RBOnly:Minutes 2008 09 29

From Redbrick Wiki

Two part mintues for 29th & 30th September

Present: Andrew H, Andrew M, Gavin, Leah, Attol, Dano, Sean, John, Cian, Seamus Excused: Eoghan

Clubs & Socs day

Table to be booked by any available committee member, if nobody is free Andrew H will be around to book one for us anyway.

A slushie machine has been booked to give out a free slushie to everyone who signs up for membership.

It's been agreed that John will talk to Charlie Daly about crashing the Tuesday morning lecture to advertise RedBrick and its events and also give out java install CDs.

Grant apps

A grant application for paintballing has been sent to the SPC. However the grant for Finland will have to be added to the main grant app in October.

CA & freshers balls

Freshers ball is being held on Thursday the 16th, the week after C&S days. The preffered venue is either the oldbar or the nubar, but there also a list of off campus alternatives incase we are unable to book either of these. We also need to buy prizes to raffle off throughout the night, free drink vouchers, hire/get someone to present and hire a DJ.

The CA ball date has yet to be choosen as we need to wait for confirmation from Julie Ann Ennis, however we hope to hold this in the same place as the Freshers ball, but have it at an earlier date if possible.


The EGM is to be held on Wednesday the 8th of October in the Seminar room at 4 O'Clock.

Signups for the Finland trip are also being taken at the same time as the EGM.

Helpdesk talks

Nobody has been found yet to give talks on Web Design/Programming from week 4 onwards. It was decided that Andrew H give the introduction to RedBrick talks while he was out of the room for a few minutes.


  • Video sharing - No Sean, just no.
  • Web forums - Currently in development
  • Campus blurb - We need a paragraph to put into Campus.