RBOnly:Minutes 31 03 2008

From Redbrick Wiki

Absent: David (excused), Cian (excused)

Stuff approved.


  • Eoghan studied
  • Richard did something
  • Colourful as hell.
  • Werdz wrote admin test.
  • Kat got prizes, needs spoon.
  • Kev started work, is tired.

Table Quiz

  • It's on tomorrow.
  • Padraig is fail, apparently.
  • Emperor doing questions.
  • Andrew/Kev to do rounds tonight.
  • Cian to do his round during admin test.
  • Prizes sorted apart from spoons.
  • Make people come, buy tickets.


  • Thursday, everyone to be there.
  • Some food.
  • Order of election? Normal order for the moment.


  • Start next week, be finished by week 12.

Grant App

  • Applying for stuff this week.


  • None.