RBOnly:Minutes 2005 11 07

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RedBrick Committee Meeting Minutes 07-11-2005

Present: Michelle, Jes, Dave, Charlie, Una, Eoghan, Ken, Dara, Simon, Stephen(Igy), Stephen(Ryaner) Absent: Karl(first warning)

Matters Arising

There were no matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting


Jesjes brought up the fact that not all committee members were replying to committee mail. It was agreed that all committee members need to reply to all e-mails.

Open Day

For the Open day on the 19th we decided to have winters dressed up as a redbrick. Also, we're going to share a tank of hellium with Drama soc for our balloons. We might be running wavehunt on campus during the open day and possibly have a screen and projector showing photos, etc from Redbrick events

Recap on Halloween

we had 55 people that paid into the halloween event plus the committee and the bands. Amz was given the prize for best costume at the event... a 50 itunes voucher Although we made a loss, attendance was better than last year and there were more people dressed up

Xmas Event

Decided to hold the event the wednesday of week 11 after the Drama soc pantomime. We're going to keep the new bar open after the panto while we set up the venue. Dara is to work with Joe and Shelly from Drama soc on the event. Jesjes is to sort out posters with joe for the event. We decided on the following ticket prices -

  • 4 euro for non members
  • 3 euro for members
  • 2 euro for people that attend the panto before the xmas ball

Tech Week

Suggestions for what societies to invite - Astrosoc, Gamessoc, Filmsoc, MPS, PhysEng, AMS, Photosoc, Dramasoc

Suggestions for Speakers -

  • Devore(Tom Murphy)
  • Someone from the Irish Developers network
  • Lecturers from dcu

Also, possibly having a debating competition running throughout the week.

Wavehunt - The locations for wavehunt during tech week are to remain the same as last year.


A workshop on Advanced HTML will be held this wednesday The calender for the rest of the workshops this year is to be done by helpdesk and given to Una.

Table Quiz

The Table quiz will be held the tuesday before the AGM. We're going to look for sponsorship for prizes.

Sponsorship Update

Dara hasn't had any reply from the companies he has e-mailed regarding sponsorship. He is going to e-mail the companies again this week.

10th Birthday Update

Dara is talking to the guinness store house about holding the event there.


Ice Skating - Jesjes brought up the posibility of redbrick organising people to go Ice Skating nearer to christmas. Whether the event will be subsidised or not is still to be decided. Probably will be held some wednesday closer to christmas.