
From Redbrick Wiki

The term 'Brickie' is a very confusing and confused one. It means a lot more than simply a member of Redbrick but what exactly it means is not quite clear. Some members are Brickies, some are not. Being a Brickie is much more than joining, paying the two quid and logging in every now and again. But there are no hard and fast rules for who is and isn't a Brickie except for one. If Brickies tell you you're a Brickie then the chances are you are one. The Brickies of the Society are Redbrick's version of the Union Hacks. They are people whose lives to a significant extent revole about the society. Most Brickies have huge login hours on Shadow's web-page. They attend Redbrick functions on a regular basis, they use the system to the full either thru posting, chatting, mailing or heying or all four together.

The term Brickie has slowly trickled into general usage around the College and is used by outsiders (Non-society members) to refer to ALL Redbrick members, typically disparagingly. There is also a more dedicated version of the Brickie, the so-called 'Hardcore Brickie', the Brickie whose life revolves around Redbrick to the exclusion of almost anything, or anyone, else. (You know who yese are) All Committee members are, whether they like it or not, part of that category.

Brickies are the 'known' people on Redbrick. Those who require a certain reputation either thru notoriety or always being logged on and posting. If you're still not sure whether you're a Brickie or not, ask one. You know who they are :)


Origionally from the Encyclopedia