
From Redbrick Wiki

Committee Changeovers


This is a dummies guide and checklist for the admins outlining what needs to be done during the changeover from one committee to the next.

The Changeover

Committee Group

All members of the committee should be added to the committee group. This will allow them to read and edit the committee-owned documents.

root@deathray:/local/admin/scripts/rrs# ./useradm convert
RETURN: use [default] given  TAB: answer completion  EOF: give empty answer

Enter username
[no default] >> $new_committee_member

Conversion usertype must be specified. List of valid usertypes:

 member       Normal member
 associat     Graduate/associate member
 staff        DCU staff member
 committe     Committee member or a position account
 society      DCU society
 club         DCU club
 dcu          DCU related account
 projects     RedBrick/DCU/Course project account
 redbrick     RedBrick related account
 intersoc     Account for society from another college
 guest        Guest account

Special committee positions (usertype is 'committe'):

 admin        Elected admin
 helpdesk     Elected helpdesk
 webmaster    Elected webmaster 

Enter conversion usertype
(hints) [no default] >> committe 

Enter who updated this user (give Unix username)
[root] >> atlas

User converted: $new_committee_member -> committe
Account converted: $new_committee_member -> committe
Subscribed: $

This changes the gidNumber of the user in LDAP to 100 (the committee group). It also subscribes the user to the committee mailing list. Do this for each of the new committee members.



Add each user to the #rbcommittee access list, with an access level of 40.

/msg chanserv access #rbcommittee add *!$ 40


Add each user to the #lobby access list, with a level of 10 (or 40 for admins).

/msg chanserv access #lobby add *!$ 10


Add the webmaster to the webgroup group on the webserver (currently In /etc/groups, add the username to the end of the line beginning:


Add the webmaster to the webmaster mailing list (webmaster <at> at


Add each member to the helpdesk mailing lists (TODO, list all lists).

Add each member to the LDAP helpdesk group:

root@deathray:~# ldapmodify -D cn=root,ou=ldap,o=redbrick -x -y /etc/ldap.secret
dn: cn=helpdesk,ou=groups,o=redbrick
changetype: modify
add: memberUid
memberUid: $new_helpdesk_member1
memberUid: $new_helpdesk_member2
memberUid: $new_helpdesk_member3
modifying entry "cn=helpdesk,ou=groups,o=redbrick"

(Bold text is what the user types.)


The tricky ones...

Add each member to the admin mailing lists (rb-admins and elected-admins).

Add each member to the LDAP root group:

root@deathray:~# ldapmodify -D cn=root,ou=ldap,o=redbrick -x -y /etc/ldap.secret
dn: cn=root,ou=groups,o=redbrick
changetype: modify
add: memberUid
memberUid: $new_admin_member1
memberUid: $new_admin_member2
memberUid: $new_admin_member3
modifying entry "cn=root,ou=groups,o=redbrick"

(Bold text is what the user types.)

Give each member a local account (in /etc/passwd) on each machine (TODO, document this, if necessary).