RBOnly:Minutes 2000 11 06

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Minutes of meeting, 06-11-2000.


  • kpodesta, moridin, p, mark, phil, bubble, redgiant, cokane.

Matters Discussed:


IBM are coming in on 07-11-2000 to speak to the heads of the departments that have proposed projects for the S390. Karl is going as head of redbrick.


We need to reclaim this from the drama soc - i.e. we need the key for it. Ian Russell should have it so Kevin will go to him & see if he can get one.

CD Burner

When is it being installed in teh Clubs & Socs area, or what is happening with it?

Redbrick Locker

We're goint to try & get a standard college locker to alleviate the cramping in Karl & Barrys locker.

HelpDesk Tutorials

  • Tuesday Week in LG26
  • Posters need to be postered
  • Flyers need to be flyered

Xmas Event

  • Suggestions to go to Caroline/Conor
  • Perhaps a TV/Movie themed night?

Games Night

  • Thursday 9th in Nethouse @ 10pm.
  • about 5 places left
  • Meet in the "street" or get bus from town.


  • Monday 20th
  • Admin positions up for grabs
  • Admin Test: Wed 15th 4pm...
  • ENTS
  • Karl will email membership...

RAID Array

  • ordering thru drjolt
  • Phil will handle it this week

CSD Talks

Proposing getting ppl to do talks on different computing topics - perhaps we should get involved or even run the same type of thing ouselves if theirs falls through.


  • Will use a Bot for flooding, namechanges & colours.
  • Flooding = 4 lines in 2 seconds
  • Will implement a system where you can register another nick & use that instead of your username if you so wish.
  • Colours are not allowed.