RBOnly:Minutes 2003 11 17

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Minutes for RedBrick committee meeting 17/11/2003

  Location: outside L240
  Time: 6pm
  Persons present:
  Chairperson: Dave (emperor)
  Secretary:   Cillian (cns)
  Treasurer:   Séamus (mael)
  Events:      Tina (dramaq)
  PRO:         Aisling (aeris)
  Helpdesk:    Ning (sunshine)
  Helpdesk:    Eoin (cambo)
  Admin:       Martin (tuama)
  Admin:       Martin (prolix)
  Admin:       Dermot (dizer)
  Persons excused:
  Webmaster:   Declan (skyhawk)
  Helpdesk:    Una (keloe)
  Persons absent:
  Other people present:
   1. Review of minutes from last meeting
      Last minutes from 2003-11-03 passed.
   2. Agenda for this meeting
        1. Christmas Event
           No updates, waiting to hear back from Coyote. Voodoo Lounge
           also booked as fallback by Music Soc.
        2. Hardware purchases
             1. New IDE disks for Enigma ordered.
             2. EUR5000 allocated for new Dell PowerEdge 2650. It is
                expected that we cough up the remainder (approx.
                EUR2000). This will be our last major grant of this size
                until 2007/08 academic year. This is based on the fact
                that the 2 Dells have a 3 year warranty (which can be
   3. Any other business
      No other business.