RBOnly:Minutes 2002 11 18

From Redbrick Wiki

Minutes of Meeting, 18th November 2002.


  • Andrew, Nikki, Declan, David, Mark Campbell, Cillian, Eoin, Shane, Dermot.


  • Carla, Mark Dunne


The issue with who can oin which list was discussed at some length. Although the possibility of allowing any user to join the Redbrick-Discuss list, our motives and reasons are to be made clear.

EGM details

  • We decided to push the date back one week.
  • The officialdom of Carla's resignation was talked about, and briefly touched on the proceedure that all resignations must adhere to.
  • Though a few dates were suggested, nothing final was decided on.
  • A post EGM drinks night, akin to the one at the last EGM was proposed, and we can afford the small fee to rent out the slipper's top floor.


  • As a lead in from article 0.2, Carla's position on the committee, and her desire for continued input was discussed. It was suggested that responsibility would be taken from her for any upcoming events, including the Intersocs one.
  • Her idea that the Intersocs and Xmas event be merged was vehemently rejected.
  • The Intersocs event will be pushed back from the 22nd to the 28th.
  • It was noted by a couple attending of Carla's desire not to participate in her duties.
  • In the end, it was decided to allow her status/account to remain for now.

Weekly Meetings

Despite that MarK Dunne may not be able to attend Weekly meetings on Monday, we decided to go ahead with meetings taking place every Monday.


  • Accounts are fine, though a better way of keeping track of renewal money was requested by Grainne.
  • The admin training course, its layout etc etc was talked of, mostly from Cillian. Thursday at 6pm seem to be the best time for this, though a place to hold it is still needed.
  • Enigma has been a little idle of late, though projects such as Redbrick Radio should be started up again asap.
  • Helpdesk is doing great. The tutorials are going well, with talks on the way.


There was some confusion over the public/private directories that the minutes were held in. Although the committee folder with the minutes are almost up to date, there are some missing in the public one. This will be fixed soon. Andrew apologised for the confusion.

The Room

Colmmacc's proposal, or rather, the continued validity of the proposed Redbrick room was discussed. With the Henry Gratten building soon to be demloished, we talked about whether it was still feasable, or indeed wise, for Redbrick to continue to build a room in the HG. With Nikki to meet Ian Russell soon, our situation, especially regarding the stalling by the buildings office, will be discussed. We will put it on the discussion list to get a feeling of the membership thoughts on this.

Promotional Duties

  • With the possibility of tables being set-up to garner new members, the position for these tables need confirming. The canteen remains a possibility, although then again, maybe not. The HG or the HUb remains a more realistic option. Another poster campaign might be a good idea too.
  • The banner from Buildings needs collecting.
  • The noticeboard will remain without a lock; Ian Russel will not get us a new one, probably because the likelyhood is that society boards will be phased out.
  • C&S Doors - we all need to fill out forms to allow us entry into the Clubs and Socs office.

Intersocs boards

It was suggested that perhaps there should be a merging of the more specific boards on Redbrick with those on the Intersocs system, such as movies, TV etc etc. Those like babble however would be left alone.