RBOnly:Minutes 1998 11 05

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The Chairperson verified that there was a quorom, and gave an

       introductory note

Cecily gave a brief piece about Ents for the year, past, and future.


  • Nominations for Sys Admin (2 positions vacant)
    • John Bolger
    • Colin Whittaker

Both elected by a show of hands.

  • Nominations for Webmaster
    • Brian Scanlan

Elected by a show of hands.

  • Nominations for Helpdesk (1 position vacant)
    • Vote was taken, these are the results
      • Sheila Pollard 79
      • Barry o Neill 139
      • Dave O Connor 63
      • Matthew Hollingsworth 50


It was proposed that Electronic Voting take place for the next AGM, voting to take place 1 week prior to the AGM.


John Looney talked about misdemeanours, harrassment of users on the system by other users who think they are "anonymous". There should be a publically accessible list, containing usernames and their corresponding real names. Admins can disuser people on their own merit.

Ka Chun

The incident involving Ka Chun was discussed briefly. Patrick Grant proposed that there be a new method formalised to deal with complaints.


Trying to get chat back -> Carry out a survey detailing computer usage on campus, and present it to computer services, to try and come to some arrangement on getting the chat server back online.


Dave Madden suggested some sort of "tribunal" system for dealing with complaints.


It was proposed that we adopt a system used by DBES, in which old committee members become consultants to the new committee. (it was pointed out that such a system already exists, however informal)


New Res -> "Resbrick" - talk to Computer Services and find out what infrastructure currently exists in new res to acomodate a computer network, and what plans exist for it's use.

The meeting was called to a close