RBOnly:Minutes 2005 03 01

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RedBrick Committee Meeting: 01-03-2005

Present: Michelle, Mick, Padraic, Charlene, Tina, Aisling, John, Stephen, Charlie, Mark, Riona (our SPC rep)

Apologies: Dave, Eoghan.

Tech Week

It was agreed that committee should go to as many talks as they can for the rest of the week. The talks are to be put up on RB.

The room for the life.dcu.ie was double booked, but we have it.

MPS should film Wavehunt, which has appeared on slashdot and ilug. Committee are to turn up at 11am Saturday to help with organisation.

21st April Debate

Dec (skyhawk@rb) has informed us of an upcoming debate that is to be run by CA in conjunction with RedBrick.

Prize for the best speaker is an iPod, winning speakers get E100. There are 8 members per team, celebrities are to present prizes.

We are to run heats, more details to be given to us this week. Riona suggested approaching debate soc to help out with heats.

Committee Recruitment

General consensus is to go ahead with Committee Recruitment plan as in Dec's (skyhawk@rb) mail. Each committee member to put together something about their own position.

Best Society Award

Tina requested some input for the application we are putting together for Best Society. Riona gave us some guidance regarding how to do a good application. Suggestions included:

* getting committee together to fill out application.
* emphasise how the membership feels about the society.
* look at original objectives and those that you fulfilled.
* give an idea how the committee influences RedBrick.
* Be enthusiastic in your application, but not overly so.
* Use bullet points
* Get quotes from those with an interest in RedBrick.

Best Fresher Award

Concerns were expressed by Riona that we don't have a first year rep on the society, this would make identifying a best Fresher much easier.

Stephen may be eligible for Best Fresher, Riona to confirm.

JesJes@rb was also suggested as a possible candidate for Best Fresher as she has attended events and taken photographs for us since the start of the year. She's also considering running for a committee position next year.

Best Individual

Tina and thedara@rb were put forward as possible Best Individuals. References may be needed for the person that we do put forward.

Table Quiz

Questions are currently being written, still need to find spot and 2nd/3rd prizes. iPod shuffles still the favoured first prize.

Mark to book the bar for the 5th April. Concerns were expressed that football may adversely affect the quiz if shown in the bar.

Boards Culling

Charlie said the boards culling can be done. Tina to get a copy of the boards user's plan for cutting down on boards.


List of categories to be mailed to the list and decided on.

Charlene expressed concerns about money needed for prizes. Tina said that trophies should be sufficient.

Awards are to be held the night of the AGM, wich is to be held on the 12th of April (tentative date).

New bar suggested as a possible location for the awards.

A vote script may be used to let the membership vote on each category. It was suggested that we let the membership submit their own categories for voting, with the committee deciding on the core categories.