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Committee discuss Firewalls

2017-08-11 22:04:26	slackbot	@pints @greenday @akraak
2017-08-11 22:04:32	pints	@hexagon
2017-08-11 22:04:47	pints	Any object to donating a switch and a firewall to NUIG Compsoc
2017-08-11 22:05:02	pints	Juniper SRX220 $ EX3200
2017-08-11 22:05:20	pints	We have 4 and 6 of each respectively which are 100% not needed
2017-08-11 22:07:59	pints	@tbolt gonna get your input at least if that's cool
2017-08-11 22:08:40	akraak	i have no issues with that
2017-08-11 22:08:45	tbolt	neither do i
2017-08-11 22:08:47	tbolt	sounds good
2017-08-11 22:08:49	greenday	We cant use it so
2017-08-11 22:08:51	pints	:+1:
2017-08-11 22:08:53	pints	Ty
2017-08-11 22:08:56	greenday	Away it goes
2017-08-11 22:09:28	pints	o7
2017-08-11 22:09:37	pints	We still have loads left
2017-08-11 22:09:56	pints	I wanna earmark one of the SRX220s to test something
2017-08-11 22:11:50	greenday	Thats cool
2017-08-11 22:34:10	hexagon	@pints how do we have 6 firewalls? That makes no sense?!
2017-08-11 22:34:49	pints	All but 2 are in boxes
2017-08-11 22:34:50	pints	:)
2017-08-11 22:35:00	pints	And yes it does >.>
2017-08-11 22:35:42	pints	We've 2 networks, each gets its own firewall between it and the rest of the world
2017-08-11 22:36:08	hexagon	How are the firewalls in boxes?
2017-08-11 22:36:33	pints	Cardboard boxes
2017-08-11 22:36:39	pints	Like
2017-08-11 22:36:45	pints	We haven't opened them
2017-08-11 22:36:59	hexagon	Wtf?
2017-08-11 22:37:06	hexagon	Are you high rn?
2017-08-11 22:37:27	pints
2017-08-11 22:37:31	pints	No :P
2017-08-11 22:37:39	pints	They're a physical piece of hardware
2017-08-11 22:37:45	pints	They came to us in boxes
2017-08-11 22:37:53	pints	They have not yet left the boxes
2017-08-11 22:38:17	hexagon	And they have firewall installed?
2017-08-11 22:38:23	hexagon	What sort of firewall?
2017-08-11 22:38:44	pints	Em
2017-08-11 22:38:45	pints	Ok
2017-08-11 22:38:51	pints	Let's step back a sec
2017-08-11 22:38:59	pints	What does the word firewall mean to you :P
2017-08-11 22:39:33	hexagon	Why is it sold in cardboard boxes?
2017-08-11 22:40:01	pints
2017-08-11 22:40:07	pints	They're these things
2017-08-11 22:40:24	pints	Does that help
2017-08-11 22:40:28	pints	Please tell me that helps
2017-08-11 22:43:33	pints	hexagon: u ded?
2017-08-11 22:44:59	akraak	rip
2017-08-11 22:46:36	hexagon	How much are they worth?
2017-08-11 22:46:45	pints	~1200 each
2017-08-11 22:46:52	pints	We got them free from Juniper
2017-08-11 22:47:04	hexagon	Are they servers with firewall installed?
2017-08-11 22:47:09	pints	Mmkay
2017-08-11 22:47:19	pints	They *are* a firewall
2017-08-11 22:50:43	hexagon	....
2017-08-11 22:50:52	hexagon	I'm so confused rn
2017-08-11 22:51:20	pints	Again
2017-08-11 22:51:25	pints	Let's step back here
2017-08-11 22:51:39	pints	What does 'firewall' mean to you when you hear it
2017-08-11 22:52:26	hexagon	It's a wall that stops fire
2017-08-11 22:52:42	pints	...oh god
2017-08-11 22:53:13	hexagon	I'm joking :joy:
2017-08-11 22:54:05	greenday	I think it is just news to hexagon that there are hardware firewalls as well as software ones
2017-08-11 22:54:25	pints	...why didn't my /kick work >.>
2017-08-11 22:54:52	pints	@hexagon I swear to god that conversation nearly killed me
2017-08-11 22:56:25	pints	               _             
2017-08-11 22:56:25	pints	 _ __ ___  ___(_) __ _ _ __  
2017-08-11 22:56:25	pints	| '__/ _ \/ __| |/ _` | '_ \ 
2017-08-11 22:56:25	pints	| | |  __/\__ \ | (_| | | | |
2017-08-11 22:56:25	pints	|_|  \___||___/_|\__, |_| |_|
2017-08-11 22:56:25	pints	                 |___/       
2017-08-11 22:56:43	akraak	beutiful
2017-08-11 22:56:47	pints	So whilst we're here
2017-08-11 22:56:59	pints	@hexagon, what's a firewall?
2017-08-11 22:57:13	akraak	how do they keep them in cardboard boxes, wouldnt they light on fire?
2017-08-11 22:57:24	pints	No no no they STOP the fire, silly!
2017-08-11 22:57:49	akraak	but what if your'e fighting fire with fire
2017-08-11 22:58:10	pints	/u/fireguy12 would approve
2017-08-11 22:58:18	greenday	how cool would our rack be if there was a wall on fire always racked
2017-08-11 22:58:23	greenday	rip our colling though
2017-08-11 22:58:31	hexagon	What's a hardware firewall?
2017-08-11 22:58:35	pints	...........
2017-08-11 22:58:39	pints	HERE WE GO AGAIN
2017-08-11 22:58:40	greenday	.....................................................
2017-08-11 22:58:45	pints	HOLD ON TO YOUR BUTTS FOLKS
2017-08-11 22:58:54	greenday	Its about to get
2017-08-11 22:58:57	greenday	>.>
2017-08-11 22:59:01	greenday	<.<
2017-08-11 22:59:05	greenday	smokey
2017-08-11 22:59:15	akraak	s m o k e y
2017-08-11 22:59:33	pints	v  a  p  o  r  w  a  l  l
2017-08-11 22:59:51	pints	Seriosuly though did we not just have that conversation
2017-08-11 22:59:56	hexagon	So no rn I don't give my permission :joy:
2017-08-11 23:00:01	pints	Lol too
2017-08-11 23:00:03	pints	late*
2017-08-11 23:00:06	pints	:)
2017-08-11 23:00:15	greenday	we emailed the firewal jsut ther
2017-08-11 23:00:17	greenday	there
2017-08-11 23:00:22	greenday	firewall
2017-08-11 23:00:31	greenday	send first read later
2017-08-11 23:00:36	greenday	that is my motto
2017-08-11 23:00:44	pints	A hardware firewall looks like a switch, and does the same job as a firewall program on your PC might, only way better and way faster
2017-08-11 23:00:47	pints	Because hardware
2017-08-11 23:01:14	greenday	But you can set your own rules and shit like software
2017-08-11 23:01:21	greenday	on the hardwaare
2017-08-11 23:02:09	pints	hexagon: how's that
2017-08-11 23:02:55	pints	*pints*' blood pressure continues to rise
2017-08-11 23:03:27	hexagon	I'm drinking rn but if we have 6 of them then sure why not
2017-08-11 23:03:34	hexagon	But otherwise let's review
2017-08-11 23:03:50	pints	Yes
2017-08-11 23:03:52	pints	Let's
2017-08-11 23:05:06	hexagon	:+1:
2017-08-11 23:05:17	pints	So
2017-08-11 23:05:20	pints	In review
2017-08-11 23:05:46	pints	It's a metal rectangle, full of magic, that keeps all the bad internets out, and all of our good internets in
2017-08-11 23:05:57	pints	And they come IN BOXES
2017-08-11 23:06:27	pints	:convictparrot: :convictparrot: :convictparrot: