
From Redbrick Wiki


Extermely Unhealthy Cake (posted by almighty, 8 may 2007)

You will need:

1x large(ish) packet of Rich Tea Biscuits 1x small can of Nestl<E9> Sweetened Condensed Milk 2x blocks of cooking chocolate 4 oz (100 g) Butter Nuts Raisins Cherries

Melt the chocolate and the butter together in a big pot. When melted, add the condensed milk. Stir through until the chocolate mix is very gooey. Whist these are melting, you break the packet of Rich Tea into bits - don't crush, or it'll just be powder. Fire them and the fruit and nuts into the mix and turn over until everything is covered in chocolate. Line a log tin with greasproof paper and fill with the cake mix. Stick it in the fridge overnight and you now have some Extremely Unhealthy Cake. Goes well with coffee ;)


Shimoda Meal 1

> Ingredients:
> Breast of chicken
> Nice Ham
> Cream cheese
> Buffalo Mozarella
> Spinach.

Shimoda Meal 2

> For 2:
> 1/4 pint Double cream
> chopped pancetta or unsmoked bacon (basically any rashers you've got in
> your fridge)
> 1 clove of garlic, chopped
> Spinach
> 1/2 tsp Ground nutmeg
> Spaghetti.
> 1. Cook the spaghetti
> 2. fry the bacon until golden brown, then add the garlic for 1 minute
> and then the spinach.
> 3. Cook for 2 minutes, when the spinach has wilted, add the cream and
> the nutmeg and stir it all together.
> 4. Drain the pasta, keeping back 2 tbsp of water and toss that
> immediately with the rest.
> 5. Eat your filling, easy, pasta meal.


I never season chicken with salt before cooking as it draws out moisture. Not sure if it affects it too much though.


Here's a tip: before you put your steaks on the grill, load them with freshly ground pepper. Heat up a pan with some oil till it's really hot, and cook each steak for about 30seconds each side - this sears the steak and keeps in the juices during cooking. And if you are dealing with steak that isnt the best quality (e.g. sirloin) make sure to mash it with a steak hammer to tenderise it! It makes you feel even manlier. Ketchup is just wrong tho! If I had known you did that to steak I never would have spoken to you! Pepper sauce is the way to go.
another top tip is to hold the steak fat edge onto the pan for a min or two to cook it before laying flat to cook. also when your finished..leave the steak to sit for a moment or two before tucking in..its kinda cool to watch the entire thing relax after the heat of the pan , and it makes for a juicier steak imo.
Here is another good way to cook a steak. You need a cast iron pan. sear the steak for 10 seconds or so on each side in the pan, then put the pan in the preheated medium oven for 10 mins or 20 mins depending on how well done you like it. This seems to keep the juices in more than grilling it. You can have a couple of chopped onions and mushrooms in the pan too, for nice gravy



Opinion: Steak should never be fried/griddled in oil. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. If you need oil, buy a better pan.