Why Did You Choose Your Username

From Redbrick Wiki
Revision as of 11:04, 24 August 2005 by Cammy (talk | contribs) (Updating to new syntax)

Feel free to add an an entry about your username below!


Because that's my real name. I thought Redbrick was some email yoke - all else fails, I was getting a decent email address.


8 letter truncation of my real name (boring but true.)


Sarunas Vancevicius. First letter of name, then first 3 letters from surname.


Cause I'm an xphile and Mulder's first name is Fox. :)


Cause as a fresher I though it was the character's name from The Hobbit


Cool picture I have hanging up. Have had it for ages and its by Art Wolfe.


I was a singer in a band. The guitarist mocked me for being the singer by calling me "singer". The nickname stuck. Non-Redbrick people address me as singer! My 2nd choice username was "scano".


It was a character in a book (Illusions by Richard Bach) I read during my formative years. Another rb user thought the description of the protagonist was suited to me so I nabbed the name.


I didn't. It was assigned on the basis that a) I was asleep and b) I read comics, didn't I? Ironically, I hadn't read much Sandman at the time.


Coz I like the sound of it. And coz it goes crazy when you put it in water. And not because of the Nirvana song.


I was using it as a web handle long before I joined Redbrick. It comes from the name of one of my first roleplaying characters that wasn't just a bunch of stats. The name for that roleplaying character though, came from the computer game Streetfighter 2.

Well actually cammy was my second choice. I would have liked to use The_Dead_One but that exceeds the 8 character limit.