RBOnly:Minutes 12 02 2008

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Revision as of 23:57, 14 April 2008 by Undone (talk | contribs)
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Absent: Cian (excused), Amy, David. Late: Padraig

Previous Minutes + Agenda

  • Approved.


  • Apache nearly ready, Minerva updated, everything probably ok.
  • Band secured for Tech Week.
  • Dano failed at posters.
  • Kev rocks.
  • Richard broke stuff, possibly fixed the wiki.
  • Eoghan did helpdesk stuff and got a job in Sun.
  • Andrew did stuff. Apparently, Andrew had sex once.

Tech Week

  • Light & Sound Workshop - no progress yet. Emails to be sent after pizza.
  • Photoshop Workshop - Eimear Fitzmaurice best person to host. If unavailable, one of us could do it if it's laid out in advance. Mac lab needs booking.
  • Allan Dixon good for Video talk. Time and booking needed for Monday.
  • Barballs for Web Design Workshop. 4-5pm, might need to be later for him.
  • RES - not enough time to organise properly.
  • Demonware pretty much confirmed.
  • PC building workshop afterwards.
  • Linux installfest ready, pizza and tables needed.
  • Cian probably hasn't contacted colmacc yet. Kev to do it instead.
  • Q-Zar is a yes.

Launch Party

  • Launch party thing. Padraig mailed people for booking, awaiting replies.
  • Band booked
  • Andrew wants to charge 3 euro in.
  • Kev thinks this is the worst idea ever. Padraig thinks this is the best idea ever.
  • Suggested that on a Monday no-one will pay it, most disagree. Committee votes in favour of a charge for the night. Money to go to RAG Week charities.
  • Tuesday could be better if possible, would mean change of some plans though.
  • Not to be advertised fully as a launch party, other societies to be invited.
  • Eoghan wants his socs in pairs. God I hate Eoghan sometimes.

Helpdesk Workshop

  • Room booked, mail sent, material prepared.
  • Another email suggested, but not enough extra content to justify mailing everyone.
  • Need people to help out.

Limerick Trip

  • About 10 people will go, Kev to reply to mail. Funding to be applied for.

RAG Week

  • Hard drive smashing idea well received, estates need to be contacted by Andrew/Padraig.


  • Ask to repeer, invite to Limerick stuff.


  • Our favourite member has been banned and unbanned again, longer ban needed? Not yet.