RBOnly:Minutes 2003 12 01

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Minutes for RedBrick committee meeting 01/12/2003

Location: L221 Time: 6pm


Persons present:

  • Chairperson: Dave (emperor)
  • Secretary: Cillian (cns)
  • Treasurer: Séamus (mael)
  • Events: Tina (dramaq)
  • PRO: Aisling (aeris)
  • Webmaster: Declan (skyhawk)
  • Helpdesk: Ning (sunshine)
  • Helpdesk: Eoin (cambo)
  • Helpdesk: Una (keloe)
  • Admin: Martin (tuama)
  • Admin: Martin (prolix)
  • Admin: Dermot (dizer)

Persons excused:

Persons absent:

Other people present:


   1. Review of minutes from last meeting
      Last minutes from 2003-11-17 passed.
   2. Agenda for this meeting
        1. Hardware purchases
           Purchase of new server going ahead. EUR6993 total. Payment
           will be sorted within the week. Also getting extra UPS & RAID
           kit from HEAnet this week. No updates on IDE disks.
        2. Christmas event
           EUR500 for Coyote (allocated EUR300 from SPC). A free DJ and
           christmas decorations has been promised. Stand to be setup in
           hub with some music for selling tickets.
        3. Possible Talk
           Anytime after December (so 2nd semester).
        4. Next semester events & plans
           Some general disussion on next semester.
   3. Any other business
        1. Multiple year membership
           Waiting on Myk to ask SPC about this. Myk personally forsees
           no problem with it.
        2. Presents
           Suggested we should get CSD & HEAnet a Christmas pressie.
           Also suggested that this presentation could be tied in with
           the long-forgotten "room launch".