RBOnly:Minutes 2000 11 17

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Minutes of meeting, 17th November 2000

Present: kpodesta, moridin, bubble, spock, cokane, mark, redgiant, phil

o Disk Array

- Phil will mail Dave Murphy to ask him to order it

o Xmas Event

- Fraisers will give us upstairs for free & food for "about" £150.
- Conor to contact manager & inquire as to getting downstairs.
- We may need a bar extension

o Finance/Allocations

- Speakers x 4: £120
- Games Night: £100
- DLT Backup: £1500 Sterling
- Tapes: £280
- Galway x 50: £360
- Accomodation x 50 x 1 night £375
- Singer/Songwriter: £200

o Admins Alias

- This should be for Elected Admins/Webmasters Past & Present only - NOT anybody else. DoC will be removed from the alias.

o Proposed Constitutional Amendments

a) Equipment Officer


"that article 4, subsection 5 be addended to include:

             equipment officer

that the following subsection be added to article 4:

      8. The equipment officer position may be filled by an existing
          member of the current committee at the descretion of the
          committee with the apporval of the membership by way
          of a ballot."

that the following subsection be inserted into article 6 after subsection 8 and that subsection 9 of article 6 be amended to subsection 10.

       9. The equipment officer shall be responsible for the
          physical security and maintenance of all property
          of the society; ensuring that all property is
          properly insured and maintaining a regular inventory
          of all society property, listing it's location
          and status. The equipment officer may ,at their
          discretion, treat items of property physically connected
          as single items, in accordance with convention.
          The term "property" shall in the context of this
          subsection be taken to mean: all items owned, on
          loan to or on lease to the society.
-> Committee Stance: We don't feel this is necessary - the admins look 

after our physical equipment - It's all in the monolith. There is no need to create another superfilous position.

b) Typos


Typos are not a matter to be brought up for constitutional amendment - they will be corrected by the webgroup / webmaster if brought to their / his attention.

c) Associate Members


Article 3, Subsection 5, Paragraph 6 be changed to read:

"Associate members of the society shall be entitled to attend all general meetings of the society. Associate members do not have voting rights at these meetings. However, these rights may be altered by a majority vote at a general meeting of the society."

-> Committee Stance: This is against the SPC constitution and can not go through.

d) Committee Meeting Attendance


Amendment Artitle 7.3

Any committee member who fails to attend 3 committee meetings in a row is deemed to have resigned their position.

-> Committee Stance: Agreed

e) Admin / Webmaster Testing


That Article 5, Subsection 3, Paragraph 1 be amended to read :

"Pass an Aptitude test, as devised by the outgoing webmaster for webmaster candidates, or system administrators for system administrator candidates. If it is deemed preferable to do so, the test may be set by a third party nominated by the webmaster (in the case of the wemaster examination), or by a majority of the system administrators (in the case of the system administrator exams). The nomination of the third party is open to review by the committee"

-> Committee Stance: This is fine, except the 3rd party is to be nominated by the committee.

f) Notice


That the phrase "four working days" in Article 9, subsection 7, be changed to read "7 (seven) days".

-> Committee Stance: Agreed

That the phrase "four working days" in Article 7, subsection 1, Paragraph 1, be changed to read "7 (seven) days".

-> Committee Stance: Agreed

"Notice of a proposal to seek an amendment to this constitution shall be given to members at least 5 (five) days prior to the meeting at which such proposal shall be considered. Such a proposal must receive the approval of two thirds of the members present at such meeting."

-> Committee Stance: Agreed.

g) Standing Orders


Article 9, subsection 10

"Temporary resolutions ("Standing Orders") of the society, made by the committee, be they at a "general meeting" (as described in this article) or at regular meetings (as described in Article 6, subsection 9) may be made if it is imperative that a decision may be made, and an EGM is not practical. These standing orders are binding until the next "general meeting", where the committee may endeavour to amend this constitution to reflect the standing order. If this is not done, the standing order becomes null and void. This shall be treated as a constitutional amendment ( as described in Article 10, subsection 4)"

-> Committee Stance: Standing orders are a feature of all societies & all committies everywhere, they are the policies of the committee and are up to the committee to decide on, they affect the running of the committee and do not need to be voted on by anyone else.

That the following shall be appended to Article 5, Subsection 1:

"This election will take place using the system of proportional representation, with a single transferable vote."

-> Committee Stance: This is a standing order/policy - it does not belong in the constitution.

h) Minutes


Article 6, Subsection 2a

"Minutes taken at Committee and General meetings shall be made available for perusal by any member of the society"

-> Committee Stance: Against this for the following reasons

    - Other Socs Spying on us
    - Committee Having to defend everything that is said or decided upon at meetings
    - Would affect committee running, such as planning ents etc.
    - At the end of the day we're elected, if you don't trust us to run the soc then  don't elect us.

i) Committee Positions


That Article 6, Subsection 4 be amended to read:

"The public relations officer (PRO) should be responsible for the advertising of functions of the society through all means possible. They shall also be responsible for seeking sponsorship, and liaising with points of contact in industry, in pursuance of said sponsorship."

-> Committee Stance: This is shared over the PRO, Secretary & Chair - it should not be just left up to the PRO to do.

That the following be appended to Article 6, Subsection 9:

"The secretary will be responsible for ensuring minutes are taken at these meetings."

-> Committee Stance: This is part of the function of a secretary in any Soc - it doesn't need to be added.

that article 6, subsection 6 be amended to the following:

       The Webmaster shall be responsible for the design,
       implementation, and maintenance of the web site;
       the security and maintenance of the webserver and
       assosciated utilities. They shall work in conjunction
       with other members of the committee in order to
       publicise society details via the web.

-> Committee Stance: Security of the system is the domain of the Admins, they are ultimately responsible, not the webmaster.

That Article 4, Subsection 7 be changed to read:

"A quorum shall be seven committee members"

-> Committee Stance: Change this to "a majority of the committee" as committee numbers may change. wq