Dermot Lohan

From Redbrick Wiki

Dermot Lohan, politician extraordinaire, currently the president of USI and all round nice guy, is what you have to say to avoid having him sue you.

Formerly chairman of DBES, Dermot Lohan's meteoric rise to power began when he was but a mere strip of a lad serving as a more ordinary member of the committee. He became chairman the following year and served for an indeterminate period of time, some believe it to be several decades, of course it might just have felt like that.

He was also chairman of the SPC (Societies & Publications Commmittee), the organization within DCU responsible for handing out the society grants. In his time in the SPC, DBES flourished, through no action of Mr. Lohan's of course. Believed by many to have godlike abilities to turn two hundred members into several thousands, Lohan was responsible for DBES' status as the largest society in DCU. Often heard (at Freshers' Day) muttering about only having three hundred members, Lohan was known to disappear behind a screen with a sheet with only 300 names on it, and emerge with a sheaf of names and student numbers of students who, miraculously had never attended DCU before.

In recent times, he has, as mentioned achieved that lofty status of USI president, surprising considering his term in DCU consisted of absolutely nothing noteworthy that will not get this writer sued for mentioning.

He has, on three seperate occasions been linked with legal action directed at Mr. Mike McHugh and is widely percieved as an utter gangster.


"Just an addendum to the Dermot Lohan entry to the encyclopaedia. Lohan resigned as president of USI last April."


Originally from the Encyclopedia