RBOnly:Minutes 1997 11 06

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Revision as of 16:04, 19 June 2008 by Train (talk | contribs)
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  • Jonathan Lundberg Dave Murphy
  • Aoibhe McGoveran
  • Dermot Hanley
  • Daire Mc Kenna
  • James Raftery
  • Ka Chun Leung
  • Kevin O Donovan
  • Shane O hUid
  • Andy Lawless

Jolly Beggarman Halloween Event

  • We lost 160 pounds
  • Implications, financial or otherwise
    • Good event, losses were expected.

Next Event - Break For The Border

  • November 26th
  • Costing each society 350 pounds
  • Prices decided at
    • 3 pounds per member
    • 4 pounds non members
    • 1 pound extra for coach

Future Events

  • Ideas include.......
    • RedBox 1998
    • Table Quiz in The Bar
  • Xmas 1997 Event
    • Leisureplex Blachardstown (Kevin will look into)
    • Gingerman (?)

New Server

  • Hub will arrive on Monday
  • Chip, Fan, and courier paid for
  • N213 is the room (James' Brother)
  • Installation on Sat/Sun 15th November
  • New passwords mailed out
  • Need money for 9Gig Hard Drive
  • Need to make appointment with someone in CS dept.


  • Books Unlimited have given 500 pounds
  • S3 Holding off until committee problems resolved
  • Andy Lawless has ideas about Microsoft sponsorship
  • Write to ISP's etc asking for sponsorship

Education Officers

  • Tutorials begin on Monday, 6pm - 8pm
  • Teaching the basics - flin, mail, chat etc.

Other Business

  • SPC are aware of our president
    • (Dr. Mike Scott, CA Dept.)
  • Vote taken, decided to register "Redbrick.Org".
  • Membership cards - No
  • Start hassling SU etc for room in Student Centre
  • Strange Things have Playstation back - possible games event
  • Committee business
    • Dave O Flynn, formally resigned, no longer a committee member
    • Jonathan, as he said, calls for resignation of anyone not at this important meeting, they include
      • Dave Murphy
    • Committee needs restructuring?
      • Vote - Yes
    • Free Event for members?
      • Not without Sponsorship.
    • Give membership with event tickets?
      • No.