RBOnly:Minutes 1998 03 31

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Minutes of DCUNS AGM 1998 - QG12 - Business School

Chairperson verified quorom and called meeting to order

Chairperson's report

Patrick detailed redbrick activities for the previous year, highlighting the new server, sponsorship received, and successful events.

Treasurers report

Aoibhe detailed some financial activities over the previous year - included SPC grants, expenditures, and current balance of the bank account.


Kevin told us all about the events that went on.


A motion was carried to suspend article 10.4 of the constitution for the duration of the meeting.


Elections for committee positions took place, the following people were elected to their respective positions.

  • Chairperson - Justin Moran
  • Secretary - Jonathan Lundberg
  • Treasurer - Caroline Sheedy
  • Ents/PRO - Cecily Murray
  • Webmaster - Dave Murphy
  • Sys Admins
    • Ka Chun Leung
    • John Looney
    • Cian Synnott
  • Helpdesk
    • Sarvesh Singh
    • Aoife Cahill
    • Eoin McGrath

Any Other Business

Questions were fielded by members, and answered by the committee.

Meeting adjourned