RBOnly:Minutes 2003 11 03

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Minutes for RedBrick committee meeting 3/11/2003

Location: Outside L240 Time: 6pm


Persons present: Chairperson: Dave (emperor) Secretary: Cillian (cns) Events: Tina (dramaq) PRO: Aisling (aeris) Webmaster: Declan (skyhawk) Helpdesk: Ning (sunshine) Helpdesk: Eoin (cambo) Helpdesk: Una (keloe) Admin: Martin (tuama) Admin: Martin (prolix) Admin: Dermot (dizer)

Persons excused:

Persons absent: Treasurer: Séamus (mael)

Other people present:


   1. Review of minutes from last meeting
      Last minutes from 2003-10-20 passed.
   2. Agenda for this meeting
        1. Grant Allocations
           Ning attended SPC TGM. Dave met with Myk about our
           allocations, we were allocated for all events and hardware
           except the new DELL server. This will be discussed at the
           SPC's next meeting (Wednesday).
        2. Events
             1. To follow on from the Halloween event, it's been
                proposed to have regular bar trips every 2 weeks,
                possibly Tue/Wed in the Slipper but no reservation. Try
                to get as many committee people there as possible!
             2. Christmas Event: plans to team up with Music Soc who
                seem interested, possibly also ask Games Soc.
                Possibility of live music at event and what venues are
                available was discussed.
             3. Committee Meal!
                Agreed on venue and day.
        3. Any other business
             1. Get some sort of present for Mike Scott ? (society
             2. Try to recruit some event gophers (possibly resurrect
                the old mailing lists, but focus more on just getting
                people for starters).