Useful Commands

From Redbrick Wiki
Revision as of 16:35, 22 October 2009 by Lil cain (talk | contribs)

So, Sonic suggested a list of useful commands

393 2009-10-22 16:55:58     @sonic  What would ye all think about making up some cheatsheets or perhaps getting people such as   johan/atlas/lil_cain/andrew/haus/myself to make one up or suggest entries
394 2009-10-22 16:56:20     andrew  sounds like a wiki project
395 2009-10-22 16:56:38     andrew  start something with each talk
396 2009-10-22 16:56:44     andrew  then let people contribute etc.
397 2009-10-22 16:56:49     lil_cain        Define cheatsheet?
398 2009-10-22 16:59:06     haus    old topic is old
399 2009-10-22 17:01:09     --      lil_cain has unset topic for #rbTraineeAdmins 
400 2009-10-22 17:01:54     @sonic  lil_cain: similar to what you posted a few days ago in here
401 2009-10-22 17:02:05     @sonic  most popular commands/switches, what they do

So, I'm adding it

Useful Mail Stuff -

mutt -Z :-: Opens mutt, with a folder with new mail open

mutt -y :-: Opens mutt, with folders

mutt -s <subject> <email address> :-: pipe/redirect stuff to this to send email