RBOnly:Minutes 2000 11 21

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Newsgroups: redbrick.announce Subject: Minutes of EGM, 21st November 2000 Reply-To: moridin@redbrick.dcu.ie Followup-To: Keywords: Summary:

Committee Members Present: kpodesta, moridin, bubble, spock, mark,

                          redgiant, phil, cokane, p.



o Sysadmins

 - 3 Candidates
   * cns ->> 81% in exam
   * macbain ->> 55 % in exam
   * noelfitz ->> 51% in exam

Results of election: macbain - 29 votes

                    noelfitz - 15 votes
                    cns - 13 votes

o Ents

 - 1 candidate
   * tibor

tibor elected by a majority vote.

Constitutional Amendments:


All constitutional amendments were declared null and void.

EGM was abandoned after it was pointed out that there was no longer quorum present at the meeting, and as such no constitutional amendments could be passed.

-- Moridin Secretary, DCUNS