RBOnly:Minutes 2000 10 23

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Meeting Minutes, 23rd July.


  • Kpodesta, Moridin, Spock, Bootie, Cokane, P, Mark, Redgiant.


  • The EGM will be held in the middle of november. Date to be decided at next meeting.
  • Ents Officer & Admin Positions needed to be filled.

TBMC Event

  • Cost us £2000 altogeither - we need to get £1000 back off the SPC and we got £200 off AIB for sponsorship.
  • Review is in "An Tarbh"

Clubs & Socs Ball

  • 22nd november
  • Headlined by Picture House (yaay)
  • Tickets £28, on sale on 1st Nov
  • Redbrick allocation is 100 tickets
  • Write a script to allow members to reserve a ticket.
  • Any profit will be used to put on another event
  • Jon is setting up another account in redbricks name to handle ball financing.


  • waiting for Heinekin (sp?) rep to get back to us on the movie to be downloaded off the website.
  • Wine Bar for Halloween Event. Filmsoc to show "Halloween" first then event.

Helpdesk Tutorials

  • Basic "how to use redbrick"
  • Advanced Mailing List setup
  • Tuesday week.

Committee Meetings

Every 2nd Monday at 6pm in the Student Centre.


  • Banana: for aliasing pico to tibors script on Dans account.
  • Spinal cancelled a posting by Moridin by faking his.slrnrc file - if he does it again he'll be disusered.


  • Helpdesk
    • Basic Security Webpage
    • Tutorials


  • Talk to Doomgod/Macbain about Nethouse.
  • Ring Planet Cyber Cafe.

Kevin P



  • Talk to Ronan in the bar
  • Talk to John from Filmsoc.