to supply helium for the balloons.


First Event \__________________________________________________________

- No buses will be run to the event, because they were not adequately used

 last year to justify them again.

- A PA desk id needed. The SPC will not allow theirs to be taken off campus.

 Mark will look for quotes.


TV & DVD \_____________________________________________________________

- Michelle and Eoghan to organise buying and transport of these.


Posters \______________________________________________________________

- Donal feels that the current poster designs lack the cohesiveness of

 previous, more branded campaigns. Tina says that this is a deliberate move 
 away from what some people commented on as a boring look. Donal requested a
 compromise to include branded posters again.

- The high cost of printing was discussed and it was agreed that more would not

 be spent on C&S Day booklets. Tina, Charlene and Una will photocopy and put
 them together instead.


Banner \_______________________________________________________________

- Michelle to make contact about having the banner put up in the Hub.


Troublegum \___________________________________________________________

- troublegum.redbrick.dcu.ie was briefly and unfruitfully discussed.