RBOnly:Minutes 2002 10 14

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Minutes of Meeting, 14th October 2002.


  • Shane, Mark C, Carla, Grainne, Cillian, David, Nikki, Dermot, Andrew


  • Declan, Eoin, Mark D


  • A trip to Galway has been put on the Grant Form.
  • Halloween event:
    • Various suggestions were made, including a poker night, fancy dress party.
    • The possibility of organising a joint event with Film Soc was put forward, but objections were raised by some.
  • Talks are in the pipeline. There is a possibility that with some of the names involved also holding talks in Trinity, that costs could be shared.
  • informal bar meetings could be a good way to increase social interaction between new members.
  • Most tickets are gone for the Fresher Event. More will be printed.
  • The drinks promotions only need confirming, and all will be ready.
  • Pugwash have confirmed that they will play.


  • Grant Forms:
    • Approx €4500 has been requested from the SPC
  • The finances for the possible trip was discussed between Carla and Grainne.
  • Regards the SSL Cert, correspondence is still needed between the representative and Grainne.
  • The cheque from the SU needs picking up ASAP.
  • A new cheque book has been ordered, and a credit card for RedBrick was talked of.

Helpdesk Tutorials

  • LG25 in the CA building has been block booked for the next 6 weeks, and booked for each Tuesday.
  • Posters need doing; Shane is on this.
  • The running order for the tutorials was roughly drafted, with an idea of what subjects the future tutorials will encompass.
  • The first one shall be on RedBrick basics, logging in etc - the usual malarkey.

Clubs and Socs Day

  • The possibility of a letter of complaint from Film Soc and RedBrick, to be sent to the appropriate institutions, regarding the perceived inferior position the two societies found themselves in on C&S day.
  • An apology was given by Ian Russell when Nikki talked to him recently.

Account Renewals

  • Tables for more recruitment and the selling of tickets will be present in either the Hub or the canteen. They should also sell the Fresher event tickets when ready.

Colm's Proposal

  • The long winded proposal by Colm regarding a new method of communication (to take shape in the form of a mailing list) was talked about, with the general consensus being in favour of such a move.
  • The point on sponsorship was thrown aside.
  • The list users, and who they should be, and who in particular should have preference, was talked of. It was argued that only official RedBrick members should be allowed mail to this account, with associates only have read privileges.
  • Should sensitive issues need censoring?


  • All is going well:
    • Cillian needs to stress test everything on the mail set-up before the roll-out can start.
    • The problems with the rollover to Enigma was discussed => it could be tricky.
    • For WebMail, a tentative date of around Christmas was given.
  • WebBoards:
    • The problem with the cache-post section is working, and almost everything at this stage is finished.
    • Only the interface, and general cosmetic things need completed before it can be released.

Any Other Business

  • A Standing Order for a procedure regarding disuserments and how they are to be conducted was suggested. David offered to write this up.
  • Colm's indiscretion on the boards, and his posting of private committee mails

to the boards was discussed.

  • Phil's proposal for an "official" line on how the secretary takes minutes, and the process by which these minutes are accepted by the committee was talked about. The proposal was greeted as a good idea.
  • We need to agree on a weekly schedule of meetings, and come with a time, suitable for all.
  • User gumibear wishes to join the next committee meeting; this is fine by us.
  • The possibility of a SO, to allow members to attend and observe committee meetings was suggested. No formal wording has been devised, as the amount of interaction the observers would be allowed needed ironing out.
  • ets.dcu.ie: Nikki needs to write a mail in responce to the College View, and their article on the issue with Adam Buckeridge. ASAP.
  • We need a skip to dump all our "junk" that has collected in teh C&S offices. The SU may be getting a skip for themselves, and we were asked if we would be interested in using it. The problem with the acid batteries and their disposal still remains.