Pink Hair

From Redbrick Wiki

Not content with allowing Wishkah to be the only freaky coloured hair guy on Redbrick, Spock and Charlie went out of their way to look stupid as well. This entry takes us to The Square in Tallaght, where Spock, Charlie, and Plop went looking for red hair dye to promote REDbrick on Freshers' Day. From the title, you can probably guess that they ended up promoting Pinkbrick instead.

"No red? huh.. hmmm, what's the closest you've got to red then?" - Overheard in Funny Biz Joke Shop the day before Freshers' Day 1997.


Silk points out that the spray was tested on him first to ensure its non-lethality, and it took him weeks to get it out of his scalp, clothes and bed.

Originally from the Encyclopedia