RBOnly:Minutes 2003 02 24

From Redbrick Wiki

Minutes of committee meeting held on 12/2/2003.

Present: Nikki Kenny, Trevor Johnston, Cillian Sharkey, Dermot Duffy, Shane Tallon, Eoin Campbell, Declan O'Neill, Declan McMullen, David Johnston, Grainne Sheerin, Elaine Bannon

Absent: Mark Dunne

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ratified.

RedBrick Room

  • Nikki had been talking to Mike Moriarty who had suggested enquiring about the old games room beside the USIT office. In addition, it seems the FAS office will be vacated in about 3 months time.
  • She had also been in touch with the head of the Communications School who had offered and shown her a room that we could definitely have. Also he offered another room but this room had not been shown.
  • Cillian postulated that, if we can only get a small room, we could use it for storage and for less critical servers and keep our important machines in CSD's server room.
  • The committee will see these rooms before the next meeting.
  • Cillian to see CSD about putting a rack in their room tomorrow.

Warwick Talk + alt.rag.ball

  • There was a big list of people to thank. Elaine thanked all who helped with the packing up of equipment after.
  • Shane and Eoin expressed their dis-satisfaction with Nikki's help after the Warwick talk and during the Alt Rag Ball.
  • Elaine wished to make it clear that the whole committee must help out at future events.
  • Kevin Warwick had posted a bill for expenses, despite much evidence prior to the event that this was a free appearance.
  • The committee took this opportunity to thank Colin Whittaker (grimnar) for all his work at the Warwick talk, and everyone else who helped out on the day (and the night).

Lance Spitzner

  • Nikki will get the projector for Lance.
  • Elaine gave a rough rundown on future events she has planned, including a Games Soc event, a trip during the summer and a comedy night.


  • David: "It's up."
  • We must get DCU.ie to put back up the link to the Warwick archive.
  • David thanked the webgroup, particularly Kevin (p), on the new design.
  • Apache had been upgraded and mod_php and mod_ssl disabled.
  • Declan (dec) said we should tell people how to use Tomcat on local machines.

Helpdesk Tutorials

Starting tomorrow with a Postgres tutorial.

Computers for Members Scheme

  • Eoin had been swamped with requests for 33 machines.
  • He said he's taking money until Thursday evening and hopes to have them delivered to the Clubs 'n' Socs area maybe the following Wednesday to dish them out.

T-shirts and Caps

T-shirts had been ordered, caps hadn't.


  • This is basically sorted. We will be reimbursed by the SPC when we are invoiced.
  • They won't take the APC UPS, but the bring centre will.

Committee Meal

  • Next Monday after meeting.
  • Table for 12 at Luigi Malone's.
  • Earlier meeting next week.

Foam Bricks

No further word on these.


  • Enigma
    • Enigma was back working. It was not difficult getting the disks back online.

This concluded the business of the meeting.