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A short hand way of referring to something. TLAs are one of the most commonly used forms of acronym, more common than ETLAs (Extended Three Letter Acronyms), SAs (Short Acronyms) and Is (Initials).

TLA is also a TLA for:

   * Temporal Logic of Actions: a logic for specifying and reasoning about concurrent and reactive systems.
   * Texas Library Association: The Texas Library Association was established in 1902 to promote and improve library services in Texas.
   * Tennessee Library Association: Tennessee was the third southern state to organize a library association.

There are many TLAs in regular use, here are a few:

   * 0AA Zero Angle of Attack (aircraft; not duplicates)
   * 0CS Zero-Current Switching (not duplicates)
   * 0MP Zero Moving Parts (not duplicates)
   * 0MP Zero-Motion Part (not duplicates)
   * 0OE Zero-Order Equation
   * 0VC Zero-Voltage Control
   * 1BB One-Beam Balance (not duplicates; both are used)
   * 1BB Single-Beam Balance (not duplicates; both are used)
   * 1FS One-Finger Salute
   * 1GL First-Generation Language (machine language)
   * 1H4 One Henry Four (Shakespeare)
   * 1OE First-Order Equation
   * 1PS One-Pole Switch
   * 2BB Two-Beam Balance (not duplicates; both are used)
   * 2BR Two Bath-Room
   * 2CP Second-Class Postage
   * 2DE Two-Dimensional Echocardiogram
   * 2GL Second-Generation Language (assembly language)
   * 2PS Two-Pole Switch
   * 2WD Two-Wheel Drive
   * 3BR Three Bath-Room
   * 3CP Third-Class Postage
   * 3DC Triple-Disc Clutch (automotive)
   * 3LA Three-Letter Acronym ($)
   * 3WW Third Weather-Wing
   * 4BB Four-Beam Balance (tare beam; not duplicates; both are used)
   * 4GL Fourth-Generation Language
   * 4HT Four-door Hard-Top
   * 4PS Four-Pole Switch
   * 4TS Four-Track Stereo
   * 555 Five-Five-Five (slang for good radio reception [or other] conditions; see 000, 0B0, 0X0, 5B5, 5X5, ZBZ, ZXZ, ZZZ)
   * 555 Five-Five-Five (slang for good radio reception [or other] conditions; see 5B5, 5X5)
   * 5BX Five Basic eXercises ('X' for 'exercises')
   * 5WW Fifth Weather-Wing (military)
   * 5X5 Five-By-Five ('X' for 'by'; see 000, 555, 5B5, ZZZ))
   * 6WD Six-Wheel Drive
   * 7WW Seventh Weather-Wing
   * 8BP Eight-Ball Player
   * 8TC Eight-Track Cartridge
   * 8TP Eight-Track Player
   * 9BN Nine-Bit Network
   * A0S Automatic Zero-Set
   * A3I Army Aircrew-Aircraft Integration (not duplicates; 'A3' [A cubed] for 'AAA'; military)
   * AAA Action on Alcohol Abuse
   * AAA Active Acquisition Aid
   * AAA Advanced Audio Alliance
   * AAA Advertise And Award
   * AAA Agricultural Adjustment Act
   * AAA Air Assistant Attache (duplicates?) *
   * AAA Alianza Anticommunista Argentina
   * AAA American Academy of Achievement
   * AAA American Academy of Anatomists
   * AAA American Academy Of Anatomists
   * AAA American Acupuncture Association
   * AAA American Anthropological Association
   * AAA American Australian Association
   * AAA Analog Analog Analog (code on CD; impossible, but joked about)
   * AAA Analog-to-Analog Adapter
   * AAA Annals. American Academy of the Political and Social Science
   * AAA Apostolic Anti-communist Alliance
   * AAA Arts Action Australia
   * AAA Asian-American Almanac
   * AAA Assistant Air Attache (duplicates?) *
   * AAA Association of Accounting Administrators
   * AAA Australian Aromatherapists' Association
   * AAA Auxiliary Array Antenna
   * AAB Acquisition Advisory Board
   * AAB Adaptive Angle Bias
   * AAB Aircraft Armament Bulletin
   * AAB Anti-Aircraft Battery
   * AAC Abort Advisory Channel
   * AAC Access Audiotext Corporation
   * AAC Acquisition Advice Code
   * AAC Aerated Autoclaved Concrete
   * AAC Air-carbon Arc Cutting
   * AAC All America City
   * AAC All-Aluminum Conductor
   * AAC Amateur Athletic Club
   * AAC American Association of Criminology
   * AAC Anglo-American Code
   * AAC Anti-Aircraft Common
   * AAC Antibiotic-Associated pseudomembranous Colitis
   * AAC Arabinosylaz-A-Cytidine (chemical)
   * AAC Army Area Command (military)
   * AAC Association of American Colleges
   * AAC Attack Aircraft Carrier
   * AAC Australian Aerobatic Club
   * AAC Automatic Answer Card
   * AAC Aviation Armament Change
   * AAD Advanced Ammunition Depot
   * AAD Aircraft and Armament Development (not duplicates)
   * AAD Aircraft Armament Division (not duplicates)
   * AAD American Academy of Diplomacy
   * AAD Aminoa-Dipic Acid (chemical)
   * AAD Army Air-Defense (military)
   * AAE Abort Advisory Equipment
   * AAE Accredited Airport Executive
   * AAE Aerospace Auxiliary Equipment
   * AAE Afghan Agriculture Experiment
   * AAE Ancillary Armament Equipment
   * AAE Army Aviation Engineers (military)
   * AAE Associate of Accountants' and Executives' Corp. of Canada
   * AAE Azimuth And Elevation
   * AAF Army Air Force (military)
   * AAG All-American Girl
   * AAG American Annuity Group
   * AAG Association of American Geographers
   * AAG Auxiliary Attitude Good
   * AAH Association of Ancient Historians
   * AAI Age-Appropriately Immunized
   * AAI Agricultural Ammonia Institute
   * AAI Airport Acceptance Interval
   * AAI American Association of Inventors
   * AAI Associate of the Chartered Auctioneers' and Estates Agents' Institute
   * AAI Association Actuarielle International (language?)
   * AAI Auxiliary Armament Interconnect
   * AAL Academy of Arts and Letters
   * AAL Air Atlantic Limited
   * AAL Air Atonabee Ltd.
   * AAL Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory
   * AAL Arctic Aerospace Laboratory
   * AAL ATM Adaptation Layer (miscontrivance)
   * AAM Advisory Agricultural Meteorologist
   * AAM Agricultural And Mechanical
   * AAM American Agriculture Movement
   * AAM Army Air Mobility (military)
   * AAM Associate Administrator for Management
   * AAM Association of Assistant Mistresses in Secondary Schools
   * AAN Aliphatic Ammonium Nitrate (chemical)
   * AAN American Academy of Neurology
   * AAN Analgesic-Associated Nephropathy
   * AAN Automotive Aftermarket News
   * AAO Am Angefuehrten Orte (German)
   * AAO American Association of Otolaryngology
   * AAO Amino Acid Oxidase
   * AAO AUTOVON Assistance Operator
   * AAP Acquisition and inoculation Access Period
   * AAP Affirmative Action Plan
   * AAP Aircraft Assembly Plant
   * AAP Allied Administrative Publication
   * AAP American Academy of Pediatrics
   * AAP American Academy of Psychiatrists
   * AAP Analog Automatic-Pilot
   * AAP Apollo Application Program (duplicates?)
   * AAP Apollo Application Project (duplicates?)
   * AAP Approach Astrophysics Payload
   * AAP Association for Astrological Psychology
   * AAP Association of Academic Physiatrists
   * AAP Atmospheric Analysis and Prediction
   * AAP Average Annual Precipitation
   * AAR Acupuncture Association and Register Ltd.
   * AAR Against All Risks
   * AAR Aid for Afghan Refugees
   * AAR Alternate Acquisition RADAR
   * AAR American Association of Railroads (duplicates?)
   * AAR Amino-Acid Requirement
   * AAR Antigen-Antiglobulin Reaction
   * AAR Association of American Railroads (duplicates?)
   * AAR Association of American Rhodes Scholars
   * AAS Access Authority System
   * AAS Adjusted Air-Speed
   * AAS Advanced Air Station
   * AAS Agency for Air Safety
   * AAS Agnostics' Adoption Society
   * AAS Alexander and Alexander Services
   * AAS American Antiquarian of Society (not duplicates)
   * AAS American Antiquarian of Society. Proceedings (not duplicates)
   * AAS American Association of Shotgunning
   * AAS Annual Automated Controls Survey
   * AAS Annual Average Score
   * AAS Army Aerospace Standards (military)
   * AAS Asian and African Section
   * AAS Aspirator Air System
   * AAS Atlantic Aviation Service (company)
   * AAS Atlanto-Axial Subluxation
   * AAS Automatically-Adjustable Shock absorber
   * AAT Accelerated Apprenticeship Training
   * AAT Acute Abdominal Tympani
   * AAT Ambassadair Air Travel Club
   * AAT American Academy of Thermology
   * AAT APACHE Action Team
   * AAT Art and Architecture Thesaurus (publication)
   * AAT Attitude Acquisition Technique
   * AAT Average Access Time
   * AAU Acoustic Add-on Unit
   * AAU Angular Accelerometer Unit
   * AAU Audio Accessory Unit
   * AAV Acceptance And Verification
   * AAV Assault Amphibian Vehicle
   * AAV Assessed Annual Value
   * AAW Advanced Autonomous Weapons (military)
   * AAW American Academy of Wine
   * AAW Anti-Air Weapon (military)
   * ABA Aaron Burr Association
   * ABA Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Acrylate (chemical; plastic)
   * ABA Allergic Broncho-Pullmonary Aspergillosis
   * ABA American Bankers' Association
   * ABA American Bar Association
   * ABA American Billiard Association
   * ABA American Brazilian Association
   * ABA American Buffalo Association
   * ABA Amino-Butyric Acid (chemical)
   * ABA Arab Bankers' Association
   * ABA Archives of the Canadian Rockies, Banff, Alberta
   * ABA Australian Bicentennial Authority
   * ABA Azo-Benzene-Arsonate (chemical)
   * ABB Albright-Butler-Bloomberg (syndrome)
   * ABB Automatic Back Bias
   * ABB the Akron and Barberton Belt Railroad Co.
   * ABC Accent Before Cooking
   * ABC Act for Better Child-care services
   * ABC Activity-Based Cost (not duplicates)
   * ABC Advance Booking Charter
   * ABC Advanced Ballistics Concepts
   * ABC Agricultural Business and Commerce
   * ABC Air Balance Council
   * ABC Air-Borne Control
   * ABC Alberta Blue Cross
   * ABC All Boards Clear
   * ABC Alternate Birthing Center
   * ABC American and British Commonwealth Association
   * ABC American Blade Collection
   * ABC American Book Co.
   * ABC American Botanical Council
   * ABC American, British, and Canadian
   * ABC American-Born Chinese
   * ABC Anchor Bible Commentary
   * ABC Any Boy Can
   * ABC Approaches to Behavior Change Inventory
   * ABC Asphaltenic Bottom Cracking
   * ABC Assessment Biological and Chemical
   * ABC Association of Bituminous Contractors
   * ABC Association of Black Catholics against abortion
   * ABC Atanasoff-Berry Computer
   * ABC Automatation of Bibliography through Computerization
   * ABC Automatic Backlight Control
   * ABC Automatic Bill Calling
   * ABC Automatic Block Controller
   * ABC Auxiliary Breaker, normally Closed
   * ABE Acute Bacterial Endocarditis
   * ABE Adult Basic Education (see BAE)
   * ABF Anti Back-Flow
   * ABF Application By Forms
   * ABL Above Base-Line
   * ABM Anti-Ballistic Missile (not duplicates; military)
   * ABM Army Ballistic Missile (not duplicates; military)
   * ABN Australian Bibliographic Network
   * ABO Air Base Operability
   * ABP Architectural Building Products (company)
   * ABS Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (chemical; plastic)
   * ABS Address-Book Synchronization
   * ABS Approach Beacon System (aircraft)
   * ABT Aviation Boatswain's Mate, Third Class
   * ACA Advanced Combat Analysis
   * ACA Advisory, Conciliation, Arbitration
   * ACA American Capital Aviation Corp.
   * ACA Automated Calibration Analysis
   * ACA Automatic Circuit Assurance
   * ACB American Council of the Blind
   * ACC Airborne Communications Center
   * ACC American Consultive Committee
   * ACC Area Control Code
   * ACC Argonne Code Center
   * ACC Automatic Congestion Control (telephony)
   * ACD Air Circulation Device
   * ACE Access Control Entry
   * ACE Active Change Events
   * ACE Adverse Channel Enhancements
   * ACE Alerting Cockpit Equipment (aircraft)
   * ACE Army Corps of Engineers (military; also ACOE)
   * ACE Attribute Coaching and Enhancement
   * ACE Automatic Computing Engine
   * ACF Access Control Facility
   * ACG Address Coding Guides
   * ACG Aviones Comerials de Guatemala (Guatemalan)
   * ACH Adrenal Corticotropic Hormone
   * ACI Advance Controls, Inc.
   * ACI Air Charter International (company)
   * ACI Analytical Condition Inspection
   * ACK Amsterdam Compiler Kit (commercial)
   * ACL Actual Cost of Labor
   * ACL American Civil Liberties
   * ACM Actuation Control Module
   * ACM Advanced Cluster Munitions (military)
   * ACM Air-Cycle Machine
   * ACM Airplane Condition Monitoring
   * ACM Automated Census Mapping
   * ACN Approval and Clearance Notice
   * ACN Area-Code, Number
   * ACO Airborne Control Office (not duplicates)
   * ACO Airborne Control Officer (not duplicates)
   * ACO Animal Control Office (not duplicates)
   * ACP Active Control Point
   * ACP American Common Pistol
   * ACP Annunciation Control Panel
   * ACP Army Chart Service (military)
   * ACP Army Command Post (military)
   * ACP Azimuth Count Pulse
   * ACR Airlift Concepts and Requirements
   * ACR Approach Control RADAR (aircraft)
   * ACR Assured Crew Return (same thing; not duplicates)
   * ACR Astronaut Crew Rescue (same thing; not duplicates)
   * ACS A Campbell Smith, Industries (company)
   * ACS Actuator Control System (not duplicates)
   * ACS Advanced Continuous Simulation
   * ACS Aircraft Control and Surveillance
   * ACS Airplane Configuration and Status
   * ACS Archiving and Communication System
   * ACS Arctic Climate System
   * ACS Association for Canadian Studies
   * ACS Automated Computer Security
   * ACS Automatic Class Selection
   * ACT Adreno-Cortico-Tropic (chemical; hormone)
   * ACT Air Control Team
   * ACT Air-Charge Temperature
   * ACT American Compact Technology (company)
   * ACU Air Conditioning Unit
   * ACU Avionics Computer Unit
   * ACV Alarm Check Valve
   * ACW Alternating Continuous Waves
   * ACW Anti-Clock-Wise (UK)
   * ADA Airborne Data-Acquisition
   * ADA Analog to Digital to Analog
   * ADA ATLAS Daily Activity
   * ADA Audio Design Associates
   * ADA Automa Design Associates (company)
   * ADB Aircraft Data-Base
   * ADC Advanced Digital Converter
   * ADC Air-Development Center
   * ADC Airborne Digital Computer
   * ADC Angle-to-Digital Converter
   * ADD Advance Distribution and Drawing
   * ADD Automated Documentation Development
   * ADD Automatic Data Distribution
   * ADE Air Data Element
   * ADE ASIC Design Environment
   * ADF Application Development Facility
   * ADH Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
   * adi American Dry Ice Corp. ([non]capitalization by creator)
   * ADI Analog Device Interface
   * ADL Activities of Daily Living
   * ADL Applicable Document List
   * ADL Arthur D. Little Inc.
   * ADM Adaptive Differential Modulation (not duplicates)
   * ADM Advanced Development Model
   * ADM Application Database Manager
   * ADO Active-X Data Objects (duplicates?)
   * ADO Advanced Development Objective
   * ADP Administrative Data-Processing
   * ADP Analog Data Processor
   * ADP Automated Data-Processing (not duplicates)
   * ADR Aerial Data Reduction Associates Inc.
   * ADR Alternative Dispute-Resolution
   * ADR Automatic Data Recovery
   * ADS Advanced Display System
   * ADS Airborne Data System
   * ADS Analog Data System
   * ADS Analog Display Services
   * ADS Astrophysics Data System (NASA)
   * ADS Audio Data Sheet
   * ADS Automated Document Storage
   * ADT Advanced Development Test
   * ADT Air Data Test
   * ADT Atlantic Daylight Time
   * ADU Alphanumeric Display Unit
   * ADU Auxiliary Display Unit
   * ADX ATM Data eXchange interface (ATM; 'X' for 'exchange')
   * AEA Advanced Equipment Authorization
   * AEA Atomic Energy Authority
   * AEC Allstate Elevator Co.
   * AEC Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor
   * AED Account Engineering Dealer
   * AED Alphanumeric Entry Device
   * AED Australian Education Council (Australian)
   * AEG Active Element Group
   * AEG Associated Environmental Group, LLC
   * AEI All Engines In-operative (joke - hopefully!; aircraft)
   * AEL American Electronic Laboratories, Inc.
   * AEM Ancillary Equipment Module
   * AEM Audio Entertainment Multiplexer
   * AEP Audio Entertainment Player
   * AER Approach End Runway
   * AES Aerodrome Emergency Services
   * AES Apollo Extension System
   * AES Architectural Engineering Services
   * AES Atomic Electronic System (not duplicates)
   * AES Auger Electron Spectroscopy
   * AEU Auxiliary Electronics Unit
   * AFA Air Force Acquisition (military)
   * AFA Air-Force Armament (military)
   * AFA American Foundrymens' Association
   * AFA Audio-Frequency Amplifier
   * AFA Automatic Force Adjustment
   * AFC Air-Force Component (military)
   * AFC Arsenal Football Club
   * AFC Atlantic Fishery Commission
   * AFD Air-Force Depot (military)
   * AFD Assistant Flight Director
   * AFE Advanced Front-End
   * AFF Air-Force Forces (military)
   * AFG Audio-Frequency Gain
   * AFI Air-Force Institute (US; military)
   * AFL Above Field Level
   * AFL Active Filter Library (commercial)
   * AFL Army Flight Laboratory (military)
   * AFM Air-Force Missile (military)
   * AFM Aircraft Flight Manual (not duplicates)
   * AFM Audio Frequency Modulation
   * AFO Army Field Operation (not duplicates; military)
   * AFO Army Field Operations (not duplicates; military)
   * AFP Air-Force Pentagon
   * AFR Air-Force Regulation (military)
   * AFS Adult and Family Services
   * AFS Advanced Framing Systems
   * AFS Air-Force Supply (military)
   * AFS Arming and Fusing System
   * AFS Avionics Flight Software
   * AFT American Federation of Teachers
   * AFT Anti-Friction Treatment
   * AFV American Family Values
   * AGA American Gas Association
   * AGB Accessory Gear-Box (not duplicates)
   * AGC Automatic Gain-control
   * AGD Altitude Gate Disable
   * AGE Air-Force Ground Equipment (not duplicates; military)
   * AGI The Alan Guttmacher Institute
   * AGM Absorbent Glass Mat (plumbum-sulfur battery)
   * AGP A Grievous Process (contrived; lame)
   * AGS Aerodynamic Geometry System
   * AGS African Geological Survey
   * AGS Applicon Graphics System
   * AGT Automated Guide-way Technology
   * AGU American Geophysical Union
   * AHA Adaptec Host Adapter (commercial)
   * AHC Advanced High-speed CMOS
   * AHC American Hebrew Congregation
   * AHG Anti-Hemophilic Globulin
   * AHI Affordable Health Insurance
   * AHP Analytical Hierarchy Process (duplicates?)
   * AHS Active-High Signal
   * AHS Alaska-Hawaii Standard
   * AIA Aerospace Industries Association (not duplicates)
   * AIA African Information Agency
   * AIA Apiary Inspectors of America
   * AIC Ada Information Clearinghouse (also AdaIC)
   * AIC Aerodynamic Influence Coefficient
   * AIC Artificial-Intelligence Center
   * AID Against Internet Defamation
   * AID American Institute of Decorators
   * AID Automated Interactive Design
   * AIE Ada Integrated Environment
   * AIF Amiga Image-File
   * AIG Asociacin Internacional de Geodesia (language?)
   * AIL Airborne Instrument Laboratory
   * AIL Airborne Instrument Landing and approach (aircraft) *
   * AIM Advanced Inertial Measurement
   * AIM Air Intercept Missile (military)
   * AIM Amplitude Inter-Modulation
   * AIN Administrative Information Service
   * AIO Audio Input-Output
   * AIP Application Interface Protocol
   * AIR Advanced Interagency Research
   * AIR Aerospace Information Reports
   * AIR Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (also AIRS)
   * AIS Airborne Instrumentation System
   * AIS Army Inspection and Safety (military)
   * AIS Array of Independent Systems (not duplicates)
   * AIS Aviation Information Services
   * AIT Automatic Information Test
   * AIU Analog Input Unit
   * AIU Audio Input Unit
   * AIV Accumulator Isolation-Valve
   * AJ1 Anti-Jam number One (military)
   * AKA A-K Aviation (company?)
   * AL1 Adaptation Layer One (ATM)
   * ALA American Latvian Association
   * ALA Austral Lineas Aereas (company?; language?)
   * ALB Anti-Lock braking
   * ALC Assisted-Living Community
   * ALD Alternate Load Distributor
   * ALD Automatic Let-Down
   * ALF Adaptive Lattice Filter
   * ALF Aircraft Load Factor
   * ALI American Longshoremens' International
   * ALL Airborne Laser Laboratory
   * ALO Automatic Lock-On
   * ALP Advanced Logic Products
   * ALR Advanced Logic Research, Inc.
   * ALS Advanced Light-Source
   * ALS Autograph Letter, Signed
   * ALT Automatic Line Test (telephony)
   * ALU Analog Logic Unit
   * ALV Air-Launched Vehicle
   * ALZ Assault Landing Zone (aircraft)
   * AMA American Marketing Association
   * AMA Association for Model Aviation
   * AMB Arthur Mitchell Branham (company)
   * AMC Air Material Command (not duplicates)
   * AMC Air Materiel Command (not duplicates; military)
   * AMC American Medical Colleges
   * AMC Automatic Mixture Control
   * AMD Advanced Musical Disintegration
   * AMD Air-Movement Device (typically a fan!)
   * AME African Methodist Episcopal
   * AME Aviation Medical Examiner
   * AMF Avionics Maintenance Facility
   * AMG Australian Map Grid
   * AMI American Megatrends Inc.
   * AMM Advanced Missile Model (military)
   * AMN American Mobile Nurses
   * AMO Advanced Material Orders (not duplicates)
   * AMO Advanced Materiel Orders (not duplicates)
   * AMP Air Movement Plan
   * AMP Army Military Personnel (military)
   * AMR Automated Materials Review
   * AMR Automated Meter-Reading (commercial)
   * AMR Autonomous Mobile Robot
   * AMS Advance Material Summary (not duplicates)
   * AMS Analysis and Monitoring System
   * AMS Automated Master Schedule
   * AMS Avionics Maintenance Squadron
   * AMS Avionics Mission Simulator
   * AMT Associate in Mechanical Technology (degree)
   * AMU Analog Memory Unit
   * AMW America's Most Wanted (television)
   * AMX American Motors eXperimental (contrived or unknown; 'X' for 'experimental')
   * ANA All Nippon Airways (company)
   * ANA Army, Navy, Air-Force (military)
   * ANC All-Number Calling (telephony)
   * AND Air-Force-Navy Design (not duplicates; military)
   * AND Alpha-Numeric Display
   * ANE Atlantic North-East
   * ANK Alpha-Numeric Keyboard (not duplicates)
   * ANN Analog Neural Network
   * ANS American National Standard
   * ANS American Nuclear Society
   * ANS Autonomic Nervous System
   * ANY Air New York
   * AOA Angle Of Attack
   * AOC Advanced Offshore Concepts
   * AOC Air-to-Oil Cooler
   * AOC Airline Operational Control
   * AOC Assemblee Oceanographique Commune (language?)
   * AOD Auxiliary Output Device
   * AOI And-Or-Invert (logic)
   * AOI Assholes Of the Internet (also AOTI)
   * AOL Absent Over Leave (military)
   * AOL Algorithmic-Oriented Language
   * AOP Airborne Operational Platform
   * AOQ Assurance Of Quality
   * AOS Acousto-Optic Spectrometer
   * AOS Airborne Optical Surveillance
   * AOS Airlift Operations School
   * AOT Average Operating Time (not duplicates)
   * APA Aerial-Phenomenon Agency
   * APA American Plywood Association
   * APA American Psychiatric Association
   * APA Antenna Processor Assembly
   * APB Acid-Proof Bench-top
   * APC Allen Products Company
   * APC Applied Personal Computer
   * APC Aspirin, Phenacetin, Caffeine
   * APD Academy for Planning and Development
   * APE Analog Processing Element
   * APF Acid-Proof Floor
   * APF Asia-Pacific Fellowship
   * APG Aberdeen Proving Ground
   * API Armor-Piercing Incendiary
   * APL Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia
   * APL Assembly Page Listers
   * APL Automatic Phase Lock
   * APM Advance Performance Materials
   * APN Analog Private Network
   * APP Associated Petroleum Products, Inc.
   * APR Auburn Parks and Recreation (Washington)
   * APR Automatic Performance Reserve
   * APS Accident Prevention Strategies
   * APS American Philatelic Society
   * APS Applied Physics Staff
   * APS Automated Publishing System
   * APS Automatic Power-Switching
   * APS Auxiliary Power-Source (not duplicates)
   * APS Auxiliary Power-Supply (not duplicates)
   * APS Auxiliary Power-System (not duplicates)
   * APT Advanced Passenger Train
   * APU Activate Physical Unit (not duplicates)
   * APU Auxiliary Power-Unit
   * APW Anti-Personnel Weapon (military)
   * AQC Airline Qualification Course
   * AQS Advanced Quality System
   * ARA Amateur Racquetball Association
   * ARA American Racquetball Association
   * ARA Arctic Resource Aircraft
   * ARB Adapter ROM BIOS
   * ARC Acoustic Research Center (DARPA)
   * ARC Air Refueling Control
   * ARC Air Research Corp.
   * ARC Ames Research Center (NASA)
   * ARC Anti-virus Research Center
   * ARC Atlantic Research Corporation
   * ARD Acute Respiratory-Disease
   * ARD Aeronautical Research and Development (not duplicates)
   * ARD Automatic Recovery Device
   * ARD Auxiliary Readout Display
   * ARF Australian Recognition Framework (Australian)
   * ARI Arensdorf Trucking, Inc.
   * ARJ Advanced Radar Jammer
   * ARL Akademie fur Raumforschung und Landesplanung (German)
   * ARL Alliance of Research Libraries
   * ARM Aircraft Recovery Manual
   * ARN Aerial Refueling Nozzle
   * ARN Air Request Net
   * ARO Army Research Office (military)
   * ARO Austin Repeater Organization
   * ARP Airborne Recording Program
   * ARP Automatic-pilot Replacement Program
   * ARP Azimuth Reference Pulse
   * ARS Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture
   * ARS Air Revitalization System
   * ARS Amateur Radio Society
   * ARS Atmospheric Radiation Study
   * ARS Automatic Route Selection
   * ART Adams and Rountree Technology, Inc.
   * ART Audio Reconstruction Technology
   * ART Automated Reasoning Tool
   * AS3 Aviation Services and Suppliers Super-Show ('S3' [S cubed] for 'SSS')
   * ASA American School Administrators
   * ASA American Statistical Association
   * ASA Australian Science Archives
   * ASA Auto-land Status Annunciation (not duplicates)
   * ASA Auto-land Status Annunciator (not duplicates)
   * ASC Accredited Standards Committee
   * ASC Agnes Scott College
   * ASC American Satellite Corporation
   * ASC Aural Synthesizer Card
   * ASC Automatic Sensitivity Control
   * ASC Automotive Specialty Company
   * ASD Aero-Space Division
   * ASD Aircraft Situation Display
   * ASD Automation Systems Department (SCG; now PAC)
   * ASE Airborne Support Equipment
   * ASE Assembly Support Equipment
   * ASF Advanced Streaming Format
   * ASG Aeronautical Systems Group
   * ASI Agenzia Spaziale Italiano (Italian)
   * ASI Asplund Supply Inc.
   * ASI Asynchronous SCSI Interface
   * ASI Aviation Safety Institute
   * ASL Applied Scentific Laboratories (company?)
   * ASL Association of School Libraries
   * ASM Air-to-Surface Missile (military)
   * ASM American Society of Metals
   * ASM Automatic-throttle Servo Motor
   * ASO Air Surveillance Operator
   * ASO Auxiliary Switch, normally Open
   * ASP Advanced SCSI Programming
   * ASP Advanced Signal Processor (not duplicates)
   * ASP Appletalk Session Protocol (commercial)
   * ASP Audio Select Panel
   * ASP Automatic Spooling Priority
   * ASR Address Space Register
   * ASR Airborne Surveillance RADAR (not duplicates)
   * ASR Automated Speech Recognition
   * ASS Air-Scrubber System
   * AST Advanced Supersonic Technology
   * AST Ah, Samsung Technology (contrived)
   * AST Anti-Static Treatment
   * AST Archive Storage Technology
   * AST Avionics System Test
   * ASV American Standard Version (bible)
   * ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare (military)
   * ATA Advanced Transfer Adapter (not duplicates)
   * ATA Advanced-Technology Attachment
   * ATA Antenna Train Angle (not duplicates)
   * ATA Aviation Trades Association
   * ATB Advanced-Technology Bomber ('stealth')
   * ATB Always To Blame
   * ATC Air Training Command
   * ATC Atlantic Test Center
   * ATC Automatic Tool Changer (see ATE, ATX)
   * ATC Avionics Team Communication
   * ATD Actual Time of Departure
   * ATD Aircrew Training Device
   * ATE Army Test and Evaluation (military)
   * ATE Automatic Tool Exchanger (see ATC, ATX)
   * ATF Advanced Technical Fellow
   * ATG Air-To-Ground
   * ATI American Transport Inc.
   * ATi Audio Teknology Inc. (not duplicates; both are used; [non]capitalization by creator)
   * ATI Audio Teknology Incorporated (not duplicates; both are used)
   * ATI Automatic Transfer Instruction
   * ATK Available Ton-Kilometer
   * ATL Association of Trial Lawyers
   * ATM Asynchronous Transport Mode (not duplicates; incorrect; common miscontrivance)
   * ATM Atmosphere Transfer Maneuver
   * ATN Advance Tubing Notice
   * ATO Along Track Offset
   * ATO Automatic Teaching Operations
   * ATO Automatic-Transmission Over-haul (not duplicates)
   * ATO Automatic-Transmission Over-hauler (not duplicates)
   * ATP Admissions Testing Program
   * ATP Advanced Technology Program (Department of Commerce)
   * ATP Assembly and Test Pit
   * ATR Air Traffic plans and Requirements
   * ATR Air Transportability Requirement
   * ATR Anti-Transmit-Receive
   * ATR Apollo Test Requirements
   * ATR Automatic Tests Release
   * ATS Advanced-Technology Satellite
   * ATS Air-Traffic Service (FAA NAS; not duplicates)
   * ATS Air-Traffic System (not duplicates)
   * ATS Airborne Tracking System
   * ATS Aircraft Training System
   * ATS Anderson Trucking Service, Inc.
   * ATS Automated Air-Traffic
   * ATS Auxiliary Territorial Service
   * ATS Aviation Technical Support
   * ATT Apply Trim Template
   * ATV Amateur Tele-Vision
   * ATZ Airport Traffic Zone
   * AUA Auburn University, Auburn (Washington)
   * AUK Air United Kingdom
   * AUS American Urological Society
   * AUW Anti-Underwater Warfare (military)
   * AVA Abandoned-Vehicle Auction
   * AVD Accounting Valuation Difference
   * AVI Air Vehicle Instrumentation
   * AVL Air Vehicle Limit
   * AVM Apparent Visual-Magnitude
   * AVR Abandoned-Vehicle Report
   * AVT Advanced Vehicle Technology (not duplicates)
   * AWA Airflow Work Authorization
   * AWA Australian Workplace Agreements (Australian)
   * AWA AWACS Work Authorization (military)
   * AWC Association for Women in Computing
   * AWG All Work Guaranteed
   * AWL Altered Wire List
   * AWL Amber Warning-Lamp
   * AWL Are We Lost?
   * AWP Airborne Weather Platform
   * AWS Air Warning System
   * AWS Aural Warning Speaker
   * AWT Automatic Wire Test
   * AWT Average Weekly Traffic
   * AXB Airborne eXpendable Bathythermograph ('X' for 'expendable')
   * AYF All Your Fault
   * B1S Beaded One Side
   * B2S Bright Two Sides
   * B3E Balancing the Budget on the Backs of the Elderly ('B3' [B cubed] for 'BBB')
   * BAA Bachelor of Arts and Architecture
   * BAA Board of Assistance Appeals
   * BAA British Accounting Association
   * BAA British Archaeological Association
   * BAA Broad Agency Announcement
   * BAA Business Area Architecture
   * BAC Bi-Axial Cable
   * BAC British Aircraft Corporation
   * BAC Budget At Completion
   * BAC Burma Airways Corp.
   * BAE Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering (degree)
   * BAE Basic Adult Education (degree; see ABE)
   * BAE Bundle Associated Equipment
   * BAI Boeing Aero-systems International (commercial; not duplicates)
   * BAI Boeing Aero-systems International, Incorporated (not duplicates)
   * BAI Business And Institutional
   * BAL Basic Assembly Language
   * BAN Buyer Action Notice
   * BAQ Bachelor Airmen Quarters (military)
   * BAR Battery Acquisition RADAR
   * BAR Beyond All Recognition
   * BAS Bloodstock Air Services (company)
   * BAT Block Address Translation
   * BBB Better Business Bureau
   * BBB Body-Bound Bolts
   * BBC Belfast Boat Club
   * BBD Bomb Bay Door (military)
   * BBP Base-Band Processor
   * BBS Be Back Soon
   * BBS Station Biologique des Bermudes *
   * BBT Basal Body Temperature
   * BC3 Beverage Container Control Coalition ('C3' [C cubed] for 'CCC')
   * BCC Bar-Code Capable
   * BCC Broadcast Control Channel (also BCCh [GSM])
   * BCC Byzantine Catholic Church
   * BCD Bad-Conduct Discharge
   * BCD Building Codes Division
   * BCH Base-Chaudhuri-Hocquengham *
   * BCL Bachelor of Civil Law (degree)
   * BCM Bachelor of Church Music (degree)
   * BCM Body Computer Module (not duplicates)
   * BCO Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans
   * BCP Byte Control Protocol
   * BCR Byte-Count Register (register)
   * BCS Bachelor of Commercial Science (degree)
   * BCS Boeing Company Standard (commercial)
   * BCT Bakery, Confection, and Tobacco
   * BCU Bus Coupler Unit
   * BCW Before-Class Work
   * BCW Blue-Collar Worker
   * BDB Boeing Design/ Build (commercial)
   * BDD Business Development Directives
   * BDF Bitmap Description Format (not duplicates)
   * BDF Business Design Facility
   * BDI Bombardier Data Indicator
   * BDP BIU Development Processor (commercial?)
   * BDS Boeing Advanced Systems (commercial)
   * BDS Business Development Service
   * BDU Battle Dress Uniform (military)
   * BEC Bid Estimate Comparison
   * BEI Baldwin Electronic Industries
   * BEL Bundle Effectivity List
   * BEM Boeing Enterprise Modeler (commercial)
   * BEP Bachelor of Engineering Physics (degree)
   * BES Basic Education Studies
   * BFA Bachelor of Fine Arts (degree)
   * BFD Big Fat Deal (not duplicates)
   * BFD Big Freaking Deal (not duplicates)
   * BFD Big Friendly Deal (not duplicates)
   * BFD Big Frigging Deal (not duplicates)
   * BFD Big Fucking Deal (not duplicates)
   * BFD Boeing Fire Department
   * BFD Book-Form Drawing
   * BFE Bye For Ever
   * BFL Buffered FET Logic
   * BFR Blip Frame Ratio
   * BFS Boating, Fishing, and Swimming
   * BFT Bachelor of Foreign Trade (degree)
   * BGE Branch if Greater or Equal (instruction)
   * BGP Branching Glucose Polymer
   * BHF British Heart Foundation
   * BHI Better-Hearing Institute
   * BHI Beverly Hills Internet (commercial?)
   * BHR Behavioral Health Resources (company; not duplicates)
   * BIA Bus Interface Adapter
   * BID Business Improvement District
   * BIE Bachelor of Industrial Engineering (degree)
   * BIE Business and Institutional Equipment
   * BIL Band Interleaved by Line
   * BIM Bus Interface Module
   * BIS Boundary Intermediate System (ISO-OSI IDRP)
   * BIS Business Information System (not duplicates)
   * BIS Buyer Information Service
   * BIT Behavioral Intervention Team
   * BJC Bubble-Jet Color (commercial)
   * BLD Balanced Line Driver
   * BLE Battery Life Extender (commercial)
   * BLE Branch if Less or Equal (instruction)
   * BLI Bachelor of Literary Interpretation (degree)
   * BLP Blind Load and Plug
   * BLT Blind Load and Tracer
   * BLT Buried Load Transistor
   * BLT Buried-Load Transistor
   * BMA Ballistic Missile Agency (military)
   * BME Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (degree)
   * BMI Body-Mass Index (medicine)
   * BML Boeing Metrology Laboratory (commercial)
   * BMM Borrowed Military Manpower (military)
   * BMP Bill-of-Materials Processor
   * BMS Basic Mapping Support
   * BMT Beam-Management Terminal
   * BMT Bone-Marrow Transplant
   * BMT Brooklyn/ Manhattan Transit (commercial; not duplicates)
   * BMT Brooklyn/ Manhattan Transit @ (the original; not duplicates)
   * BMV Brake Metering Valve
   * BNA Branch if Not Above (instruction)
   * BNC Bombing Navigational Computer (military)
   * BNF British National Formulary (publication)
   * BNL Branch if Not Less (instruction)
   * BNR Bell-Northern Research (commercial; telephony)
   * BOA Basic Ordering Agreement
   * BOA Break-Off Altitude (aircraft)
   * BOA Break-Off Altitude
   * BOB Black-On-Black (fiction; not duplicates)
   * BOC Blue Oyster Cult (music)
   * BOC But Of Course
   * BOD Beginning Of Data
   * BOD Beginning Of Day
   * BOD Bottom Of Deck (architectural)
   * BOE Boletin Oficial del Estado (Spanish)
   * BOL Bearing Only Launch
   * BOM Beginning Of Message
   * BOP Bit-Oriented Protocol
   * BOS Bearing and Oil Seals
   * BOT Beginning Of Tape
   * BOV Beginning Of Volume
   * BPA Bachelor of Professional Arts (degree)
   * BPB Burns Point Beach (real-estate)
   * BPD Bureau of the Public Debt (US)
   * BPD Buy Per Drawing
   * BPE Business Process Engineering
   * BPI Bi-directional Parallel Interface
   * BPM Barrels Per Minute
   * BPM Bushels Per Minute
   * BPO Boston Pops Orchestra
   * BPR By-Pass Ratio
   * BPS Bytes Per Second
   * BPW Barrels Per Week
   * BPY Barrels Per Year
   * BRC Biblical Research Center (commercial?)
   * BRE Business Research Environment
   * BRI Basic-Rate Interface (telephony; ISDN; not duplicates)
   * BRI Basic-Rate ISDN (telephony; not duplicates)
   * BRI Bearing Range Indicator
   * BRM Basic Remote Module
   * BRP Brake Release Points
   * BRU Bomb Rack Unit (military)
   * BS1 BASIC Stamp One (commercial)
   * BS2 BASIC Stamp Two (commercial)
   * BSA Bovine Serum Albumin (reagent in molecular biology)
   * BSC Boro-Silicate Crown (dental)
   * BSD Board on Sustainable Development
   * BSD Business System Design
   * BSE Bachelor of Science in Education (degree)
   * BSE Bit System Errors
   * BSG Battery Sales Group
   * BSL Bachelor of Science in Linguistics (degree)
   * BSL Basic Systems List
   * BSL Building Setback Line
   * BSM Battery Storage Mode (commercial)
   * BSP Business Systems Planning
   * BSR Bit-Scan, Reverse (instruction)
   * BSS Baltic Sea States
   * BSS Battlefield Shock Syndrome (not duplicates)
   * BSS Battlefield Stress Syndrome (not duplicates)
   * BSS Beauty-Shop Supplies
   * BST Basic Services Terminal
   * BTA Basic Telecommunications Access
   * BTB Business-To-Business
   * BTC Banded Two Sides
   * BTE Bachelor of Textile Engineering (degree)
   * BTL Backplane Transistor Logic
   * BTN Boeing Telephone Network (commercial; telephony)
   * BTO Bachman-Turner Overdrive (music)
   * BTO Build-To-Order (not duplicates)
   * BTO Built-To-Order (not duplicates)
   * BTR Bit-Test and Reset (instruction)
   * BTS Battery-Temperature Sensor
   * BTS Build To Suit
   * BTS Burster/ Trimmer/ Stacker
   * BTT British Theatre Technicians
   * BTW Back To Work
   * BUS Broadcast and Unknown Server
   * BVC Boeing Vertol Company
   * BVD Bradley, Voorhies, and Day (company)
   * BWA Braided Wire Armor
   * BWC Boeing Wichita Company
   * BWM Broadcast Warning Message
   * BWP Barrier, Water-Proof
   * BWT Band-Width Test
   * C2C Center-To-Center ('2' for 'to')
   * C4N Ciao for Now (Italian? '4' for 'for')
   * CAA Calibrate And Align
   * CAA Canadian Acoustical Association
   * CAA Canadian Automobile Association
   * CAA Carotid Audio-frequency Analysis
   * CAA Center for American Archeology
   * CAA Civil Aeronautics Administration (US)
   * CAA Civil Aeronautics Administration
   * CAA Collectors of American Art
   * CAA Colombian American Association
   * CAB Central American Bank
   * CAB Corrective Action Board
   * CAC Capability And Capacity
   * CAC Caution Advisory
   * CAC Circuit Administration Center
   * CAC Community Action Council
   * CAD Civil Aviation Directorate
   * CAD Computer-Aided Design
   * CAD Computer-Aided Dialing
   * CAD Computer-Aided Dispatch
   * CAD Courantomtre Acoustique Doppler (language?)
   * CAE Commercial Avionics Engineering
   * CAF Canadian Advertising Foundation
   * CAF Canadian Air-Force (military)
   * CAF Chinese Air-Force (military)
   * CAG Column-Address Generator
   * CAI Communication And Identification
   * CAJ Canadian Association of Journalists
   * CAJ Computer Applications Journal (publication)
   * CAM Channel Adapter Manager
   * CAM Computer-Aided Manufacturing
   * CAN Controller Action Notice
   * CAN Controller-Area Network
   * CAP Carrier-less Amplitude-modulation and Phase-modulation
   * CAP Common Acoustic Processing
   * CAP Configuration Audit Plan
   * CAP Consumer Action Project
   * CAP Contract Authorized Proposal
   * CAR Central-African Republic
   * CAR Configuration Audit Report
   * CAS Certificate of Advanced Studies
   * CAS Certified Automotive Service
   * CAS Commercial Avionics Systems
   * CAS Cost And Schedules
   * CAT Circuit-Array Technology
   * CAT Cockpit Automation Technology
   * CAT Computer-Aided Tomograph (not duplicates)
   * CAT Craft Access Terminal
   * CAW Custom Alloy Wheel
   * CAX Community Automatic eXchange ('X' for 'exchange'; telephony)
   * CBA Component Board Assembly
   * CBC Computer-Bank Charity
   * CBE Computerized Branch Exchange
   * CBE Council of Biology Editors
   * CBL Circuit Breaker List
   * CBN Christian Broadcasting Network
   * CBR Constant Bit-Rate
   * CBR Consultant Bureau for Reconstruction
   * CBS Computer Business System
   * CBT Core-Based Tree (multi-cast routing)
   * CBW Convert Byte to Word
   * CCA Carbonaceous-Chondritic Asteroid
   * CCA Cinema Advertising Association
   * CCA Civil Air Attache *
   * CCA Courant Circumpolaire Arctique (language?)
   * CCA Critical-Care Administration (not duplicates)
   * CCB Command Control Block
   * CCC Cascade Container-fab Company
   * CCC Classic Coca-Cola (commercial)
   * CCC Color-Code Chart
   * CCC Combustion-Control Computer (automotive fuel-injection)
   * CCC Community Crusade for Children
   * CCC Configuration Control Committee
   * CCD Charge-Coupled Device
   * CCD CITS Controls and Displays
   * CCD Computer-Controlled Display
   * CCE Cycle-Counter interrupt Enable
   * CCH Connections per Circuit per Hour
   * CCI Common Client Interface
   * CCI Creative Colors International (company)
   * CCK Computers by Constantin Kyriazopoulos (commercial)
   * CCL Console Command Language
   * CCM Collectors' Choice Music (commercial)
   * CCM Customer Configuration Memorandum
   * CCN Command and Control Network
   * CCO Community Corrections Officer
   * CCP Climate Control Panel
   * CCP Consolidated Cryptologic Program
   * CCP Critical Control Point
   * CCR Client Service Representative
   * CCR Consumer Support Representative
   * CCR Control Contactor
   * CCS Central Computing Software
   * CCS Classified Control Station
   * CCS Color Calibration System @ (other; not duplicates)
   * CCS Common Command Set (SCSI)
   * CCS Communication Control System (not duplicates)
   * CCS Contamination Control System
   * CCS Control-Center System
   * CCT Central Control Terminal
   * CCU COLT Computer Unit (commercial?)
   * CCV Critics' Choice Video (commercial)
   * CCW Counter Clock-Wise
   * CDA Call-Disposition Analyzer
   * CDA Control and Data Acquisition
   * CDA Converter, Digital to Analog
   * CDB Coordinate Data Base
   * CDC CDROM-Drive Controller (not duplicates)
   * CDC CITS Dedicated Computer
   * CDC Control Data Corporation
   * CDD Customer-Designated Data (not duplicates)
   * CDD Customer-Designed Data (not duplicates)
   * CDE Complex Data Entry
   * CDF Combined Distribution Frame
   * CDF Common Data Format
   * CDI Central Dispatch Inc.
   * CDI Compact-Disc Interactive
   * CDI Compact-Disk Image
   * CDI Customer Data Identifier
   * CDL Commercial Driver's License
   * CDM Civil Defense and Mobilization
   * CDO Carrier District Office
   * CDO Community Dial Office
   * CDP Communications Data Processor
   * CDP Compact-Disc Player
   * CDR Compact-Disc Re-writable (over-use of 'R'/ 'CDR'?)
   * CDR Current Directional Relay
   * CDS Central Data System
   * CDS Commercial Data Services
   * CDS Commitment Development System
   * CDS Controls and Displays Subsystem
   * CDT Command Destruct Transmitter
   * CDU Control/ Display Unit
   * CDV Comma-Delimited Value
   * CDX Control Differential Transmitter ('X' for 'transmitter')
   * CEA Council of Economic Advisors
   * CEB Conditional End Bracket
   * CEC Cunningham Electric Company
   * CEE Central and Eastern Europe
   * CEI Conducted Electromagnetic Interference
   * CEM Communications-Electronics-Meteorological CEM Change Estimate Memorandum
   * CEM Consumer-Electronics Manufacturer
   * CER Campagnie Europeenne de Recherches (language?)
   * CES Computer Engineering Student
   * CET Combustor Exit Temperature
   * CET Communications-Electronics Terminology
   * CET Computer-Engineering Technician
   * CFA Combination Fabrication and Assembly
   * CFC Chloro-Fluoro-Carbon (chemical)
   * CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
   * CFD Contractor Functional Demonstration
   * CFG Communications Functional Group
   * CFI Computer Forensics Inc.
   * CFM Continuous Flow Manufacturing
   * CFM Cross-Functional Management
   * CFP Contractor-Furnished Parts
   * CFS Center Frequency Stabilization
   * CFS Cubic Foot per Second
   * CFT Carlos' Forms Tutorial (not duplicates; other)
   * CGA Computer Graphics Association
   * CGE Computer-Generated Environment
   * CGM Computer Graphics Metafile (computer file extension; not duplicates)
   * CGM Computer Graphics Metafile @ (other; not duplicates)
   * CGS Computer Graphics System
   * CHC Community Health Center
   * CHF Coronary Heart Failure
   * CHI Computer-Human Interface
   * CHI County Health Inspector (not duplicates)
   * CHR Common Hardware Reference
   * CIA Calibration Interval Analysis
   * CIC Combat Information Center
   * CIC Commander In Chief
   * CIC Crime Information Center
   * CID Customer Information Department
   * CIE Crop Inventory Experiment
   * CIF Common Interchange Format
   * CIF Cost, Insurance, and Freight
   * CII Configuration Identification Index
   * CIM Compu-Serve Information Manager (commercial)
   * CIO Copy In and Out
   * CIP Cast In Place (architectural)
   * CIP Cast-Iron pipe
   * CIP Common Indexing Protocol
   * CIR Color Infra-Red
   * CIS Card Information Structure
   * CIS Command Information System
   * CIS Commercial Internet Service
   * CIS Computer Information System (not duplicates)
   * CIT California Institute of Technology
   * CJA Compare, Jump if Above (instruction)
   * CJH Christian Junior-High
   * CJL Command Job Language
   * CJS Criminal Justice Sciences
   * CLA Christian Liberty Academy
   * CLC Christian Life Classics (publication)
   * CLD Chronic Liver-Disease
   * CLI Call-Level Interface
   * CLI Command-Line Interface
   * CLP Command Language Processor
   * CLS Cartridge Loading Systems
   * CLT Custom Landscape Tandem (trailer; commercial)
   * CLU Chartered Life Underwriter
   * CLV Commercial Launch Vehicle
   * CMA Computer Manufacturers' Association
   * CMC Central Maintenance Computer
   * CMC Communication Management Configuration
   * CMC Computer Management Center (not duplicates)
   * CMC Computer-Mediated Communication
   * CMC Contract Maintenance Center (not duplicates)
   * CMD Contract Management District
   * CME Committee on the Marine Environment
   * CME Corporate Marketing Empire
   * CMF Creative Music Format
   * CMI C-Media Inc.
   * CML Chicago Miniature Lamp (company)
   * CMM Centro Meteorolgico Mundial (language?)
   * CMM Computerized Maintenance Management
   * CMO Configuration Management Office
   * CMO Configuration Management Officer
   * CMR Certification Maintenance Requirements
   * CMS Cold-Milled Steel
   * CMS Correspondence Management System
   * CMS Cost Management System
   * CMU Cabin Management Unit
   * CNA Certified NetWare Administrator (commercial)
   * CNC Containers Northwest Corporation
   * CNE Certified NetWare Engineer (not duplicates; commercial)
   * CNE Certified Network Engineer (not duplicates)
   * CNI Clearinghouse for Network Information (not duplicates)
   * CNM Centralized Network Management
   * CNM Certified Nurse-Midwife
   * CNR Canadian National Railway (now CNNA)
   * CNS Customer Notification System
   * COA Children Of Alcoholics
   * COA Constant Output Amplifier
   * COB Civil Office Building
   * COD Carrier Onboard Delivery
   * COD Cash On Delivery
   * COD Customer Of the Day
   * COE Cab Over Engine
   * COF Control Of Facilities
   * COK Cat On Keyboard
   * COM Center Of Mass
   * COM Cost Of Money
   * CON Connection-Oriented Network
   * COP Center Of Pressure
   * COR Coefficient Of Refraction
   * COS Caching Operating System
   * COS Change Observation System
   * COS Common Open Software
   * COS Corporate Occupational Safety
   * COV City Of Vancouver
   * CPA Consumer Protection Act
   * CPA Continuous-Power Airport
   * CPC Cement Plaster Ceiling
   * CPC Centimeter Per Century
   * CPC Copies Per Century
   * CPD Cards Per Day
   * CPD Cards Per Decade
   * CPD Contact Potential Difference
   * CPD Copies Per Decade
   * CPD Cycles Per Degree
   * CPF Commercial Pre-Flight
   * CPG Cents Per Gallon
   * CPH Counts Per Hour
   * CPH Customer-Provided Hardware
   * CPI Computer Performance Inc.
   * CPL Computer Program Library
   * CPL Cursor Preceding Line
   * CPM Centimeter Per Month
   * CPM Characters Per Minute
   * CPM Control-Program, Microcomputer (commercial)
   * CPM Cycles Per Month
   * CPR Carbon-Pile Rheostat
   * CPR Cardio-Pulmonary Rehabilitation
   * CPS Cassette Programming System
   * CPS Circuit Package Schematic
   * CPS Control Power Switch
   * CPS Customers Per Second
   * CPS Cycles Per Second
   * CPT Critical Path Technique
   * CPW Commercial Projected Window
   * CPW Copies Per Week
   * CPY Cards Per Year
   * CPY Characters Per Year
   * CRA Commodity Requirements Analyst
   * CRC Campus Recreation Center (not duplicates)
   * CRC Community Resource Council
   * CRC Cooperative Research Centres (Australian)
   * CRC Cost Reimbursement Contract
   * CRE Corrosion Resistant
   * CRI Cray Research, Inc.
   * CRL Custodian Receipt Listing
   * CRM Collision Risk Model
   * CRM Counter RADAR Measures
   * CRP Carbon-Reinforced Plastic (chemical; plastic)
   * CRR Configuration Release Record
   * CRS Consolidated Requirement Schedule
   * CRT Cycle Reduction Time
   * CSA Cancer-Stick Addict
   * CSA Computer Standards Association
   * CSA Computer-assisted Semen Analysis
   * CSA Configuration Status Accounting
   * CSB Compare, Skip if Below (instruction)
   * CSC Communications Satellite Corporation
   * CSC Customer Service Center
   * CSD Central States Diversified, Incorporated
   * CSD Circuit-Switched Data
   * CSD Configuration and Status Development
   * CSE Certified System Engineer
   * CSF Carrier Striking Force
   * CSF Cerebro-Spinal Fluid
   * CSF Convertible Securities Fund
   * CSG Constructive Solid Geometry
   * CSI Certified Ski Instructor
   * CSI Control Sequence Introducer
   * CSI Controllable Summary Item
   * CSI Creative Solutions, Inc.
   * CSJ Christian Science Journal (publication)
   * CSM Chopped-Strand Mat (plastics)
   * CSM Computing Strategies and Management
   * CSM Customer Support Management
   * CSO Chief Staff Officer
   * CSP Cider Sequential Pulse
   * CSR Composition-Shingle Roof
   * CSR Critical Study Review
   * CSS Chain-Saw Safety
   * CSS Coded Switch System
   * CSS Contract Support Services
   * CST Certified Surgical Technologist
   * CST Cranio-Sacral Therapist (not duplicates)
   * CSU Channel Switching Unit (telephony; not duplicates)
   * CSU Crew Station Unit
   * CSV Comma-Separated Variable (not duplicates)
   * CTA Computer Test Aid
   * CTB Cipher Type Byte
   * CTC Centralized Traffic Control
   * CTC Computer Training Center (not duplicates)
   * CTC Computerized Training Center (not duplicates)
   * CTC Cursor Tabulation Control
   * CTD Cumulative Trauma Disorders
   * CTE Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
   * CTE Customer-Tested Equipment (not duplicates)
   * CTG Creative Technology Group
   * CTG Custom Training Group (commercial)
   * CTL California Tank Lines, Inc.
   * CTM Career Terminating Move
   * CTM Contractor Technical Memorandum
   * CTR Centro Internacionac De La Papa (company; Peruvian)
   * CTS Camera Tracking System
   * CTS Close To Shoulder
   * CTS Commercial Telephone System (telephony)
   * CTS Conversational Terminal System
   * CTS Customer Test-Software (not duplicates)
   * CTS Customer-Tested Software (not duplicates)
   * CTU Cabin Telephone Unit (telephony)
   * CUA Common User Access (commercial?)
   * CUH College and University Housing
   * CUT Coordinated Universal Time (see UTC, UCT)
   * CUV Clean Urban Vehicle
   * CVC Constant-Velocity Carburetor (not duplicates)
   * CVC Controlled Vortex Combustion (commercial)
   * CVF Crime-Victim Fund
   * CVP Central Venous Pressure
   * CVR Cockpit Voice-Recorder
   * CVT Continuously-Variable Trans-axle (not duplicates)
   * CVT Continuously-Variable Transmission (not duplicates)
   * CWA County Water Agency
   * CWC Clear Write Condition
   * CWC Copper-Weld Conductor
   * CWI Cyber-Works Institute (commercial; see inM)
   * CWL Clear Warning-Lamp
   * CWR CAD Work Request
   * CWS Cost of Work Scheduled
   * CWT Clear Watch-dog Timer (computer)
   * D1S Dressed One Side
   * D1W Dallas Semiconductor One-Wire bus
   * DAA Dog Agility Association (dogs)
   * DAC Days After Contract go-ahead
   * DAC Defense Advisory Committee
   * DAC Display And Control
   * DAC Document Availability Code
   * DAD Desktop Application Director (commercial)
   * DAE Dictionary of American English
   * DAF Definition And Funding
   * DAF Divorced Australian Father ('singles' advertising)
   * DAF Domestic And Foreign
   * DAI Development And Implementation
   * DAL Digital Accelerometer Loop
   * DAM Descriptor Attribute Matrix
   * DAM Divorced Asian Male ('singles' advertising)
   * DAM Divorced Asian Mom (or Mother; 'singles' advertising)
   * DAP Daily Activity Planning (not duplicates)
   * DAQ Define Area Qualification
   * DAR Digital Amateur Radio
   * DAR Drug-Abuse Resistance
   * DAS Data-Acquisition Set
   * DAS Direct-Acting Steam
   * DAT Duplicate Address Test
   * DAT Dynamic Address Translation
   * DAU Data-Acquisition Unit
   * DAW Distance At Way-point
   * DBA Doing Business As (not duplicates; both are used)
   * dBC deci-Bels below Carrier ([non]capitalization by creator)
   * DBC Delivery Bar Code
   * DBC Dynamic Braking Controller
   * DBE Data-Base Eurocontrol
   * DBI Design, Build, Install
   * dBm deci-Bels referred to one milli-Watt ([non]capitalization by creator)
   * DBM Doubly-Balanced Mixer
   * DBO Dead Black-Out
   * DBS Direct Broadcast Satellites
   * DBW Design Bandwidth
   * DCA Digital Communications Architecture
   * DCA Direct Current Amperes
   * DCA Distributed Communication Architecture
   * DCB Draw-out Circuit-Breaker
   * DCC Digital Cruise-Control
   * DCC Door-Closer Control
   * DCD Discrete Caution Display
   * DCD Divorced Chinese Dad ('singles' advertising)
   * DCE Distributed Computing Equipment
   * DCG Direct-Current Generator
   * DCG Divorced Christian God ('singles' advertising)
   * DCI Defense-Conversion Industry (military)
   * DCI Diamond Club International (company)
   * DCL Doctor of Civil Law (degree)
   * DCM Divorced Chinese Male ('singles' advertising)
   * DCM Divorced Christian Mom (or Mother; 'singles' advertising)
   * DCO Digitally-Controlled Oscillator (mine)
   * DCO Document Creation Order
   * DCP Digital Control Panel
   * DCS Data Correlation System
   * DCS Deputy Clerk of Sessions
   * DCS Distributed Control System
   * DCS Doctor of Commercial Science (degree)
   * DCT Discrete Cosine Transform
   * DCV Design Change Verification
   * DDA Data Differential Analyzer
   * DDA Direct Data-Access
   * DDA Direct Drawable Access
   * DDB Digital Data Bus
   * DDC Dual Diversity Comparator
   * DDC Dual-Disc Clutch (automotive)
   * DDD Destination Due Date
   * DDD Digital-Diagnostic Disk
   * DDF Demand Data File
   * DDI Digital Device Interface
   * DDI Digitized Data Identifier
   * DDM Data Display Manager
   * DDM Derived Delta Modulation
   * DDN Data Distribution Network
   * DDP Digital Data Processor
   * DDP Dual Digital Processor
   * DDR Deutsche Demokratische Republik German)
   * DDR Digital-Disk Recorder
   * DDS Decision Support System
   * DDS Direct Digital Service
   * DDS Dunfield Development Systems (company)
   * DDT Design Development Tests
   * DDT Dynamic Debugging Technique (not duplicates)
   * DEA Drug Enforcement Agency (US)
   * DEC Driver-Education Car
   * DED Diesel Engine Direct Drive
   * DEG Defensive Equipment Group
   * DEK Data Encryption Key
   * DEN Data Element Number
   * DES Data Extraction Segment
   * DES Data-Encryption Standard
   * DES Driver-Education Student
   * DET Department of Education and Training (formerly DTEC; Australian)
   * DFC Data Flow Control
   * DFD Divorced French Dad ('singles' advertising)
   * DFF Divorced French Father ('singles' advertising)
   * DFI Duke Farms, Inc.
   * DFM Divorced French Male ('singles' advertising)
   * DFT Design Facility Tool
   * DFT Distributed Function Terminal
   * DFW Department of Fish and Wildlife
   * DGA Dictionary Of Graphics Arts Abbreviations
   * DGU Display Generator Unit
   * DHE Dependable Highway Express (company)
   * DHG Dutch Harbor Group (commercial)
   * DHM Divorced Hispanic Male ('singles' advertising)
   * DHW Dry-Hole Well
   * DIC Diagnostic Imaging Center
   * DID Design Implementation Document (not duplicates)
   * DID Distributed Intrusion Detection
   * DIE Document Industrial Engineering
   * DIF Divorced Indian Female ('singles' advertising)
   * DIG Divorced Indian Goddess ('singles' advertising)
   * DIM Display Information Management
   * DIM Divorced Italian Male ('singles' advertising)
   * DIM Drive-In Movie
   * DIO Dedicated Input-Output
   * DIR Discrepancy Investigation Request
   * DIS Department of Information Services
   * DIS Development Information Service
   * DIS Dis-Information Services (joke; see DIS below, MIS)
   * DIS Dynamic Impedance Stabilization (commercial)
   * DIW D-Inside Wire *
   * DJF Divorced Jewish Father ('singles' advertising)
   * DJG Divorced Japanese Goddess ('singles' advertising)
   * DJM Divorced Japanese Mom (or Mother; 'singles' advertising)
   * DKA DK Aviation, Limited
   * DLC Data Link Control (not duplicates)
   * DLE Data Link Escape
   * DLE Development Liaison Engineer
   * DLG Dual-wheel Landing Gear (what?; see DLG!)
   * DLJ Donaldson, Lufkin, and Jennrette (company)
   * DLM Doublet Lattice Method
   * DLR Depot Labor Rate
   * DLR DOS LAN Requester
   * DLS Department of Labor Statistics
   * DLS Double Leading-Shoe
   * DMA Digital Multiple Access
   * DMC Differential-Mode Current
   * DMC Digital Microcircuit
   * DMD Digital Micromirror Device (commercial)
   * DME Digital Motor Electronics
   * DMF Diversified Mutual Fund
   * DML Dual Mode Launcher
   * DMM Data Memory Module
   * DMO Data Management Office
   * DMO Digital Memory Oscilloscope
   * DMS Data Memory Structure
   * DMS Directory of Marine Science
   * DMS Display Mode Set
   * DMT Dimethyltryptamine
   * DMT Discrete Multi-Tone (duplicates?)
   * DMT Discrete Multi-Tone
   * DMU Drum Memory Unit
   * DNC Democratic National Convention
   * DNC Direct Numerical Control
   * DNF Did Not Finish
   * DNS Data Network Service
   * DNS Domain-Name Space (not duplicates)
   * DNS Domain-Naming System (not duplicates)
   * DOA Department Of Agriculture
   * DOB Date Of Birth
   * DOC Day Of Century
   * DOD Department Of Defense (military; not duplicates; both are used)
   * DOE Department Of Education
   * DOE Depends On Experience
   * DOH Door-Opening Hardware
   * DOL Design Over-Load
   * DOM Deo Optimo Maximo (Latin)
   * DOM Divorced Oriental Mom (or Mother; 'singles' advertising)
   * DOM Drawn Under Mandrel (joke)
   * DOR Date Of Request
   * DOT Department Of Transportation
   * DOT Designated Optical Tracker
   * DOW Day Of Week
   * DOW Direct Over-Write
   * DPB Disk Parameter Block (not duplicates)
   * DPC Destination Preset Computer
   * DPC Distributed Parallel Computer
   * DPD Digital Phase Difference
   * DPD Discrete Power Device
   * DPE Digital Processing Element
   * DPI Dye-Penetrant Inspection
   * DPL Dome Petroleum Limited
   * DPM Development Program Manual
   * DPM MS-DOS Protected-Mode
   * DPO Dictionary Notes Printout
   * DPR Delta Performance Rating
   * DPR Double Pulse Ranging
   * DPS Document-Processing System
   * DPT Drip-Proof Totally enclosed (electric motor)
   * DPU Digital Power-Unit
   * DQM Data Quality Monitor
   * DRB Defense Review Board (military)
   * DRC Double Recessed-Contact
   * DRE Doctor of Religious Education (degree)
   * DRG Ducking, Running, and Grinning
   * DRM Dead Runners Mind
   * DRN Digital River Network (commercial)
   * DRP Data Rescue Project (WCDP)
   * DRR Digital RADAR Relay
   * DRS Data Relay Satellite
   * DRT Dead Reckoning Tracer
   * DRT Doppler RADAR Test set (not duplicates)
   * DS2 Digital Service Two
   * DSA Defense Supply Agency
   * DSA Dictionary Of Sigla And Abbreviations... (publication)
   * DSB Double Sideband Modulation
   * DSC Developers' Solution Center (commercial)
   * DSD Data Set Detail
   * DSE Display Station Emulation
   * DSF Directional Solidification Furnace
   * DSG Defense Systems Group (duplicates?)
   * DSG Defensive System Group (duplicates?)
   * DSL Deep Scattering Layer
   * DSL Digital Subscriber-Line (telephony)
   * DSM Dark Side Of The Moon @ (other; not duplicates)
   * DSM Diamond-Star Motors (company)
   * DSM Drafting-Standards Manual (not duplicates)
   * DSM Drawing-Standards Manual (not duplicates)
   * DSO Defensive Station Officer (not duplicates)
   * DSO Direct Service Order
   * DSP Digital Signal Processing (not duplicates)
   * DSR Device Status Register
   * DSR Document of Scheduled Release
   * DSS Decision Support System
   * DSS Defensive Subsystem Segment (military)
   * DSS Defensive System Simulator (military; not duplicates)
   * DSS Document Style Semantics
   * DST Daylight-Savings Time
   * DSU Data Switching Unit
   * DSU Drum Storage Unit
   * DTA Data Transmittal Authorization
   * DTC Desk-Top Conferencing
   * DTC Dynamic Transportation Company
   * DTE Development Test and Evaluation
   * DTF Data Transmittal Form (not duplicates)
   * DTI DAT International-France
   * DTO Data Transfer Offset
   * DTO De-rated Take-Off
   * DTP Drum Timing Pulse
   * DTR Demand Totalizing Relay
   * DTS Data Transfer Set
   * DTS Digital Theater System (commercial)
   * DTU Data Table Update
   * DTU Data Transfer Unit
   * DTW Dynamic Time-Warp
   * DUI Diagnostics User-Interface
   * DUN Dial-Up Networking
   * DVD Design-Verification Demonstration
   * DVD Digital Versatile Disc
   * DVL Direct Voice Line
   * DVS Digital Video System
   * DVS Doctor of Veterinary Surgery (degree)
   * DVW Discount Video Warehouse
   * DWF Divorced White Father ('singles' advertising)
   * DWL Driving With-out License
   * DWO Distributed Work Order
   * DWR Department of Water Resources
   * DXF Drawing eXchange Format (duplicates?; 'X' for 'exchange')
   * DYM Divorced Yellow Male ('singles' advertising)
   * EAA Engineer in Aeronautics and Astronautics
   * EAA Experimental Airport Association (contrived)
   * EAC Estimated Actual Cost
   * EAC Expected Approach Clearance
   * EAD Estimated Availability Date
   * EAF Executive Air Fleet Corp.
   * EAI Engine Anti-Ice (aircraft)
   * EAM Electrically Alterable Memory
   * EAN Exercise And Nutrition
   * EAP Energy Assistance Program
   * EAS Electronic Article Surveillance
   * EAS Estimated Air-Speed
   * EAW Eastern Acoustic Works (company)
   * EBH East-Bound Highway
   * EbN East By North (on compass rose)
   * EbS East By South (on compass rose)
   * EBT Electron Beam Tomograph (not duplicates)
   * ECA Economic Commission for Asia
   * ECA Electronic Card Assembly
   * ECB EDMS Control Block
   * ECB Event Control Block
   * ECC Electronic Climate Control
   * ECD Electronic Controls Design, Inc.
   * ECD Enhanced Color Display
   * ECE Electrical and Computer Engineering
   * ECG Electrical Classical Guitar
   * ECH Economy Car-Hauler (trailer; commercial)
   * ECL Enclosure Cabinet Library (commercial)
   * ECL Equipment Check List
   * ECM European-Community Multicenter
   * ECO Electron Coupled Oscillator
   * ECP Electronic Control Panel
   * ECR Ericson Commercial Refrigeration (company)
   * ECR Esso Resources Canada, Ltd.
   * ECS Engineering Coordination Sheet
   * ECT Electronic Circuit Test
   * ECT Endless-Cassette Tape
   * ECU English Church Union
   * ECV Enamel single Cotton Varnish (insulation)
   * EDA Embedded Document Architecture (commercial)
   * EDB External Data Bus
   * EDC Error Detecting Computer
   * EDD Engineering Data Depository
   * EDE Electronic Devices Engineering
   * EDI Electronics Design Incorporated
   * EDI Engineering Data Interface
   * EDL Equipment Data List
   * EDM Electronic Document Management
   * EDN Electronics Design News (publication)
   * EDP Electronic Design and Packaging
   * EDR Engineering Design Review
   * EDS Electronic Data System
   * EDS Express Deposit Service (commercial; banking)
   * EDT Eastern Daylight Time
   * EEA Ethylene Ethyl Acetate (chemical; plastic)
   * EEE Eastern Equine Encephalitis
   * EEL Epsilon Extension Language (commercial)
   * EEM Electronic Engineer's Master (publication)
   * EES Electrical and Electronic Supplies
   * EFC Electrical Flight-Control
   * EFC Electronic Fuel-Control
   * EFF Electronic Frontiers Foundation
   * EFI Electronic Fuel-Injection
   * EFM Expeditionary-Force Message
   * EGD Electro-Gas-Dynamics
   * EGS Electrical Ground-Support
   * EGS Exhaust Gas Turbine
   * EHA Electro-Hydraulic Actuator
   * EHS Extra High Shear
   * EHS Extremely Hazardous Substance
   * EIA Energy Information Administration
   * EIB European Investment Bank
   * EID Engineering Installation Drawing
   * EIO Economic-Indicators On-line
   * EIS Engine Indicating System
   * EIS Engine Instrument System
   * EIT Emplacement Installation and Test
   * EJR Engineering Job Release
   * ELA Elemental Activities
   * ELC End of Line of Code (not duplicates)
   * ELC End-of-Line Code (not duplicates)
   * ELF Explosive-actuated Light Filter
   * ELM Easy Lean Mail
   * ELO Engine Lubricating Oil
   * ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter
   * EMA Educational Media Association
   * EMA Electronics Manufacturers Association
   * EMC Electro-Magnetic Conduction
   * EMC Electro-Motive Company
   * EMD Electro-Magnetic Discharge
   * EMF Electro-Motive Force (music; not duplicates)
   * EMF Electro-Motive Force @ (other; not duplicates)
   * EMG Electromagnetic Marker Generator (not duplicates)
   * EMM Expanded-Memory Manager
   * EMM Expended-Memory Mangler (joke)
   * EMP Electric Motor-driven Pump
   * EMR Electro-Magnetic Relay
   * EMR Electronic Magnetic Resonance (not duplicates)
   * EMS Environment Maintenance Squadron
   * EMS Expanded-Memory System
   * EMT Electrostatic Memory-Tube
   * EMU Extra-vehicular Mobility Unit
   * ENA Education Networking Association
   * ENE East North-East (on compass rose)
   * ENT Equivalent Noise Temperature
   * EOA Employee Of All time
   * EOC Emergency Operations Center
   * EOC End Of Contract
   * EOD End Of Day
   * EOH End Of Header
   * EOH Engine Over-Haul (not duplicates)
   * EOL End Of Line
   * EOM End Of Medium
   * EOP Eastgate Office Park (real-estate)
   * EOR Edge Of the Road (music; joke)
   * EOS Earth Observing Satellite (not duplicates)
   * EOT End Of Test
   * EOV End Of Volume
   * EOW End Of Work
   * EPA Engineering Proposal Authorization
   * EPD Electric Power and Distribution
   * EPG End-Point Ground
   * EPI Electronic Payment Initiative
   * EPL Electrically Programmable Logic
   * EPO Erythro-P-Oietin
   * EPP Electrical Power-Pack
   * EPR Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
   * EPR Emergency Parts Requirement
   * EPS Electrical Power-Supply (not duplicates)
   * EPS Encapsulated PostScript (computer file extension; not duplicates)
   * EPT External Pipe Thread
   * EPV Electric-Powered Vehicle
   * EQP Environmental Quality Program
   * ERB Engine Re-Builder (not duplicates)
   * ERB Engineering Review Board
   * ERC Engineering Resources and Control
   * ERD Expected Receival Date
   * ERG Endicott Research Group
   * ERN Engineering Release Notice
   * ERO Eastern-Region Office
   * ERS Emergency-Response System
   * ERT Evaluation and Review Technique
   * ERU Educational Reserve Unit
   * ESA Engineering Scientific ASCII data format
   * ESA Engineering Support Activity
   * ESC Eastern Service Center
   * ESC Engine Supervisory Control
   * ESC Enterprise System Connection (commercial)
   * ESD Electro-Static Device
   * ESD Electronic Sensing Device
   * ESE Electro-Static Experiment
   * ESG Embedded Systems Group
   * ESG Engineering Steering Group
   * ESL Equivalent Series Inductance ('L' for 'inductance')
   * ESM Electrical Systems Manufacturer
   * ESN Electronic Service Number
   * ESP Encapsulating Security Payload
   * ESP Enhanced Serial Port (commercial)
   * ESP Extra Search Precision (commercial)
   * ESR Electro-Static Research
   * ESS Electronic Structure System (atomic)
   * ESS Engineering Support System
   * ESS Environmental Stress Screening
   * ESU Electro-Static Unit
   * ESU Element Supervisor Unit
   * ETA Embryo Toxicity Assay
   * ETC Eight-Track Cartridge
   * ETC Elapsed-Time Counter
   * ETC Endless-Tape Cassette
   * ETC Estimated Time to Complete (not duplicates)
   * ETE End To End
   * ETF Enriched Text Format
   * ETI Elapse Time Indicator
   * ETO European Theater of Operations
   * ETP Engineering Test Plan
   * ETS Econometric Time Series
   * ETS European Telecommunication Standard
   * ETT Estimated Time of Test
   * EUC End-User Computing
   * EUL Extended Useful-Life
   * EVA Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (chemical; plastic)
   * EVM Electronic Volt-Meter
   * EVM Evergreen Marine Ltd.-Taiwan
   * EWA Early Warning Aircraft
   * EWA Engineering Work Authorization
   * EWI Easy Way International (company)
   * EWS Electronic Warning System
   * F1S Finish One Side
   * FAA Federal Aviation Administration (US)
   * FAC Compania de Aviacion Faucett SA (Peruvian)
   * FAC First-Aid Card
   * FAD Foundation for Agricultural Development
   * FAE Fall-Arresting Equipment
   * FAF Fire And Flushing
   * FAJ First Assembly Jig
   * FAK First-Aid Kit
   * FAO Finished All Over
   * FAP File Access Protocol
   * FAR Federal Acquisition Regulations
   * FAR Forward Acquisition RADAR
   * FAS Flight Accessories Services, USA
   * FAS Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (not duplicates; both spellings are used)
   * FAT File-Access Table
   * FAV Fast-Attack Vehicle
   * FAW Fish And Wildlife
   * FBC Family Birth Center
   * FBC Fuel Backup Circuit
   * FBL Fly-by-Light
   * FBO Fixed-Base Operator
   * FBO Free-Base Operator
   * FBW First Bomb Wing (military)
   * FBW Fly By Wire (aircraft)
   * FCB File-Control Block
   * FCC File Carbon Copy
   * FCC Flight Control Computer
   * FCE Flight Control Electronics
   * FCF Functional Check Flight
   * FCI Federation Cynologique Internationale (language?)
   * FCM Fan-Cooled Motor
   * FCM First-Class Mail
   * FCP Fibre Channel Protocol
   * FCP Flight Computer Program
   * FCP Fourth-Class Postage
   * FCS First Customer Shipment
   * FCS Flux Changes per Second
   * FCT Form Cutting Tool
   * FCU Flush Control Unit
   * FCV Fuel-Control Valve
   * FDB Forced Draft Blower
   * FDC Fidelity Distributors Corporation
   * FDD Fixed-Disk Drive
   * FDE Flight Deck Equipment
   * FDG Fractional Doppler Gate
   * FDP Flight Demonstration Program
   * FDP Full Dog Point
   * FDR Final Drawing Release
   * FDS Final Data System
   * FDU Fear, Doubt, Uncertainty
   * FEA Functional Economic Analysis
   * FEB Functional Electronic Block
   * FED Far End Data
   * FEI Forest Electronics Inc.
   * FEL Free-Electron Laser
   * FEP Front-End Processor (not duplicates)
   * FES Far East Software
   * FES Ferro-Electric Storage
   * FFA Future Farmers of America
   * FFC Functional Flow Chart
   * FFF Form Fitting Function
   * FFH Fastener Fillet Hole
   * FFL Final Fantasy Legend
   * FFO Far Freaking Out! (not duplicates)
   * FFR Factory Flight-Readiness
   * FFT Farwest Furniture Transport (company)
   * FFV Fast-Forward Video
   * FGL First-Generation Language
   * FHA Farmers' Home Administration
   * FHA Fault Hazard Analysis
   * FHB Frequency Hopping Broadcast
   * FHC Fire Hose Cabinet
   * FHK Flight-Hardware Kitting
   * FHS Factory Headcount System
   * FHS Fetal Heart Sounds (not duplicates; both spellings are used)
   * FHT Four-door Hard-Top
   * FHT Fully Heat Treated
   * FIC First International Computer of America, Inc.
   * FIF Fractal Image Format
   * FIN Field Information Notice
   * FIP Facility Interface Processor
   * FIR Fast Infra-Red
   * FIS Flight Information Service
   * FIT Fault Isolation Test
   * FIV Feline Immuno-deficiency Virus
   * FKS Female Kallman's Syndrome
   * FLC Federal Laboratory Consortium
   * FLD Flight Loads Data
   * FLL Final Limit Lower
   * FLR Flap Load Relief
   * FLR Forward Looking RADAR
   * FMC Flight Management Computer
   * FMC Ford Motor Company (also FoMoCo)
   * FME Floor Mounted Equipment
   * FMR Follow Me Roaming (cellular telephone)
   * FMR Fuck Me Running!
   * FMS Flight Mode Selector
   * FMS Foward-Mounted Shocks (slang; see FMD)
   * FMU Foreign Module Unit
   * FMX Flyball Master Excellent (dogs; 'X' for 'excellent')
   * FNA Fermi National Accelerator
   * FNR Fund for Natural Resources
   * FNT Fleet Number Table and Report
   * FOA Forced Oil and Air
   * FOC Faint-Object Camera (HST)
   * FOC Fiber-Optic Communications
   * FOD Field Of Drawing
   * FOD Free-Of-Disease
   * FOE Fraternal Order of Eagles
   * FOG First Osborne Group (commercial)
   * FOI Freedom Of Information (Australian)
   * FOP Forward Observation-Post
   * FOP Fraternal Order of Police
   * FOS Face Of Stud (architectural)
   * FOS From Our Sponsor
   * FOT Field Operational Test
   * FOX Field-Operational X.500
   * FPA Focal Plane Assembly
   * FPC First Presbyterian Church
   * FPC Floating Point Coprocessor
   * FPD Facilities Planning Department
   * FPH Feet Per Hour
   * FPI Fast Probability Integration
   * FPL Field Programmable Logic
   * FPM Feet Per Minute
   * FPM Frames Per Month
   * FPR Floating Point Register
   * FPS Favorite Picture Selection
   * FPS Floating-Point System
   * FPS Foot, Pound, Second
   * FPS Four-Pole Switch
   * FPY Feet Per Year
   * FQP Fully-Qualified Path
   * FRA Federal Railroad Administration
   * FRB Fiber-Reinforced Board
   * FRC Flight Research Center
   * FRG Federal Republic of Germany
   * FRM Fiber-Reinforced Metal
   * FRO Federal Register On-line (not duplicates)
   * FRR Field Rework Record (not duplicates)
   * FRR Filled Rework Record (not duplicates)
   * FRT Flight Readiness Test
   * FRZ Frigging Religious Zealot (not duplicates)
   * FSA Fellow of the Society of Actuaries
   * FSB Fully Serviceable Bearing (commercial)
   * FSC Federal Stock Class
   * FSD Fabrication Services Division
   * FSE Facilities System Engineering
   * FSE Field-Support Equipment
   * FSG Federal Supply Group
   * FSI Fast Serial Interface
   * FSM Field-Strength Meter
   * FSN Full-Service Network
   * FSP Federal Security Police (fiction; Star Wars)
   * FSR Field Service Representative
   * FSR Field Strength Radio
   * FSS Federal Specification Standards
   * FSS Front Spar Station
   * FST Flat Square Tube (video monitor CRT; undesirable (we want 4/3), and fotunately, does not exist!)
   * FSU Former Soviet Union
   * FSV Four-Spool Valve
   * FTA File Transfer Access
   * FTB Flying Test-Bed
   * FTC Failure To Comply
   * FTC Fast Time-Constant
   * FTC Fault-Tolerant Computer
   * FTC Federal Trade Commission
   * FTC Flat-Tappet Camshaft
   * FTC Flight Test Center
   * FTC Following Too Closely
   * FTD Florist's Transworld Delivery (company)
   * FTD Frequency Translation Distortion
   * FTE Flight Factory Equipment
   * FTG Final Trunk Group
   * FTH Fiber To the Home (also FTTH; see FTC)
   * FTI Frequency-Time Indicator
   * FTL Flying Tiger Line, Incorporated
   * FTM Foiben Taosarintanin' i Madagasikara (language?)
   * FTP Four-Track Player
   * FTP Functional Test Preliminary
   * FTR Fuel-To-Remain
   * FTS Flight Telerobotic Servicer
   * FTT Fixed Target Track
   * FTU Federation of Trade Unions
   * FTW Fuck The Work
   * FUO Fever of Unknown Origin
   * FWA First West Airlines (company)
   * FWA Front-Wheel Alignment
   * FWG Facilities Working Group
   * FWT Fifth-Wheel Trailer
   * FYA For Your Action
   * FYA Fuck You, Asshole
   * FYW For Your Worth
   * GAA General Account of Advances
   * GAA General Agency Agreement
   * GAA Government Advertising Agency
   * GAA Gravure Association of America
   * GAA Skrifter Utgivna av Kunglia. Gustav Adolfs Akademien (publication; language?)
   * GAB Great American Beer
   * GAB Great Artesian Basin
   * GAC General-Access Copy
   * GAC Geological Association of Canada
   * GAC Goodyear Aerospace Corp.
   * GAC Grilled American Cheese
   * GAC Ground-to-Air Communications
   * GAC Gustavus Adolphus College
   * GAD Gay Asian Dad ('singles' advertising)
   * GAG Gay Asian Goddess ('singles' advertising)
   * GAI Gate Alarm Indicator
   * GAI GUI Application Interoperability
   * GAM General Atomic and Molecular
   * GAM Gross Available Manpower
   * GAO Guest Archival Observer
   * GAP Government Accountability Project
   * GAP Ground Avionics Prototype
   * GAS Georgians Against Smoking
   * GAS Graphic Aid System
   * GBA Gambling and Betting Addiction
   * GBD Giga-Bytes per Day
   * GBE Dame Grand Cross of the British Empire
   * GBI Geographic-Based Information
   * GBI Gyroscope Bottoming Indicator
   * GBL Ground-Based Laboratory
   * GBS Giga-Bytes per Second
   * GBT General Business Technologies, Inc.
   * GBW Gain-Band-Width
   * GCA Generated Column-Address
   * GCB Gel-Cell Battery (commercial; plumbum-sulfur battery)
   * GCC Grilled Cheddar Cheese
   * GCD Gay Chinese Dad ('singles' advertising)
   * GCD Gold Star Compact-Disk
   * GCE Golf-Club Estate (not duplicates)
   * GCE Greenwich Continuing Education
   * GCG Gay Christian God ('singles' advertising)
   * GCL Green Caution-Lamp
   * GCL Ground Control Landing
   * GCM Ground Control Message
   * GCP Group Change Program
   * GCS Global Combat Support
   * GCW Guided Conventional Weapon (military)
   * GDA Global Data Area
   * GDB GNU source-level De-Bugger
   * GDC Glass-Dielectric Capacitor
   * GDC Graphics Display Controller
   * GDG Generation Data-Group (see GDS)
   * GDP Graphic Draw Primitive
   * GDS Geophysical Data System
   * GDS Global Directory Service
   * GDT Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing
   * GDT Graphics Development Toolkit
   * GED Geological Engineering Department
   * GER Geographic Encoding and Referencing
   * GES Ground Earth Station
   * GET Gabelli Equity Trust (commercial)
   * GeV Giga Electron-Volts
   * GFD Government-Furnished Data
   * GFH Go Fuck Him
   * GFM Gay French Mom (or Mother; 'singles' advertising)
   * GFO Gap Filler Output
   * GFO Ground-Floor Opportunity
   * GFS Government Furnished Software
   * GGS Georgia Geologic Survey
   * GHC Gaseous-Helium Compressor
   * GHE Ground Handling Equipment
   * GHF Gear-Hobbing Fixture
   * GHR Ground Handling Relay
   * GID Gay Italian Dad ('singles' advertising)
   * GIF Growth and Income Fund
   * GIG Gay Indian Goddess ('singles' advertising)
   * GIG Gay Italian Goddess ('singles' advertising)
   * GIL Government Information Locator
   * GIS Global Information Solutions (commercial)
   * GJD Gay Japanese Dad ('singles' advertising)
   * GJF Gay Japanese Female ('singles' advertising)
   * GJF Gay Jewish Female ('singles' advertising)
   * GJM Gay Jewish Male ('singles' advertising)
   * GLB Godlry's Lady's Book ([old] publication)
   * GLM Gigabit-Link Module
   * GLO Global Learning and Observations
   * GMA Good Morning America
   * GME Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia (commercial)
   * GML General Modeling Language
   * GMM Genetically-Modified Microorganism
   * GMP Global, Mobile, Professional
   * GMR Global Message Relay
   * GMS Global Messaging Service
   * GMV Guaranteed Minimum Value
   * GNC Government Non-Conformance item
   * GNG Go/ No-Go
   * GNU Geologic Names Unit (USGS)
   * GOE Ground Operations Equipment
   * GOM Gay Oriental Male ('singles' advertising)
   * GOM Gay Oriental Mom (or Mother; 'singles' advertising)
   * GOP Group Of Pictures
   * GPA Grade-Point Average
   * GPC Gypsum Plaster Ceiling
   * GPD Geometric Parameter Drawing
   * GPD Giga-samples Per Decade
   * GPD Grams Per Decade
   * GPI General Precision Instruments
   * GPM Gallons Per Mile
   * GPO General Post-Office
   * GPO Government Post-Office
   * GPO Government Printing Orifice (joke)
   * GPS General-Purpose Simulator
   * GPU Ground Power Unit
   * GPY Giga-samples Per Year
   * GPY Grams Per Year
   * GRA Geographical Resources Analysis
   * GRD Grinning, Running, and Ducking
   * GRG Greater Gulf-Persian Gulf
   * GRP Gateway Routing Protocol
   * GRP Glass Reinforced Plastic (not duplicates)
   * GRP Group Reference Point (not duplicates)
   * GRT Garrett Turbine Engine Company
   * GSB Ground Service Bus
   * GSD Giga-Samples per Day
   * GSE General System Equipment
   * GSF Gear Shaving Fixture (not duplicates)
   * GSH Giga-Samples per Hour
   * GSJ Geological Survey of Japan
   * GSN Gateway Services for NetWare (commercial)
   * GSP Global Solution Provider
   * GSP Government Support Part
   * GSR Global Security Research
   * GSS Graphic Size Selection
   * GST Ground System Test
   * GTA Ground-To-Air
   * GTC General Technology Corporation
   * GTC Government Test Centers
   * GTD Geometrical Theory of Diffraction
   * GTi Gordon Trucking, Inc. @ (company; not duplicates; both are used; [non]capitalization by creator)
   * GTN Glyceryl Tri-Nitrate (chemical; high explosive)
   * GTO Geostationary Transfer Orbit
   * GTP Grand-Tourisimo, Production (not duplicates)
   * GTR General Technical Requirements
   * GTR Government Travel Request
   * GTS Ground, Terminal, Splice List
   * GTV Ground-Test Vehicle
   * GUM General User Management
   * GUR General User Repair
   * GUS Gravis Ultra Sound (commercial)
   * GVH Giga-VAR Hour
   * GWB G. W. Busch (school)
   * GWE Global Weather Experiment
   * GWF Gay White Father ('singles' advertising)
   * GWG Gay White Goddess ('singles' advertising)
   * GWM Gay White Mom (or Mother; 'singles' advertising)
   * GWW the Great World War
   * GZT Greenwich Zone Time
   * H2O Hydrogen, Two molecules of, Oxygen (chemical; di-hydrogen oxide; water)
   * HAA Handbooks of Archeology and Antiquities
   * HAA Height Above Airport
   * HAA High Angle of Attack (aircraft; not duplicates)
   * HAA Houseboat Association of America
   * HAA Human-Asset Accounting
   * HAB Heavy Assault Brigade
   * HAB Home Address Block
   * HAC Heading Alignment Cone (not duplicates)
   * HAC Heavy-Aggregate Concrete
   * HAC Hexamethylmelamine, Adiamycin, Cyclophosphamide (drug)
   * HAC High-Aluminous Concrete
   * HAC Honourable Artillery Co.
   * HAC Humanities Association of Canada
   * HAD Hardened And Dispersed
   * HAE Hearing-Aid Evaluation
   * HAE Hereditary Angio-neurotic Edema
   * HAF High-Altitude Fluorescence
   * HAG Helicopter Action Group
   * HAG High-explosive Anti-armor Grenade (military)
   * HAH Heaven And Hell (music; not duplicates)
   * HAH Heaven And Hell @ (other; not duplicates)
   * HAI Health Action International
   * HAI Holland Automation International (commercial?)
   * HAL Hawaiian Air-Lines, Inc. (formal; not duplicates)
   * HAL Hazards Assessment Laboratory
   * HAL Hemispheric Activation Level (commercial)
   * HAL High-order Algorithmic Language
   * HAL Hungarian Air-Lines (company)
   * HAP Hardness Assurance Plan
   * HAP Hardness Assurance Program
   * HAS Hardware Allocation Schedules
   * HAS Herman's Appliance Service (company)
   * HAT Hypertext Access Technology
   * HBF High-Bay Fixture
   * HBL Heated Back-Light
   * HBP Health Benefits Program
   * HCA Hydro-Cinnamic Aldehyde (chemical)
   * HCC Hood Canal Communications (company)
   * HCG Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (not duplicates; both are used)
   * HCI High-Tensile Cast-Iron
   * HCM Hard Core Memory (?)
   * HCP Hard-Copy Printer
   * HCP Hexagonal Close Packed
   * HCR High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR; not duplicates)
   * HCS Hand Control South
   * HCS High-Current Safety
   * HCU Homing Comparator Unit
   * HCW Hydrological Cycle and Water
   * HDB Hold-Down Bolt
   * HDC Hard-Drive Controller (not duplicates)
   * HDD High-Density Digital
   * HDL Hardware Data-Link
   * HDP High-Definition Progressive
   * HDR Hennigson, Durham, and Richardson *
   * HDR High-Density Routing
   * HDS Hardware Disk Striping
   * HEA Highland Express Airways, Ltd.
   * HED Home Economics Department
   * HEI House Ear Institute
   * HEL Home-Equity Loan (banking)
   * HES Hardcopy Exploitation Segment
   * HFB Hand Form Block
   * HFC High-Frequency Control
   * HFE Human Factors Engineering
   * HFM Hachette-Filipacchi Magazines
   * HFR High-Frequency Release
   * HFS High-Frequency Switch (not duplicates)
   * HFS High-Frequency Switching (not duplicates)
   * HFS Holy Family School
   * HGH Human Growth Hormone (not duplicates; both are used)
   * hGH Human Growth Hormone @ (not duplicates; both are used)
   * HGS Head-up Guidance Panel
   * HHS Health and Human Services
   * HIA Hearing Industries Association
   * HIF Hyper G Interchange Format
   * HIH His Imperial Highness
   * HIP High-Impact Plastic (not duplicates)
   * HIV Human Immuno-deficiency Virus
   * HKF H.K. Ferguson Co.
   * HLC Heavy Lift Cargo Airlines (company)
   * HLO High Lunar Orbit
   * HLR High-Level Radiation
   * HMA Home Mortgage Account (banking)
   * HMC Honda Motor Company (not duplicates)
   * HMC Hyundai Motor Company (not duplicates)
   * HME Hellenic Marine Environment
   * HMM Hyper Media Management
   * HMP Health and Medical Program
   * HMS Hot-Milled Steel
   * HNE Health equals Nutrition and Exercise
   * HNG Hot-News Gazette
   * HOC Height Overlap Coverage
   * HOE Homing Overlay Experiment
   * HOM House Of Mirrors
   * HPA High Power Amplifier
   * HPA High-Pressure Air
   * HPC Hours Per Century
   * HPD Hard-Point Defense (military)
   * HPE Hawks Prairie Electric (company)
   * HPG High-Pressure Gas
   * HPI Health Physics Instruments
   * HPL Hyper-Pro-Lactinemia
   * HPM Hours Per Minute
   * HPP Hydraulic Power-Pack
   * HPS Hits Per Second
   * HPS Hydraulic Pressure Switches
   * HPU Hand-held Privacy Unit (commerical; cellular telephone scrambler!; telephony)
   * HPW High-Pressure Water
   * HPW Hits Per Week
   * HRC High Rupturing Capacity
   * HRD Human-Resources Development
   * HRG Hemispherical Resonator Gyroscope
   * HRI High-Resolution Imager (ROSat)
   * HRM Heart-Rate Meter (not duplicates)
   * HRM Heart-Rate Monitor (preferred; not duplicates)
   * HRR High-Resolution Radiometer
   * HRV High Resolution Visible
   * HRW Harpur Radio Workshop (SUNY)
   * HSC Hierarchical Storage Controller
   * HSD High-Speed Data
   * HSE Helsinki School of Economics (Finland)
   * HSH Hexagonal Socket Head
   * HSM Hard Structure Munition
   * HSO High-Speed Optical
   * HSP High-Speed Parallel
   * HSS High-Speed Steel
   * HSW Hazardous and Solid Waste
   * HTA Hardware Test Aid
   * HTF Height Finding
   * HTH Hope This Hurts
   * HTM Hard Tube Modulator
   * HTS Heat-Treated Steel
   * HTT Hard Target Track
   * HUA Hydrologic Unit Area
   * HUI Handicapped-User Interface
   * HUT Helsinki University of Technology
   * HVF Hyper-Viscous Fluid
   * HVR High-Voltage Regulator
   * HVR High-Voltage Research
   * HWG HTML Writers Guild @ (not duplicates; both are used; internet URL)
   * HWH Hot-Water Heater
   * HWP Height/ Weight Proportionate (fat in 'personals' talk)
   * I2R Imaging Infra-Red ('I2' [I squared] for 'II')
   * IA2 International Alphabet Two
   * IA4 International Alphabet Four
   * IAA International Actuarial Association
   * IAB Internet Activities Board
   * IAC Installation And Check-out
   * IAD Incision And Drainage
   * IAD Inter-American Development
   * IAE In Any Event
   * IAF Imperial Iranian Air-Force (military)
   * IAI Installation And Interval
   * IAM Industrial and Applied Mathematics
   * IAM International Association of Marathoners
   * IAP Industry Applications Programs
   * IAP Internet Account Provider
   * IAS Information Access System
   * IAS Internet Access Software
   * IAT Income After Taxes
   * IAT Internet Appliance Toolkit
   * IAU Intravenous Access Unit (fiction; Star Wars))
   * IBC Integral Block Controller
   * IBL International Book and Library
   * IBL Ion-Beam Lithography
   * IBM Idiot Behind Modem
   * IBM Incontinent Bowel Movement (contrived?)
   * IBM Institute of Builders' Merchants
   * IBO International Business Organization
   * IBP Independent Bid and Proposal
   * IBR It's Been Real
   * IBS Internal Business Systems
   * IBU Instrumentation Buffer Unit
   * IC1 Integrated-Circuit One (in a diagram)
   * IC7 Integrated-Circuit Seven (in a diagram)
   * ICA Intelligent Console Architecture
   * ICA International Communication Association
   * ICA Intra-application Communications Area
   * ICC International Carbide Corporation
   * ICE Current in a Capacitive reactance leads Voltage ('I' for 'intensity [of current]'; 'E' for 'voltage')
   * ICE Increased Combat Effectiveness
   * ICE Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (language?)
   * ICG Interactive Computer Graphics
   * ICH Inertial Commanded Height
   * ICI Intra-Cervical Insemination
   * ICM International Crystal Manufacturing Co. Inc.
   * ICN Inventory Control Number
   * ICR Industrial Commercial Residential
   * ICR Iron Core Reactor
   * ICS Instrumentation and Communications Subsystem
   * ICS Inter-Communication System
   * ICS Internet Connection Services
   * ICT Inspection Check Template
   * ICT Integrate Combat Turnaround
   * ICU Interface Control Unit
   * ICV Initial Chaining Value
   * ID4 Independence Day, Fourth of July
   * IDA Integrated Database Application
   * IDA Intelligent Drive Array (not duplicates)
   * IDC Insulation-Displacement Connector
   * IDC Integrated Database Connector (commercial?)
   * IDE Imbedded Drive Electronics (contrived or unknown; odd spelling)
   * IDE Interface Design Editor
   * IDI International Developers, Inc.
   * IDM Internal Data Memory
   * IDR Input Data Register
   * IDR Internal Design Review
   * IDS Interface Design Specification
   * IE4 Internet Explorer Four (commercial)
   * IED Innovative Electronic Designs
   * IEE Institute of Electrical Engineers
   * IEP Internet Exchange Packet
   * IER Integrated Employee Records
   * IEX Imaging Extensions for X-Windows (commercial)
   * IFD Image File Directory
   * IFE In-Flight Entertainment
   * IFI In-Flight Insertion
   * IFL International Forces In Lebanon (UNIFL)
   * IFR International Flight Research Corp.
   * IFS Internet File System
   * IFT Integrated Functional Test
   * IGC Industrial Garbage Customer
   * IGC Integrated Graphics Controller
   * IGM Insulating-Glass Manufacturer
   * IGS Image Generation System
   * IGS Interactive Graphics Standards
   * IGS Internet Go Server
   * IGY International Geophysical Year
   * IHF I Hate Fat!
   * IHR IGIA Hair Removal system
   * IHU I Hate You ('U' for 'you')
   * IIA Independent Insurance Agent
   * IID Information Industry Directory
   * IIL Integrated-Injection Logic
   * IIR Interrupt Identification Register (microprocessor)
   * IJA International Jet Air, Ltd.
   * IJI Initiative on Joint Implementation
   * ILA Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics
   * ILA Instrument Landing Approach (aircraft)
   * ILF Inlet-Line Filter
   * ILS Information Locator Service
   * ILT Imprecisely Located Targets
   * ILU Inter-Language Unification
   * IMC Indirect Maintenance Cost
   * IME Input-Method Editor
   * IME Internet Mail Extension
   * IMI Intermediate Maintenance Instruction
   * IMI International Memories, Inc.
   * IMM Integrated Multimedia Monitor
   * IMP Integrated Mechanism Problem
   * IMS Image Motion Stabilization
   * IMS Indianapolis Motor Speedway
   * IMS Internet Message Support
   * INA Iran National Airlines Corporation
   * IND Internet News Daemon
   * INN Inter Node Network
   * INO International NOTAM Office
   * INS Integrated Network Server
   * IOC Idea Of the Century
   * IOC Indirect Operating Cost
   * IOC Inter-Office Channel
   * IOC International Olympic Committee
   * IOF Independent Order of Foresters
   * IOM Inter-Office Memorandum
   * IOP Individual Operating Plan
   * IOS Inter-Office Signaling (telephony)
   * IOU Input-Output Unit
   * IPA Intellectual-Property Agreement
   * IPC Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits
   * IPC International Printed Circuit Designers Council
   * IPD Impressions Per Day
   * IPD Integrated Power Device
   * IPE Initial Provisioning Engineering
   * IPH Iterations Per Hour
   * IPL Individual Personal Loan (banking)
   * IPL Inland Power And Light (commercial)
   * IPL IPAD Program Library
   * IPM Inches Per Minute
   * IPO Integrated Purchase Order
   * IPS Impact Protection System
   * IPS Inches Per Second
   * IPS Input-Output Per Second
   * IPS Instrument Performance Summary
   * IPS Iterations Per Second
   * IPX Internetwork Packet eXchange ('X' for 'exchange'; commercial?)
   * IQS Integrated Queuing System
   * IRA Individual Retirement Account (correct; banking)
   * IRA Irish Republican Army (military)
   * IRC International Rectifier Company
   * IRD Initial Requirements Determination
   * IRL In Real Life
   * IRL Inter-Repeater Link
   * IRM Information Resource Management
   * IRM Instant Reference Manual
   * IRR Internal Rate of Return
   * IRS Information Referral Service
   * IRS Inter-Record Separator
   * IRS Internetwork Routing Service
   * IRS Inventory Redistribution System
   * IRW Infrared Warning
   * ISA Interactive Services Association
   * ISB Interface Scheduling Board (not duplicates)
   * ISC Idle-Speed Control
   * ISC Instruction Set Computer
   * ISD Imperial Star-Destroyer (fiction; Star Wars))
   * ISE Implementation Support Activity
   * ISI Initial Support Increment
   * ISI Integrated Systems, Inc.
   * ISL Interactive System Language
   * ISN Initial Sequence Number
   * ISO International Organization for Standardization
   * ISP In-Service Problem
   * ISP Internet Service Provider
   * ISP Interrupt Stack Pointer
   * ISR Isothermal Systems Research
   * ISS International Space Station
   * ISS International Systems and Services
   * IST Instrument Science Team
   * ITA Independent Telephone Association
   * ITA International Trade Association
   * ITC Integration and Test Center
   * ITC Internal Transaction Code
   * ITD Italian Treasury Department
   * ITG Intra-Tubal Growth
   * ITN Inter-Transfer Number (banking)
   * ITP Income-Tax Preparer
   * ITR Inverse Time Relay
   * ITS Interactive Terminal System
   * ITS Interagency Telecommunications System
   * ITT Integrated Test Tape
   * IUA Interactive User Access
   * IUG Intra-Uterine Growth
   * IVD Image Velocity Detector
   * IVD Ion Vapor Deposited
   * IVL Independent Vendor League
   * IVT Infinitely-Variable Transmission
   * IVV Independent Verification and Validation
   * IWU Insulated Window Unit
   * IWW Industrial Workers of the World
   * JAA Joint Aviation Authorities
   * JAB Justerini And Brooks (company?)
   * JAC Jeunesse Anarchiste Communiste (French)
   * JAC Jorgen Automotive Corp.
   * JAC Junior American Citizens
   * JAE Joint Atomic Exercise
   * JAF Jamestown Area Furniture Haulers' Association, Inc., Buffalo, New York
   * JAF Job Accounting Facility
   * JAH Journal of Asian History
   * JAI Jami'at Al Islan (language?)
   * JAI Join And Installation
   * JAI Journal. Royal Archaeological Institute
   * JAL Jammer Allocation Logic
   * JAM Job-Analysis Memorandum
   * JAM Joint Analyzed Make-up
   * JAN Joint Academic Network (UK; also JANET)
   * JAP Joannou And Paraskevaides (language?)
   * JAP Justice And Peace
   * JAW Jacob's And Walker's English Chancery Reports
   * JBD Jet-Blast Deflector
   * JCB Juris Canonici Baccalaureus (Latin)
   * JCN Joint Control Number
   * JCW Jumper-Cable Wizard (commercial)
   * JDK Java Developers' Kit (commercial?)
   * JDR Jeffery D. Rose (company)
   * JEI Japanese Electronics Industry
   * JEP Joint Engineering Planning
   * JET Japan External Trade (not duplicates)
   * JEW Joint Electronic Warfare (military)
   * JGR Journal of Geophysical Research
   * JIC Joint Ice Center (US Navy-NOAA; military)
   * JIN JSC Information Network
   * JIT Just In Time (commercial; compiler; not duplicates)
   * JIT Just In Time @ (other; not duplicates)
   * JLA Jammer Logic A (military)
   * JMA Japan Meteorological Agency
   * JNA Jump if Not Above (instruction)
   * JNC Joint National Committee
   * JNI Java Native Interface (commercial)
   * JOB Just Over Broke
   * JOL Jaws Of Life (a very poor name!)
   * JOV Jules' Own Version (commercial)
   * JPG Jim Patterson Group (commercial?)
   * JPO Joint Program Office
   * JRD Justification Review Document
   * JRT Job Release Ticket
   * JSC Jet Support Centre (UK)
   * JSD Jackson System Development (commercial?)
   * JSI Jeppesen Sanderson, Incorporated
   * JSR Joint Services Review
   * JTC Joint Training Center
   * JTG Joint Task Group
   * JTM Job Transfer and Manipulation
   * JTO JOPES Training Office (commercial?)
   * JTV Joint Tactical Vehicle
   * JWG Joint Working Group
   * JWI Joint Warrior Interoperability
   * KAB Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviour Survey
   * KAF Khmer Air-Force (military)
   * KAF Kinase-Activating Factor
   * KAI Keep America Independent
   * KAK Key-Auto-Key
   * KAM Kehillath Ansche Mayriv (language?)
   * KAO Knights of Aquarius Order
   * KAO Kuiper Airborne Observatory
   * KAS Katz Adjustment Scales
   * KAS Kenya-Australia Society
   * KAS Kulanka Afka Somalyed (language?)
   * KAU King-Armstrong Unit
   * KBA Keto-Butyraldehyde dimethyl Acetal (chemical)
   * KBB King's Bad Bargain
   * KBC Kaufman Brothers Construction, Inc.
   * KbD Kilo-Bits per Decade
   * KBE Knight Commander of the British Empire
   * KBE Knowledge-Base Engineering (not duplicates)
   * KBL Key-Board Listener
   * KBL Key-Board Lock
   * KBM Kilo-Bytes per Month
   * KBP Key-Board Process
   * KBS Kankakee, Beaverville and Southern Railroad (company)
   * KBT Kerry Blue Terrier (dogs)
   * KBU Knuckle-Buster University
   * KCA Kentucky Callers' Association
   * KCB Kartell Convent Blaetter *
   * KCC K-III Communications Corp.
   * KCE Key Clinical Finding
   * KCL Key-station Control Language
   * KCL Knudsen Cosine Law
   * KCM Kirchhoff Coda Migration
   * KDP KEY Decision Point
   * KDS Korea Data Systems (company)
   * KEW Kinetic Energy Weapon
   * KGB Kewaunee, Green Bay, And Western (railroad; company)
   * KGB Kindly Gunn Bunch ?
   * KHA Kiss Her Ass
   * KHI Kawasaki Heavy Industries
   * KIF Knowledge Interchange Format
   * KKV Kinetic Kill Vehicle
   * KME Kovatch Mobile Equipment (motor vehicle; company)
   * KMH Kilo-Meters per Hour
   * KMT Kinetic Molecular Theory
   * KMU Kleine und Mittlere Unternehmen (language?)
   * KOP Knights Of Pythias
   * KPD Kilograms Per Day
   * KPM Kilo-samples Per Minute
   * KPM Kilo-samples Per Month
   * KPM Kilometers Per Month
   * KPS Kitsap Physicians' Service (commercial)
   * KRP Key-Ring Protection
   * KSD Kilo-Samples per Day
   * KSH Key-Strokes per Hour
   * ksi Kilo pounds per Square Inch
   * KSR Keyboard Send-Receive
   * KSY Kilo-Samples per Year
   * KVH Kilo-VAR Hour
   * KVX Kill Vehicle eXperiment ('X' for 'experiment')
   * KWG Keep Washington Green!
   * L2F Layer Two Forwarding (commercial?)
   * LAB Launch And Boost
   * LAC Limited-Access Copy
   * LAC Low Altitude Calibration
   * LAD Landscape Analysis and Data
   * LAE Latin-American Economics
   * LAI Latin-American Integration
   * LAM Limited Area Model
   * LAM Local-Area Multi-computer
   * LAN Linea Aerea Nacional (company; language?)
   * LAN Local-Area Network
   * LAR Local Address Register
   * LAS Light Activated Switch
   * LAS Locked And Sealed
   * LAT Local Area Transport
   * LAW Lacey Auto Works (not duplicates; same company; Washington)
   * LAW Living And Well
   * LBB Little Black Book
   * LBL Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories
   * LBP Land-Based Patrol
   * LCA Land Cover Analysis
   * LCB Laminated Circuit Board
   * LCC Last-Chance College
   * LCC Local Common Channel
   * LCF Low Cost Fiber
   * LCI Low Cut-In (automotive DC generator RPM)
   * LCI Lydig Construction Inc.
   * LCL Less than Carload Lot
   * LCM Life-Cycle Management
   * LCP Lateral Control Package
   * LCR Logistics Command Regulation
   * LCS Laboratory for Computer Science
   * LCS Life-Cycle Study
   * LCS Load-Carrying Structure
   * LDA Lame-Duck Amendment
   * LDA Localizer Directional Aid
   * LDB Last Data-Bit
   * LDC Loss-less Data Compression
   * LDD Local Digital Communication
   * LDI Lighting Dimensions International (trade show)
   * LDO Language-Dependent Objects
   * LDP Language Data-Processing
   * LDP Linux Documentation Project
   * LDR Low Data-Rate
   * LDS Landing Data System (aircraft; not duplicates)
   * LDT Linear Differential Transformer
   * LEA Logistics Effects Analysis
   * LEA Logistics Engineering Analysis
   * LEJ Longitudinal Expansion Joint (architectural)
   * LEL Link, Embed, Launch
   * LEO Low Earth Orbit
   * LER Leading-Edge Radius
   * LES Launch Escape Signal
   * LET Launch Escape Tower
   * LFA Loop Facilities Assignment
   * LFB Left Full-Back
   * LFD Lacey Fire District (Washington)
   * LFO Legal Financial Obligation
   * LFO Low-Frequency Oscillator
   * LFS Launch Facility Simulator
   * LFV Leichtensteinische Fremden-Verkehrszentrale (language?)
   * LGA Land-Grid Array (IC package/ socket)
   * LGS Laser Geodynamic Satellite
   * LHB Left Half-Back
   * LHS Left-Hand Side
   * LIA Local Internet Access
   * LIC Land Information Council
   * LIC Level Inertial Capture
   * LIC Logic Integrated Circuit
   * LIG Lesbian Interest Group
   * LIP Lightweight Internet Person
   * LIS Lightning Imaging Sensor
   * LIS Local Information System
   * LIU LAN Interface Unit
   * LIU Line Interface Unit (telephony)
   * LJC Limited-Jurisdiction Court
   * LLC Line Length Code
   * LLC Low-Level Compatibility
   * LLH Long Leg Horizontal (architectural)
   * LLP Link Level Protocol
   * LLU Local Logic Unit
   * LMB Left Mouse Button
   * LMF Low and Medium Frequency (not duplicates)
   * LMF Low-Medium Frequency (not duplicates)
   * LMO Lens Modulated Oscillator
   * LMS Laser Mass Spectrometry
   * LMU LAN Management Utilities (commercial)
   * LMU Local Memory Unit
   * LNE London and North Eastern (railroad; UK)
   * LNG Liquid Natural Gas
   * LOA Left Occipito-Anterior (not duplicates)
   * LOC Large Optical-Cavity
   * LOC Local Operating Company
   * LOC Loop On line Control
   * LOF Length Of File
   * LOF Libby Owens Ford (company)
   * LOI Loss Of Investment (not duplicates)
   * LOM List Of Material
   * LON Local Operating Network
   * LOP Line Of Position
   * LOR Light Of Reason
   * LOS Length Of Stay
   * LOU Legal Offender Unit
   * LPC Life-Purpose Counciling
   * LPC Liters Per Century
   * LPC Luis Palau Crusade
   * LPD Line Printer Daemon
   * LPD Luteal Phase Defect (not duplicates)
   * LPG Low-Pressure Gas
   * LPL Line Printer Local
   * LPM Laleh's Pattern Matcher
   * LPM Liters Per Month
   * LPN Long Part-Number
   * LPS Launch Phase Simulator (NASA)
   * LPS Local Power-Supply
   * LPT Lunar Propellant Tanker (NASA)
   * LPU Local Power-Unit
   * LPY Liters Per Year
   * LQS Lot Quantity Schedule
   * LRC Low-Resolution Color
   * LRF Law Research Foundation
   * LRM Line Replaceable Module
   * LRM Low-Resolution Monochrome
   * LRU Least-Recently Used
   * LRU Line Record Update (telephony)
   * LSB Least-Significant Bit
   * LSC Linear Shaped Change
   * LSC Loop Station Connector
   * LSD Least-Significant Display
   * LSD Limited-Slip Differential
   * LSD Lysergic Acid Diethylamide
   * LSI Large-Scale Integrated circuit (not duplicates)
   * LSN Linear Scaling Number
   * LSP Lame S Paper (mine for newspaper)
   * LSR Load Shifting Resistor
   * LSS Loop Switching System
   * LST Landing Ship, Tank
   * LTA Lawn-Tennis Association
   * LTC Light-Transfer Characteristics
   * LTE Luft-Transport Espana
   * LTI Left-Turn Indicator
   * LTL Less than Truck-load Lot
   * LTN Louisville [line], Tandem [axle], Nose (commercial; Ford truck)
   * LTO Low Turn-On (automotive DC generator RPM)
   * LTS Loss Test-Set (telephony)
   * LTV Loads Test Vehicle
   * LUF Luteinized Unruptured Follicle
   * LUI Library User Information
   * LUS Land-Use Survey
   * LUS Limited Update, Stereo
   * LVL Logical Volume Label
   * LVR Low-Voltage Release
   * LWL Length at Water-Line
   * LWP Leave Without Pay
   * LWT Last Will and Testament
   * LWW Left Wheel-Well
   * M2C Massachusetts Microelectronics Center ('M2' [M squared] for 'MM')
   * MAA Maximum Authorized Altitude
   * MAB Missile Assembly Building (military)
   * MAC Manufacturing-Assistance Computer
   * MAC Media Access Control (plural; not duplicates)
   * MAC Multi-user Acquisition Contract
   * MAD Mobile Automotive Detailing
   * MAD Mutual Assured Destruction
   * MAE Medical Abbreviations And Eponyms
   * MAE Metropolitan-Area Ethernet
   * MAH Medical Abbreviations Handbook (publication)
   * MAI Multiplexer Action Item
   * MAL Manufacturing Analysis List
   * MAN Metropolitan Area Network
   * MAP Maintenance Analysis Procedures
   * MAP Marine Applications Project
   * MAP Motorist Assurance Plan (commercial?)
   * MAQ Microsoft Access Query (computer file extension; not duplicates)
   * MAQ Microsoft Access Query @ (other; not duplicates; commercial)
   * MAR Microprogram Address Register
   * MAR Microsoft Access Report (computer file extension; not duplicates; commercial)
   * MAT Machine-Aided Translation
   * MAT Mean Access Time
   * MAT Multimedia Applications in Telecooperation
   * MAU Media Access Unit (not duplicates)
   * MAU Medium Attachment Unit
   * MBB Messerschmidt Boelkow Blohm (company; German)
   * MBD Minimal Brain Dysfunction
   * MBE Molecular-Beam Epitaxy
   * MbH Mega-Bits per Hour
   * MBM Mega-Bytes per Month
   * MBS Marine Biological Station
   * MBW Medium Band-Width
   * MbW Mega-Bits per Week
   * MCA Marine Corps Avionics (military)
   * MCC Marine Corps Computer (military)
   * MCD Mono-Cartridge Deck
   * MCE Machinery and Computer-Equipment
   * MCE Marine-Corps Electronics (military)
   * MCE Moscow City Exchange
   * MCI Mode C Intruder
   * MCI Myo-Cardial Infarction
   * MCM 1000 Circular Mils ('M' - the Roman number for 1000)
   * MCP Macmillan Computer Publishing (company; not duplicates; both are used)
   * mcp Macmillan Computer Publishing @ (company; not duplicates; both are used)
   * MCP Master of City Planning (degree)
   * MCR Modem-Control Register
   * MCS Maximum Control Speed
   * MCS Military Command System
   * MCS Mixture-Control Solenoid (automotive)
   * MCS Modular Computer System (commercial)
   * MCT Mean Civil Twilight
   * MCU Mechanism Control Unit
   * MCU Modular Concept Unit
   * MCU Multipoint Control Unit
   * MCW Metal Casement Window
   * MDA Muscular-Dystrophy Association
   * MDC Motor Direct Connected
   * MDD Mission Data Display
   * MDF Main Distributing Frame
   * MDF Menu Definition File (commercial?; computer file extension; not duplicates)
   * MDI Marine Distributors Inc.
   * MDK Multimedia Developers Kit (commercial)
   * MDM Mathematical Dynamic Modeling
   * MDM Metal Dielectric Metal filter
   * MDM Mix-Down Monitors
   * MDR Master Dimensions Request
   * MDS Magnetic-Disk Subsystem
   * MDS Master Dimensions System
   * MDS Microsoft Developer Support (commercial)
   * MDS Multi-point Distribution System
   * MDT Mission Data Tape
   * MEA Middle-East Airlines, Airliban (company)
   * MEC Management Education Center
   * MEC Management Engineering College
   * MED Main Entry Door
   * MED Mechanical Equipment Description
   * MEF Maximum-Elevation Figures
   * MEL Mobile Environmental Laboratory
   * MEO Mid-Earth Orbit
   * MER Molecular-Electronics Research
   * MES Manufacturing Execution System
   * MET Multi-Emitter Transistor
   * MFB Master Flashing-Beacon
   * MFC Manual Frequency Control
   * MFE Manufacturing Feasibility Estimate
   * MFH Master of Fox-Hounds (degree)
   * MFI Multi-port Fuel-Injection (automotive fuel-injection)
   * MFK Multiple Function Keyboard
   * MFL Mono-Filament Line
   * MFM Modified Frequency-Modulation
   * MFN Most-Favored Nation
   * MFS Magazine Flooding and Sprinkling
   * MFS Marine Finish Slate
   * MFS Message Format Service
   * MFS Modern Fiction Studies
   * MFT Muscle-Function Test
   * MGC Mean Geometric Chord
   * MGD Miller Genuine Draft (commercial; alcoholic beverage)
   * MGG Memory Gate Generator
   * MGM Metro-Goldwin-Mayer (company)
   * MHA Manufactured-Housing Association
   * MHD Military Housing Directory
   * MHE Mechanical Handling Equipment
   * MHI Military History Institute (military)
   * MHN Mens' Health Network
   * MHP Minimum Holding Period (banking)
   * MHT Mean High Tide
   * MHW Mean High-Water
   * MIA Minimum IFR Altitude
   * MIC Man In Charge
   * MIC Motorcycle Industry Council
   * MID Master of Industrial Design (degree)
   * MIF Management Information File @ (other; not duplicates)
   * MIL Missile Integration Laboratory (military)
   * MIL Mother In-Law
   * MIP Management Information Protocol
   * MIP Minimum Impulse Pulse
   * MIR Mission In Rwanda
   * MIS Medical Information System
   * MIS Mis-Information System (joke; see DIS)
   * MIU Memory Interface Unit
   * MIU Message Injection Unit
   * MKC Morrison-Knudsen Comp. Ltd.
   * MLA Medical Library Association
   * MLA Music Library Association
   * MLC Memory Load Command
   * MLC Mortgage-Loan Corporation (banking)
   * MLE Martha Lake Electronics (company)
   * MLK Martin Luther King
   * MLP Metal Lath and Plaster
   * MLP Mod Line Planning
   * MLS Microwave Landing System (aircraft)
   * MLV Medium Launch Vehicle
   * MMA Money Management Account
   * MMA Plastics Molders And Manufacturers Association Of SME
   * MMD Mass Media Drives
   * MMF Memory-Mapped Files
   * MML Master Measurement List
   * MMM Mass-Memory Media
   * MMR Measles-Mumps-Rubella
   * MMT Mobile Maintenance Team
   * MNA Master of Nursing Administration (degree)
   * MNE Master of Nuclear Engineering (degree)
   * MOA Memorandum Of Agreement
   * MOC Magnetic Optic Converter
   * MOD Menasco Overhaul Division (company)
   * MOD Message Of the Day
   * MOE Measure Of Effectiveness
   * MOL Maintained Over-Load
   * MOM Manufacturer-Owned Machine
   * MOM MOA On a unit Manufacture assembly
   * MOR Maintenance Overhaul and Repair
   * MOS Magneto-Optical Storage
   * MOS Model Output Statistics
   * MOV Metal-Oxide Varistor
   * MOW Misery Of Work
   * MPA Maritime and Port Affairs
   * MPC Mapping and Photography Committee
   * MPC Military Personnel Center (military)
   * MPC Multiple Purpose Communications
   * MPD Maintenance Planning Document
   * MPD Mega-samples Per Day
   * MPD Miles Per Decade
   * MPE Multiple Programming Executive
   * MPH Manufacturer-Provided Hardware
   * MPH Mega-samples Per Hour
   * MPH Messages Per Hour
   * MPI Multi Purpose Interface
   * MPL Maintenance Parts List
   * MPM Maximum-Power Mode
   * MPM Mega-samples Per Minute
   * MPM Messages Per Month
   * MPM Multimedia Presentation Manager
   * MPP Message Processing Program
   * MPR Material Pickup Request
   * MPR Medium Power Relay
   * MPR Mono-Pulse RADAR
   * MPS Miles Per Second
   * MPT Male Pipe Thread
   * MPV Multi-Passenger Vehicle (not duplicates)
   * MPV Multi-Position Valve
   * MPW Markland Painting And Wallcovering (company)
   * MPY Mega-samples Per Year
   * MRA Minimum Reception Altitude
   * MRB Missile Review Board (military)
   * MRB Modification Review Board
   * MRC Machine Readable Code
   * MRD Main Readout Display
   * MRG Medium-Resolution Graphics
   * MRO Maintenance Repair operation
   * MRP Manufacturing Resources Planning
   * MRR Marine Resources Research
   * MRS Market-Rate Savings (commercial; banking)
   * MRS Material Returned to Stores
   * MRT Mildew Resistant Thread
   * MRU Mobile Radio Unit
   * MSA Microwave Switching Assembly
   * MSA Military Systems Applications
   * MSC Maintenance-Significant Component
   * MSC Miles Standard Cable
   * MSD Mapping Support Data
   * MSD Mauritius Survey Department
   * MSD Micro-Soft Diagnostics (commercial; which is correct?; not duplicates)
   * MSD Microsoft System Diagnostics (commercial; which is correct?; not duplicates)
   * MSD Missile Systems Division (military)
   * MSD Most-Significant Digit
   * MSE Master of Science in Engineering (degree)
   * MSG Miscellaneous Simulation Generation
   * MSH Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone
   * MSI Medium-Scale Integration (not duplicates)
   * MSI Microsoft System Information (commercial)
   * MSL Microsoft Software Library (commercial)
   * MSM MIDI-Sequencer Module
   * MSN Microsoft Support Network (commercial; not duplicates)
   * MSO Multiple Systems Operators
   * MSP Media Studio Pro (commercial product)
   * MSP Micro-Soft Police (commercial)
   * MSS Maintenance Service System
   * MSS Master of Social Science (degree; not duplicates)
   * MSS Mechanical Systems Services
   * MST Mean Seek Time
   * MST Median Seek Time
   * MSU Message Switching Unit
   * MSX Midcourse Space eXperiment ('X' for 'experiment')
   * MTA Major Trading Areas (FCC)
   * MTA Multiple Terminal Access
   * MTC Manufacturer-To-Consumer (not duplicates)
   * MTC Manufacturer-To-Customer (not duplicates)
   * MTC Medium Time-Constant
   * MTC Mushroom-Tappet Camshaft
   * MTD Magnetic-Tape Drive
   * MTE Macintosh Terminal Emulator (commercial)
   * MTE Multisystem Test Equipment
   * MTF Manual Terrain Following
   * MTI Model Technology, Inc.
   * MTI Module Test Integration
   * MTM Manufacturer-Tested Machine
   * MTP Master Test Plan
   * MTR Material Return to Stores
   * MTS Map-Tracking System
   * MTS Message Transfer Service
   * MTS Microsoft Transaction Server (commercial)
   * MTT Maintenance Task Time
   * MTT Molecular-Target Technology
   * MTV Master of Tele-Vision (degree)
   * MTW Maximum Taxi Weight
   * MUD Multi User Dungeon (are three of these miscontrived?)
   * MUP Master of Urban Planning (degree)
   * MUS Machine Utilization System
   * MVD Motion Video Device
   * MVI Multi-Vendor Integration
   * MVP Methyl-Violet Paper
   * MVT Module Verification Test
   * MVT Multiprogramming with a Variable number of Tasks
   * MWC Mobile and Wireless Communication
   * MWE Mega-Watts Electrical
   * MWI Marketing World International (company)
   * MWP Maximum Working Pressure
   * MWT Mega-Watts Thermal
   * MXI Multisystem eXtension Interface ('X' for 'extension')
   * MYP Multi-Year Program
   * NAC N-Acetyl-Cysteine (chemical)
   * NAC Nation Air Canada
   * NAC Networking Architecture Consortium
   * NAE National Association of Evangelicals
   * NAF Naval Avionics Facility
   * NAH Not At Home
   * NAL National Agricultural Library
   * NAM Number Assignment Module (telephony; cellular)
   * NAP Normal Average Pressure
   * NAR National Association of Realtors
   * NAS National Advanced Systems
   * NAS National Air Space
   * NAS Network Access Server
   * NAS Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation
   * NAT Network Administration Tools
   * NBC National Barricade Company
   * NBD No Big Deal
   * NBN Nine-Bit Network
   * NBS New British Standard
   * NBS Nuclear Bomb Simulator (military)
   * NCC National Computer Company
   * NCC Neighborhood Christian Center
   * NCD Norton Change Directory (commercial)
   * NCF NetWare Command File (commercial; computer file extension; not duplicates)
   * NCF NetWare Command File @ (commercial; computer file extension; not duplicates)
   * NCL National Consumer League
   * NCO No-Contact Order
   * NCP Navigation Control Panel
   * NCP Network Control Program
   * NCP Northwest Corporate Park (real-estate)
   * NCR No-Current Relay
   * NCS Network Computer System
   * NCS No-Current Switch (not duplicates)
   * NCT NATO Comparative Testing
   * NCW No-Collar Worker
   * NDB Navigational Data-Base
   * NDD No Drinking/ Drugs
   * NDL Navy Dynamics Laboratory (military)
   * NDP National Data Pool
   * NDR Non-destructive Read-out
   * NDR Normal Bit-Rate
   * NDS The Netherlands Broadcasting System
   * NEA Nurse Education Act
   * NEF National Extra-Fine (thread)
   * NEF Noise Exposure Forecast
   * NET News Elimination Tool (?)
   * NFA No Fornicating Allowed
   * NFB Negative Feed-Back
   * NFF No Fault Found
   * NFL Nice Fucking Life @ (other; not duplicates)
   * NFM Narrow-band Frequency Modulation
   * NFR Not-For-Resale
   * NFR Notice of Financial Responsibility
   * NFV Net Future Value
   * NFW No Frigging Way (not duplicates)
   * NGC National Guard Computer (military)
   * NGR No Good Reason
   * NGS Navigation and Guidance Subsystem
   * NGT National Gateway Telecom
   * NGV Novice Gamblers, Veterans (dogs; NADAC)
   * NHD New Hacker's Dictionary (publication)
   * NHR Non-Hierarchical Routing
   * NIA Newspaper Institute of America
   * NIC National Industry Council (political)
   * NIC Network Interface Co-Processor
   * NIC Non-stop Inventory Control
   * NIM Network Installation Management
   * NIR Network Information Retrieval
   * NIR Non-Ionizing Radiation
   * NIS Network Information System (not duplicates)
   * NIS Networked Information System (not duplicates)
   * NIS Now In Service
   * NJA National Jogging Association
   * NLA Next Lower Assembly
   * NLC Navy Logistics Command (military)
   * NLG Nose Landing Gear
   * NLI Non-Living Issue
   * NLR Nazi Low-Riders
   * NLT Not Less Than
   * NLV National Language Version
   * NMC No-Minimum Checking
   * NMC Not Mission Capable
   * NMI Navy Material Instruction (military)
   * NMP Network Management Protocol
   * NMP Newton Message-Pad (commercial)
   * NMS Network Management System
   * NNI Network Node Interface (ATM)
   * NNS Navy News Service (military)
   * NOC Naval Operations Center
   * NOC Navy Ordnance Corps (military)
   * NOI Notice Of Inquiry
   * NOL Naval Ordnance Laboratory
   * NOR Notice Of Revision
   * NOV Net Original Value
   * NOW Number Of Words
   * NPA North-Pacific Area
   * NPC Named-Pipe Client
   * NPE North-Pacific Electric (company)
   * NPN Negative/ Positive/ Negative (semiconductor doping)
   * NPO Negative/ Positive/ Zero ('O' for 'zero'; VERY bad!)
   * NPR Noise Power Ratio
   * NPS Neutral-Pressure Switch
   * NPT Normal Pressure and Temperature
   * NQS Network Queuing System
   * NRA Non-Racist Association
   * NRC Natural Resource Conservation
   * NRC Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
   * NRE Non-Recoverable Engineering *
   * NRP Network Routing Product
   * NRS Northwest River Supplies (company)
   * NRT No Right-Turn
   * NSA Nail Spotting and Assembly
   * NSA National Standards Association
   * NSC Navy Systems Command (military)
   * NSE Navigation Speed Error
   * NSE Non-deliverable Support Equipment
   * NSG Non-Shrink Grout (architectural)
   * NSL Name-Server Lookup
   * NSP Native Signal Processing (commercial)
   * NSS National Super Service Co.
   * NSS No-Speed Switching (not duplicates)
   * NST Not Sooner Than
   * NSW New South Wales (Australia)
   * NTC Negative Temperature Co-efficient
   * NTI National Technical Information Service
   * NTL Navy Technology Laboratory (military)
   * NTO No Technical Objection
   * NTO Northern Theater of Operations
   * NTS Nano-Technology System
   * NTU Number of Transfer Units
   * NUI Network User Identification
   * NVG Night-Vision Goggle
   * NVS Navigational Video Select
   * NWC Naval Weapons Center, China Lake (not duplicates; military)
   * NWL Naval Weapons Laboratory (military)
   * NWL Non-Wings Level (aircraft)
   * NWO North-West Orient (company)
   * NWS Nose Wheel Steering
   * NYC New York Central
   * OAA Hereditary Order of Armigerous Augustans *
   * OAA Old-Age Assistance
   * OAA Optical Acquisition Aid
   * OAA Outstanding-Achievement Award
   * OAB Operational Advisory Broadcasts
   * OAB Organisation Africaine du Bois (language?)
   * OAB Oxford Annotated Bible
   * OAC Office of the Administrator for the Court
   * OAC Operation of Aircraft Costs
   * OAC Overseas Automotive Club
   * OAD Offshore-Accident Databank
   * OAD Operational Availability Data
   * OAD Original Air Date
   * OAE Optical Alignment Equipment
   * OAE Orbiting Astronomical Explorer
   * OAE Orzeck Aphasia Evaluation
   * OAF Options for Animals Foundation
   * OAG Official Airline Guide
   * OAH Ovarian Androgenic Hyper-function
   * OAH Overhead Air-Hoist
   * OAI Optical Associates Inc.
   * OAM Operation And Maintenance (ATM)
   * OAR Ocean Atmosphere Research Experiment
   * OAS Obsolete And Surplus
   * OAS Offensive Avionics System
   * OAS Organization of American States
   * OBA Octave-Band Analyzer
   * OBE Outer-Back End
   * OBH One-Base Hit
   * OBO Or Best Offer
   * OCA Oceanic Control Area
   * occ Online Career Center @ (not duplicates; both are used; internet URL)
   * OCC Other Common Carrier
   * OCE Ocean-Circulation Experiment
   * OCL Operation Control Language (not duplicates)
   * OCP On-line Complex Processing
   * OCP Operational Control Procedure
   * OCR Operation Control Reports
   * OCS On-Card Sequencer
   * OCX OLE Custom Control ('X' for 'control')
   * ODB Output Data Buffer
   * ODC Operational Discrete Command
   * ODI Open Design Issues
   * ODP Operational Development Phase
   * ODS Operational Discrete Status
   * ODT Outside Diameter Tube
   * OEE Overall Equipment Effectiveness
   * OEO Office of Economic Opportunity
   * OFB Orange Flashing-Beacon
   * OFF Object File Format
   * OFP Operational Flight Program
   * OFS One-Finger Salute
   * OGE Operational Ground Equipment
   * OGE Out-of Ground-Effect
   * OGM Oil, Gas, Mining
   * OGW Overload Gross Weight
   * OHP Omni-directional Holonomic Platform
   * OIC On-line Interactive Course
   * OIC Optical Interface Controller
   * OIM Open Information Management
   * OIP Optical-Illusion Phenomenon
   * OLC Olympia Lighting Center (company; Washington)
   * OLL Over-Load Limiter (not duplicates)
   * OLP Off-Line Planning
   * OLS On-Line Services
   * OLS Order Location System (not duplicates)
   * OMB One-to-Many Broadcast
   * OMF Open Media Framework
   * OMG Observer Mission in Georgia, USSR
   * OMI Open Modeling Interface
   * OMR Optical Mark Recognition (not duplicates)
   * OMS Ozone-Mapping Spectrometer
   * OMU Operational Mock-Up
   * ONF Old North French
   * ONR Office of Naval Research
   * ONV Open-Neutral Valve
   * OOA Object-Oriented Analysis
   * OOD Object-Oriented Database
   * OOI Office Of Investigations
   * OOO Out-Of-Order
   * OOS Off-line Operating Simulator
   * OPA Office of Price Administration
   * OPC Optical Photo-Conductor (redundant?)
   * OPD Operations Per Decade
   * OPI Optical Polymers International (company)
   * OPL Outside Production Line
   * OPM Operations Performance Metric
   * OPR Overhead Performance Reporting
   * OPS One-Pole Switch
   * OPS Oriented Poly-Styrene (chemical; plastic)
   * OPT Open Protocol Technology
   * OPW Operations Per Week
   * OQS cave One, Qumran, Serekh ha-Yahad
   * ORC Officers' Reserve Corps (military)
   * ORD Optical Rotary Dispersion
   * ORI Occupational Rehabilitation, Incorporated
   * ORI Operational Readiness Inspection
   * ORT Operationally Ready Time
   * OSA Olefin-modified Styrene Acrylonitrile (chemical; plastic)
   * OSA Open Systems Architecture
   * OSC Operating-System Company
   * OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense (military)
   * OSE Operating System-Environment
   * OSI Office of Special Investigation
   * OSI Option Specification Instance
   * OSM On-Screen Manager
   * OSM On-Site Maintenance
   * OSP Oil Suction Pump (not duplicates)
   * OSQ Object-Structured Query
   * OSR Operational Scanning Recognition
   * OSS On-Site Service
   * OSS Operations Support Systems
   * OST On-Shore Technology (see OST above; unfortunate ambiguousity)
   * OTA Operation Triggered Architecture
   * OTB On The Blink
   * OTC Owatonna Tool Company
   * OTD Optical Time-Domain
   * OTG Order To Go
   * OTL Operational Test Launch
   * OTL Operational Training Launch
   * OTP Open Transport Protocol
   * OTR Occupational Therapist Registered (degree)
   * OTS On-line Teleprocessing System
   * OTT Office of Travel and Transportation (not duplicates)
   * OTT Over The Top (see UTT)
   * OUI Otherwise Un-Identified
   * OUS Office User Specialist
   * OVP Office of the Vice-President
   * OWA Ontario World-Air, Ltd.
   * OWB Orange Warning-Beacon
   * OWU Open Window Unit (acoustics)
   * OWV One-Way Valve
   * P4L PAPI, Four lights on Left (aircraft)
   * PAB Personal Address-Book
   * PAB Personnel Appeals Board
   * PAC Pitch Augmentation Computer
   * PAC Planning And Control
   * PAC Public-Access Computer
   * PAD Primary Access Display
   * PAD Programmable Automation Data
   * PAG Poly-Alkylene Glycol (chemical; oil)
   * PAG Poly-Alkylene Glycol (oil)
   * PAI Pregnancy After Infertility
   * PAL Precision Audio Link
   * PAL Prescribed Action Link
   * PAM Piss And Moan
   * PAM Pulse-Amplitude Modulation
   * PAP Password-Authentication Protocol
   * PAP Pulmonary Artery Pressure
   * PAR Parts Availability Review
   * PAR Professional Auto-Racing
   * PAR Program Action Request
   * PAS Peregrine Air Services, Ltd.-Scotland
   * PAT Pelican Air Transport, Ltd.
   * PAT Physical Acceptance Test
   * PAV Position And Velocity
   * PAW Pratt And Whitney
   * PBC Parts Breakdown Catalog
   * PBF Parents, Brothers, and Friends (company)
   * PBF Pregnancy After Fertility (joke)
   * PBM Power-plant Buildup Manual
   * PBR Pylon, Beam, and Rack
   * PBS Power Bench Seat (automotive)
   * PCA Pentagon Communications Agency
   * PCA Physical Configuration Audit
   * PCA Power Controller Assembly
   * PCB Plain Cipher Block
   * PCB Poly-Chlorinated Biphenyl (chemical; oil; poison)
   * PCC Panel Components Corporation
   * PCC Poison Control Center
   * PCD Photo Compact-Disc (computer file extension; not duplicates)
   * PCD Product Configuration Definition
   * PCF Process Control File
   * PCI Peripheral Command Indicator
   * PCI Physical Configuration Identification
   * PCL Phoenix Container Liners (company)
   * PCL Post Conference List
   * PCM Parametric Cost Model
   * PCM Phase Control Module
   * PCM Pour Cent Mille (unit of nuclear radiation)
   * PCM Program Control Matrix
   * PCM Project Certification Manager
   * PCN Production Change Number
   * PCO Poly-Cystic Ovaries
   * PCO Production Control Operation
   * PCP Power Control Panel
   * PCP Previous Code Page
   * PCR Plot Composition Request
   * PCR Project Cost Report
   * PCS Pacific Climate Study (MSA)
   * PCS Physical Control Space
   * PCS Plotting Control System
   * PCS Process Control System
   * PCS Production Control Support
   * PCS Program-Counter Store
   * PCU Portable Control Unit
   * PCU Power Conditioning Unit
   * PCW Personal-Computer World (publication)
   * PDA Physical Device Address
   * PDB Para-Dichloro-Benzine (chemical)
   * PDB Product Data-Base
   * PDB Product Development Building
   * PDC Pre-Departure Clearance
   * PDC Proteus Digital Channel
   * PDD Plumbing and Deck Drain
   * PDF Polycrystaline Diamond Film
   * PDF Portable Document Format (computer file extension; not duplicates)
   * PDF Program Development Facility
   * PDI Personal Data Interchange
   * PDI Product Definition Integration
   * PDL Pay-Day Loan
   * PDL Permanent Data-Link
   * PDM Programmed Depot Maintenance
   * PDN Public Data Network
   * PDP Policy Development and Planning
   * PDQ Pretty Damned Quickly (acceptable grammar)
   * PDQ Pretty Darned Quickly (acceptable grammar)
   * PDR Pre-Determined Route
   * PDR Program Design Review
   * PDR Publications Discrepancy Report
   * PDS Portable Document Software
   * PDS Post-Development Support
   * PDS Program Design Specification
   * PDT Page Deallocation Table
   * PDT Product-Development Team
   * PDU Protocol Data Unit
   * PDX Printer Description Extension @ (other; not duplicates)
   * PED Planning and Engineering Department
   * PEG Photographic Experts Group
   * PEG Program Evaluation Group
   * PEL Purchased Equipment List
   * PEM Privacy-Enhanced Mail
   * PEP Peak Envelope Power
   * PEP Pump Exit Pressure
   * PER Part Evaluation Record
   * PES Production Engineering Services
   * PET Point of Equal Time
   * PET Production Environmental Tests
   * PFB Printer Font Binary (computer file extension; not duplicates)
   * PFB Purple Flashing-Beacon
   * PFC Primary Flight Control (not duplicates)
   * PFD Personal Floatation Device
   * PFD Planned Flight Data
   * PFE Programmers' File Editor (commercial?)
   * PFI Post Flight Inspection
   * PFP Pay For Performance
   * PFR Planning For Rate
   * PFS Power-Failure Sensor
   * PFT Programmed Flying Training
   * PFT Pure Flat Tube (commercial?)
   * PGC Plant-Growth Chamber
   * PGM Piston-Generator-Motor
   * PGZ Predicted Ground Zero
   * PHI Position Homing Indicator
   * PHS Public Health Service
   * PHT Packaging, Handling, and Transportability
   * PIA Peripheral Interface Adapter
   * PIB Poly-Iso-Butylene (chemical; plastic)
   * PIB Pulse Interference Blanker
   * PIC Personal Information Carrier
   * PIC Pilot In Command
   * PIC Priority Interrupt Controller
   * PID Preflight Insertion Data
   * PIH Public Internet Host
   * PII Procurement Instruction Identification
   * PIM Personal Information Manager
   * PIN Physician Identification Number
   * PIN Precision Information Network (commercial)
   * PIO Processor Input-Output
   * PIO Program Input-Output (not duplicates)
   * PIO Programmed Input-Output (not duplicates)
   * PIP Processor Input Port
   * PIR Passive Infra-Red
   * PIR Phoenix International Raceway (commercial)
   * PIT Phoenix Institute of Technology
   * PIT Pilot In Training
   * PJA Patriotic Justice in America
   * PL1 Programming Language/ One (commercial)
   * PLA Production-Line Automation
   * PLD Plans, Logs, and Data Document
   * PLD Power and Lighting Distribution
   * PLL Phase-Locked Loop
   * PLO Palestine Liberation Organization
   * PLP Presentation Level Protocol
   * PMA Part Manufacturing Authorization
   * PMA Pencil Makers Association
   * PMC Permanent Magnet Computer
   * PMD Perpetual-Motion Device
   * PMD Preventive Maintenance Daily
   * PME Portable Mechanical Equipment
   * PME Precision Measuring Equipment
   * PMI Permanent Manufacturing Information
   * PMI Protected-Mode Interface
   * PML Princeton Microfiche Library
   * PMP P Modification Program
   * PMP Poly-Methyl-Pentane (chemical; plastic)
   * PMR Performance Management Review
   * PMS Power-Management Software
   * PMS Product-Management Software
   * PMU Plaster Mock-Up
   * PMU Portable Memory-Unit
   * PNE Palestine and the Near East
   * PNL Passive Network Library (commercial)
   * PNM PN Merpati Nusantara Airlines (company)
   * PNR Point of No Return (see PKR)
   * PNS Part Number Summary
   * POA Percent Open Area
   * POB Place Of Birth
   * POB Private Office Building
   * POC Point Of Continuity
   * POC Point Of Curve
   * POD Payment On Death (not duplicates)
   * POD Polycystic Ovary Disease
   * POD Post-Office Department
   * POE Point Of Embarkation
   * POE Port Of Embarkation
   * POI Point Of Interest
   * POL Petroleum, Oils, and Lubricants
   * POM Power-Off Mode (an excellent example of ambiguous TLAs!)
   * POO Port Of Olympia
   * POP Point Of Purchase
   * POR Privately-Owned Resources
   * POS Pile Of Shit (not duplicates)
   * POS Point Of Sale
   * POV Peak Operating Voltage
   * POV Persistence Of Vision (computer file extension; not duplicates)
   * POW Power Of Work
   * PPA Pollution Prevention Act
   * PPA Program Procurement Authority
   * PPC Pre-release Part Card
   * PPC Present Position Correction
   * PPD PostScript Printer Description (commercial?; computer file extension; not duplicates)
   * PPD Pulses Per Day
   * PPD Pulses Per Decade
   * PPI Peer-to-Peer Internetworking
   * PPI Pixels Per Inch
   * PPI Programmable Peripheral Interface
   * PPM Pounds Per Month
   * PPM Pulse Position Modulation
   * PPO Prior Permission Only
   * PPP Pollution Prevention Plan
   * PPS Pad Perimeter Shelter
   * PPS Pounds Per Second
   * PPT Portable and Precision Tool
   * PPT Programs Process review Team
   * PPV Prairie Park Vista (real-estate)
   * PQT Preliminary Qualification Test
   * PRA Popular Rotorcraft Association
   * PRC Part Release Card
   * PRC Planned Residential Community
   * PRC Pulse Repetition Cards
   * PRF Pulse Repetition Frequency
   * PRF Pulse-Rate Frequency
   * PRK Photo-Refractive Keratectomy
   * PRL Physical Review Letters (publication)
   * PRM Pulse-Rate Modulation
   * PRP Personal Restraint Petition
   * PRP Pressure Recording Process
   * PRR Pulse Repetition Rate
   * PRS Planned-Response System
   * PRT Photo Template Requisition
   * PS2 Personal-System Two (commercial)
   * PSA Pacific Southwest Airlines, Inc.
   * PSB Page-Select Bit (computer)
   * PSC Pacific Science Center
   * PSC Personal Super Computer
   * PSD Packet-Switched Data
   * PSD Program Storage Device
   * PSD Programmable System Device
   * PSE Project Support Environment
   * PSI Packet-Switch Interface (telephony)
   * PSI Pre-Sentence Investigation
   * PSI Professional Ski Instructor
   * PSM Play-Station Magazine (publication)
   * PSM Printing Systems Manager
   * PSN Program Sequence Number
   * PSP Pierced Steel Plank
   * PSP Program-Segment Prefix
   * PSR Power-Supply Reset
   * PSS Portable Shearography System
   * PSS Process and System Strategy
   * PSW Pacific South-West
   * PTA Parent-Teacher Association
   * PTA Programmable Test Adapter
   * PTC Phen-Tio-Carbamine (chemical)
   * PTD Parallel Transfer Disk Drive
   * PTE Planned Time En-route
   * PTF Problem Temporary Fix (not duplicates)
   * PTI Pad-Tech Industries (company)
   * PTL Praise The Lord
   * PTL Projects and Technology, Ltd.
   * PTO Power Take-Off
   * PTR Part Transfer Request
   * PTR Photo Template Requisition
   * PTS Pacific Test Site
   * PTS Post-Testicular System
   * PTT Post, Telegraph, Telephone (includes telephony)
   * PTV Performance Test Vehicle
   * PUD Public Utility District
   * PUP PARC Universal Packet (protocol)
   * PUS Peaceful Uses of Space
   * PVC Poly-Vinyl Chloride (chemical; plastic)
   * PVD Planned Video Display
   * PVI Pilot Vehicle Interface
   * PVS Parallel Visualization Server
   * PVT Pinole Valley Trucking (company)
   * PWA Project Work Authorization (not duplicates)
   * PWB Programmers Work Bench (commercial)
   * PWC Professional Window Cleaner (not duplicates)
   * PWD Predicted Wind Data
   * PWD Pulse-Width Decoder
   * PWO Paper Work Only
   * PWP Pacific Western Pipe (company)
   * PWS Poison-Wire System
   * PWU Part Where Used
   * PZM Pressure-Zone Microphone (commercial)
   * QAA Quality Assurance Audit
   * QAB Queen Anne's Bounty
   * QAC Quality Assurance Coordinator
   * QAC Quality Assurance Professional
   * QAC Quebec Appeal Cases
   * QAD Quick Attach-Detach
   * QAE Quality Assurance Engineering
   * QAH Quick Airways Holland BV (company)
   * QAK Quick-Attach Kit
   * QAL Quarterly Accession List
   * QAM Queued Access Method
   * QAO Quality Assurance Office (not duplicates)
   * QAP Quality Assurance Program (not duplicates)
   * QAP Quanah, Acme and Pacific Railway Co.
   * QAR Quality Assurance Record
   * QAS Quality Assurance Service
   * QAS Quisqueya Airlines SA (company)
   * QAT Quality Assurance Technical
   * QBA Queensland Barristers' Board
   * QBD Queen's Bench Division (not duplicates)
   * QBD Queen's Bench Division, Law Reports (publication; not duplicates)
   * QBO Quarterly Business Outlook (publication)
   * QBP Queen's Bishop's Pawn
   * QCD Quantum Chromo-Dynamics
   * QCR Quality Control Reliability
   * QCR Quantity Control Records
   * QDM Quality Debris Monitor
   * QDS Quality Data record System (not duplicates)
   * QDS Quality Data Systems (not duplicates)
   * QDS Quick and Dirty System
   * QEI Quod Erat Inveniendum (Latin)
   * QGS Quality Grading System
   * QIC Query by Image Content (commercial?)
   * QIS Quality Improvement Story
   * QJR Quality Jewelry Repair (sure, but WHAT quality?)
   * QMC Quarter-Master Corps (military)
   * QMS Quality Micro Systems (company)
   * QMW Queen Mary and Westfield College
   * QOR Qualitative Operational Requirement
   * QOR Quantum Optical Research
   * QPP Quantized Pulse Position
   * QPT Quantity Per Task
   * QRA Quality Reliability Assurance
   * QRS Qualitative Reasoning System
   * QRT Quick Response Team
   * QSL Qualifications and Standards Laboratory
   * QSO Quasi-Stellar Object
   * QSS Quality Surveillance System
   * QTB Quarry Tile Base
   * QTL Quantitative Trait Locus
   * QTP Quality Test Plan
   * R0L Return to Zero Level
   * RAA Records And Accountability
   * RAA Royal Australian Air-Force (military)
   * RAC Regent Air Corp.
   * RAC Resource Access Control
   * RAD Rapid Application Development (duplicates?)
   * RAD Routing Arbiter Data
   * RAI Receive And Inspect (not duplicates)
   * RAL Remote Analog Loopback
   * RAM Radiation Attenuation Measurement
   * RAN Radio Aids to Navigation
   * RAP Relational Analytical Processing
   * RAP Responsible Atmospheric Policy
   * RAS RADAR Absorption Structure
   * RAS Reliability, Availability and Serviceability
   * RAT Radio Amateur Telecommunications
   * RAV Remote Autonomous Vehicle
   * RBA Request-Broker Architecture
   * RBC Royal Bank of Canada (company)
   * RBE Relative Biological Effectiveness
   * RBT Requirements-Based Testing
   * RCC Rainier Cable Commission *
   * RCC Rescue-Coordination Center
   * RCF Realtime Compression Format
   * RCF Remote Communication Facility
   * RCI Realtime Compression Interface
   * RCM Recommend Cruise Mach
   * RCO Remote Communications Outlet
   * RCP Remote-Control Preprocessor (microcontroller)
   * RCP Royal College of Physicians
   * RCS Red-Carpet Service
   * RCS Royal College of Surgeons
   * RCT Red-Carpet Treatment
   * RDA Remote Data-Acquisition
   * RDB Receive Data Buffer
   * RDC RF Down Converter
   * RDF Resource Description Framework
   * RDG Resolver Differential Generator
   * RDM Recording Demand Meter
   * RDO Research and Development Objectives
   * RDR Request for Document Revision
   * RDS Remote Data Service
   * RDS Resistance, Drain to Source
   * REA Real-Estate Appraiser
   * REA Rear-End Alignment
   * REE Responsible Equipment Engineer
   * REL Rescue Equipment Locker
   * REM Roentgen Equivalent in Man (duplicates?)
   * REO Repair Estimate Order
   * REP Range Error Probability
   * RET Real-Enough Time
   * RFA Radio Frequency Authorization
   * RFA Request For Analysis
   * RFC Request For Commitment
   * RFC Resident Fabrication Control
   * RFE Request For Estimate
   * RFH Request For Heat
   * RFL Real Freaking Loud (not duplicates)
   * RFP Reduced-Fare Pass
   * RFP Request For Processing
   * RFS Radio Frequency Surveillance
   * RFS Remote File Sharing
   * RFT Radio Frequency Transmitter (not duplicates)
   * RGA Range to Go to missile Altimeter turn on
   * RGR Residential Garbage Route
   * RGT Resonant Gate Transistor
   * RHI Range Height Indicator
   * RHR Roughness Height Rating
   * RHS Regional Heart-Study
   * RIB Right In-Board
   * RIC Residential Industrial Commercial
   * RID Request for Inspection Data
   * RIL Repairable Item List
   * RIM RADAR Input Mapper
   * RIP Raster Image Processor
   * RIP Remote Imaging Protocol
   * RIP Ring-Index Pointer
   * RIS Radon Information Service (not duplicates)
   * RIS Rocket Information Services (commercial; mine)
   * RIS Rowland Institute For Science
   * RIU RADAR Input Unit
   * RIV Radio Influence Voltage
   * RLA Rechargeable Lead-Acid
   * RLA Rotary Launcher Assembly
   * RLD RADAR Laydown Delivery
   * RLG Refrigerated Liquefied Gas
   * RLR Resolver Library Routines
   * RLU RADAR Logic Unit
   * RMA Rate Monotonic Analysis
   * RMA Royal Marine Artillery (military)
   * RMC Regional Medical Center
   * RMC Royal Military College
   * RMM Read-Mostly Memory
   * RMO Risk Management Organization
   * RMS [square] Root [of the] Mean [of the sum of the] Square[s]
   * RMS Resources Monitor-Scheduler
   * RMU RADAR Memory-Unit
   * RMV Retired Military Veteran
   * RNC R and N Cargo (company)
   * RNG Random-Number Generator
   * RNS Real Name System
   * RNS Royal Naval Service
   * ROC Rate Of Climb
   * ROC Required for Operational Capability
   * ROD Richmond Over-Drive (commercial)
   * ROH Rear Of House (usually BOH; see FOH, BOH)
   * ROJ Range On Jamming
   * ROM Resident-Operator Memory (contrived?)
   * ROP Rear Observation-Post
   * ROS Reactive Oxygen Species
   * ROS Return On Sales
   * ROT Reign Of Terror (music; not duplicates)
   * RPA RADAR Performance Analyzer
   * RPC Remote Position Control
   * RPC Revolutions Per Century
   * RPD Repetitions Per Day
   * RPG Raster Pattern Generator
   * RPI RADAR Precipitation Integrator
   * RPL Recognition of Prior Learning (Australian)
   * RPM Rapid Performance Multimedia
   * RPM Reflections Per Month
   * RPM Replacement Parts Manufacturing
   * RPP Receive Personality PROM
   * RPR Relative Performance Rating
   * RPS Remote Power-Supply
   * RPS Revolutions Per Second
   * RPT Resident Provisioning Team
   * RPW Repetitions Per Week
   * RQC RADAR Quality Control
   * RRB Railway Retirement Board
   * RRB Retrofit Review Board
   * RRD Rural-Route Delivery
   * RRO Reports Receiving Office
   * RRR Resource Requirements and Reporting
   * RRT RADAR Receiver-Transmitter
   * RRT Requirements Review Team
   * RSA RADAR Service Area
   * RSC RADAR Scan Converter
   * RSC Remote Sensing Center
   * RSD Received Signal Detected
   * RSD Rolling Steel Door
   * RSG Raster Symbol Generator
   * RSM Remote Server Management
   * RSO Requirements Schedule and Ordering system
   * RSP Remote Sequenced Packet
   * RSP Requirements Summation Program
   * RSS Root Sum of Square
   * RSV Retired Senior Volunteer
   * RTA Ready To Assemble
   * RTA Retail Traders Association (Australian)
   * RTA Right Trim Arm
   * RTC Real-Time Clock
   * RTC Rural Training Council
   * RTD Real-Time Data
   * RTE Real-Time Environment
   * RTE Run-Time Environment
   * RTI RADAR Target Indicator
   * RTL Reinforced Tile Lintel
   * RTL Run Time Library
   * RTM Resin-Transfer Molding (plastics)
   * RTM Routing Table Maintenance
   * RTO Responsible Test Organization
   * RTS Radio and Television Service
   * RTS Reflections Training Systems, Inc.
   * RTS Return to Service
   * RTU Re-Training Unit
   * RTV Return To Vendor
   * RUM RADAR Unit Mount
   * RVA Reactive Volt-Ampere Meter
   * RVR Runway Visual Range
   * RWA Rear-Wheel Alignment
   * RWC Rain-Water Conductor
   * RWS Range-While-Search
   * RWW Rear Wheel-Well
   * RWX Read-Write-eXecute ('X' for 'execute')
   * RZP Polarized Return-to-Zero
   * S4C Stereo Four-track Cartridge
   * SAA Safe And Arm
   * SAA Spectrum-Analyzer Adapter
   * SAB Special American Business
   * SAC Satellite-Access Card
   * SAC Simple Analog Channel
   * SAC Superseding And Canceling
   * SAD Service Advertising Protocol
   * SAD Standard American Diet (see HAD, SAD above)
   * SAF Short And Fat
   * SAF Single Asian Female ('singles' advertising)
   * SAG Single Asian God ('singles' advertising)
   * SAG Stock-Abbreviation Guide
   * SAH Servicio Aereo de Honduras (Honduran; company)
   * SAI Suburban Area Interface
   * SAI Symbolic Automatic Integrator
   * SAM Selective Automatic Monitoring
   * SAM Single Asian Mom (or Mother; 'singles' advertising)
   * SAM Spares Affected Memorandum
   * SAM System Administration Manager
   * SAN Single Account-Number
   * SAP Safety Awareness Program
   * SAP Service Advertising Protocol
   * SAP Speech Application Program
   * SAP Systems, Applications and Products (company)
   * SAR Search And Rescue
   * SAR Storage Address Register
   * SAR Subsequent Application Review
   * SAS Sales Accounting System
   * SAS Small Astronomy Satellite
   * SAS Stability Augmentation System
   * SAS System And Service
   * SAT Site Activation Team
   * SAT Static Air Temperature
   * SAU See And Use
   * SAW Save A Whale
   * SBC Single-Board Computer
   * SBE School of Business and Economics
   * SBE Society of Broadcast Engineers
   * SBG Single Black God ('singles' advertising)
   * SBH Sequencing By Hybridization
   * SBL South-Bound Lane
   * SBN Standard Book Number
   * SBP Sound Blaster Pro (commercial)
   * SBS Scandinavian Brake Systems (company)
   * SBS Shaken-Baby Syndrome
   * SBU Silver Brazing Union
   * SCA SCSI Configuration Automatically
   * SCA Shuttle Carrier Aircraft ('STS' is NOT 'shuttle'!)
   * SCA Subsidiary Communications Authorization (duplicates; which is correct?) *
   * SCC Scalable Cluster of CISC
   * SCC Specialized Common Carrier
   * SCC State Corporation Commission
   * SCC System-Cooling Coils
   * SCD Single Chinese Dad ('singles' advertising)
   * SCD System Configuration Data
   * SCF Single Chinese Female ('singles' advertising)
   * SCF Single Christian Father ('singles' advertising)
   * SCG Security Classification Guide
   * SCG Single Christian Goddess ('singles' advertising)
   * SCI System Configuration Item
   * SCM Service Committee Meeting
   * SCM Single Chinese Mom (or Mother; 'singles' advertising)
   * SCM Spoiler Control Module
   * SCM Subscriber Carrier Module (telephony)
   * SCO Special Compartmental Information
   * SCP Set Clearance Plane
   * SCP Signal Control Point
   * SCP Stereo-Cassette Player
   * SCP Supplier Change Proposal
   * SCR Silicon Controlled Rectifier
   * SCR System Change Record
   * SCS Schedule Commitment Summary
   * SCS Single Channel Simplex
   * SCS Stock Control System
   * SCT State-Certified Treatment
   * SCU Servo Control Unit
   * SCU Signal Conditioning Unit
   * SCU System Control Unit
   * SDA Satellite Dealer Association (NASA has competition?)
   * SDB Safe Deposit Box
   * SDC Single-Disc Clutch (automotive)
   * SDC Spares Distribution Center
   * SDC Strategic Defense Command (military)
   * SDD Single-Density Drive (not duplicates)
   * SDF Self-Defense Force
   * SDF Standard Data Format @ (other; not duplicates)
   * SDG Status Display Generator
   * SDI Software Development Interface (commercial?)
   * SDL Significant Difference List
   * SDM SCSI Device Management
   * SDM Speaker Drive Module
   * SDM System Development Multitasking
   * SDN System Development Notification
   * SDR Serial Data Register
   * SDR Supplier Data Requirement
   * SDS Shop Distribution Stock
   * SDS Space Defense System (military)
   * SDS Sysops Distribution System
   * SDU Satellite Data Unit
   * SDU SECAL Decoder Unit
   * SDU System Display Unit
   * SDX Satellite Data eXchange ('X' for 'exchange')
   * SEB Starboard Equipment-Bay
   * SEC Spoiler Elevator Computer
   * SEC Stereo Eight-track Cartridge
   * SED Single-Ended Driver
   * SEE Serial Electrically-Erasable
   * SEH Shin Etsu Handotai (company)
   * SEI Sykes Enterprises Incorporated
   * SEJ Sliding Expansion Joint
   * SEL Sound Exposure Level
   * SEM Sensor Emitter Manager
   * SEP Star Epitaxial Planar
   * SER Stop End of Runway
   * SER Subcontractor Engineering Review
   * SES Service Evaluation System
   * SET Secure Electronic-Transaction
   * SEU Saint Edward's University
   * SFA Scottish Football Association
   * SFB Solid Fiber-Board
   * SFC Stereo Four-track Cartridge
   * SFF Small Form-Factor
   * SFL Sequenced Flashing Lights
   * SFL Soft-Field Landing (aircraft)
   * SFL Soft-Field Landing
   * SFR Special-Function Register (see SPR)
   * SFT System Fault Tolerance
   * SGL Serendipity Group of Lander, Wyoming
   * SGM Society for General Microbiology
   * SGS Strategy Gaming Society
   * SHA System Hazard Analysis
   * SHC Simulation Host Computer
   * SHF Single Hispanic Female ('singles' advertising)
   * SHF Super-High Frequency
   * SHG Single Hispanic God ('singles' advertising)
   * SHO State Highways Officials
   * SHS Serrano High School
   * SIA Semiconductor Industry Association
   * SIA Special Instrument Arrival
   * SIA Standard Instrument Approach
   * SIC Scientific Information Center
   * SIC Subsystem Integration Concept
   * SID Single Italian Dad ('singles' advertising)
   * SID Special Instrument Departure
   * SID System Interconnect Diagram
   * SIF Single Italian Father ('singles' advertising)
   * SII Standard Interface Item
   * SIL Single In-Line
   * SIL Surface Information Letter
   * SIM System Integrated Memory
   * SIO System Input-Output
   * SIP Single-Inline Package
   * SIP System Integration Program
   * SIR Seattle International Raceway (commercial; Washington)
   * SIS Science Institutions and Scientists
   * SIS Small Island States
   * SIS Standard Instruction Set
   * SIT Special Information Tones
   * SIT System Integration Test
   * SIW Short Instruction Word
   * SJG Single Japanese God ('singles' advertising)
   * SJM Single Jewish Mom (or Mother; 'singles' advertising)
   * SKN Stock-Keeping Number
   * SLA Source of Legal Authority
   * SLC Side Lobe Cancellation
   * SLD Sea-Level Data
   * SLG Single-wheel Landing Gear
   * SLI Serial-Line Interface
   * SLM Ship-Launched Missile (military)
   * SLP Speech Language Pathologist
   * SLP Speed Limiting Point
   * SLS Sea Level Static
   * SLS Seville Luxury Sedan (motor vehicle; commercial)
   * SLT Sea-Level Trends
   * SLU Station Logic Unit
   * SLV Single-Layer Varistor
   * SMA Shape-Memory Alloy
   * SMA Surplus Marketing Administration
   * SMC Saint Martin's College
   * SMC Surface Mount Component
   * SMC System Management and Control
   * SMD Surface-Mounted Device
   * SME Shipping Mechanical Equipment
   * SMI Seattle Manufacturing Inc.
   * SML Segregated Memory-Location
   * SML Support Materials List
   * SMO Supply Management Office
   * SMP Saint Martin's Pavilion
   * SMP Symmetric Multi-Processor (not duplicates; see AMP)
   * SMS Sewing-Machine Service (company)
   * SMS Sun Moon Star (company)
   * SMS Surface Mountable Semiconductors
   * SMT Surface-Mount Technology
   * SMX Smithway Motor eXpress (company; 'X' for 'express'; details uncertain)
   * SNB Skip if Not Bit (instruction)
   * SNI Sequence Number Indicator
   * SNS Secure News Server
   * SOA Spirit Of America (race vehicle)
   * SOB Son Of a Bitch
   * SOB Start Of Break
   * SOC Special-Operations Command (military)
   * SOD Serial Output Data (register)
   * SOD Spirit Of Darkness
   * SOD Winner Of the Day
   * SOD Winner Of the Decade
   * SOE Standard Operating-Environment
   * SOG Small-Outline Gullwing
   * SOI Silicon-On-Insulator
   * SOI Space Object Identification
   * SOL Sound Of London
   * SOM Single Oriental Mom (or Mother; 'singles' advertising)
   * SOM Son Of Man
   * SOO Ship Of Opportunity
   * SOP Scavenging Oil Pump
   * SOP Start Of Page
   * SOS Save Our Schools
   * SOS Scrub-O-Sphere (company)
   * SOS Small-Office System
   * SOS Start Of Shift
   * SOV Shut-Off Valve
   * SPA Secure Password Authorization (incorrect)
   * SPA South-Pacific Area
   * SPB Split-Phase Bipolar
   * SPC Single-Phase Condition
   * SPC South Pacific Island Group, New Caledonia
   * SPD Samples Per Day
   * SPD Seconds Per Day
   * SPD Special Purpose Display
   * SPE Seller Procured Equipment
   * SPE System Performance Evaluation
   * SPF Solar Protection Factor (incorrect; common miscontrivance)
   * SPG SPICE-Poon, Gummel (commercial)
   * SPH Samples Per Hour
   * SPI Service-Provider Interface
   * SPI Shop Procured Item
   * SPL Sound-Pressure Level
   * SPM Seconds Per Month
   * SPM Shots Per Minute
   * SPM Surface Position Monitor
   * SPN Short Part-Number
   * SPP Signal-Processing Package
   * SPR Single-Phase Relay
   * SPR Society for Physical Research
   * SPR Supplier Problem Report
   * SPS Secondary Power-System
   * SPS Single-Port Storage
   * SPS Standard Pressed Steel (company)
   * SPT Spare Parts Terminal
   * SPU Seattle Pacific University (Washington)
   * SPX Stack-Pointer, eXtended (register; 'X' for 'extended')
   * SQS Synchronous Quiet Switch
   * SRA Scientific Research Associates
   * SRA System Review and Approval
   * SRB Safety Review Board
   * SRC Spares Release Card
   * SRD Software Requirements Definition
   * SRD Steel Rule Die
   * SRF Self-Resonant Frequency
   * SRF Shop Relevant Fault
   * SRI System Requirements and Implementations
   * SRO System Requirements Objective
   * SRP Selected Reference Point
   * SRP Synthetic-Rubber Product (not duplicates)
   * SRP Synthetic-Rubber Production (not duplicates)
   * SRR Serially Reusable Resource
   * SRS Software Requirements Specification
   * SRT Storage Reduction Technique
   * SRU Shop Repairable Unit
   * SS2 Shift-Solenoid Two
   * SSA Secured Systems Access
   * SSA System Support Array
   * SSC Self-Service Copy
   * SSC Senate Select Committee
   * SSC Source Selection Criteria
   * SSC South-Sound Center (real-estate)
   * SSC System Service Control
   * SSD Social Services Division (not duplicates)
   * SSD Sports Science Division
   * SSD Supplier Shipping Document
   * SSD Systems and Services Development
   * SSE Store Safety Equipment
   * SSG Supporting Subsystem Group
   * SSI SCSI Serial Interface
   * SSI Single System Image
   * SSI Small-Scale Integrated circuit (not duplicates)
   * SSI Small-Scale Integration (not duplicates)
   * SSL Semantics and Specifications Language
   * SSM Surface-to-Surface Missile (military)
   * SSN Standard Serial Number
   * SSP Security Service Provider
   * SSP Sensor Simulation Processor
   * SSR Slate-Shingle Roof
   * SSR Systems Safety Review
   * SSS Seattle Support Services (Washington)
   * SSS Silicon Symmetrical Switch
   * SSS Spread Spectrum System
   * SSS System Simulator Software
   * SST Standard System Technology
   * SSU Sub-System Unit
   * SSW South South-West (on compass rose)
   * STA SA de Transport Aerien (company)*
   * STB Bachelor of Sacred Theology (degree)
   * STC Single-Track Course
   * STC Stereo-Tape Cartridge
   * STC Supplemental-Type Certification
   * STD Secondary Transmit Data
   * STD Stereo-Tape Deck
   * STE Signature Time Engineering (commercial)
   * STG Self-Teaching Guide
   * STL Licentiate in Sacred Theology (degree)
   * STL Space Technology Laboratories, Inc.
   * STM Set Transfer-Mode
   * STP Scientifically Treated Petroleum (commercial; the original STP)
   * STP Shielded Twisted Pair
   * STP Situation Target Proposal
   * STP Stereo-Tape Player
   * STR Scheduled Time of Arrival
   * STS Service Technicians' Society
   * STS Specialty Training Standards
   * STS Surfaced Two Side
   * STS System Status
   * STU Special Test Unit
   * SUC State Unemployment Compensation
   * SUM System check and Utility Master
   * SUM System User Manual
   * SUS Signal Underwater Sound
   * SVA Stator Vane Actuator
   * SVD Software Verification Document
   * SVN Switched Virtual Network
   * SVP Senior Volunteer Program
   * SVR System V Release (commercial)
   * SVT Special-Vehicle Team (Ford)
   * SWC Second World Country
   * SWD Solid-Waste Division
   * SWD Sonic Wave Disks (commercial)
   * SWF Single White Female ('singles' advertising)
   * SWG Square-Wave Generator
   * SWL Single-Wheel Landing (aircraft)
   * SWP Sea Water Pump
   * SWP Spirally-Wound Pair
   * SWP Storm-Water Pollution
   * SWU Solid-Waste Utility
   * SYM Single Yellow Mom (or Mother; 'singles' advertising)
   * T3G Technician, Third Grade
   * TAA Tactical Air Army (military)
   * TAA Tactical Army Automation (military)
   * TAA Technology Assessment Advisory
   * TAA Territorial Army Association (military)
   * TAA Ticket Agents' Association (UK)
   * TAA Tobacconists' Association of America
   * TAA Total Active Aircraft
   * TAA Trade Adjustment Assistance
   * TAA Transportation Association of America
   * TAA Turbine Alternator Assembly
   * TAA Turkish-American Associations
   * TAA Typical Address Access
   * TAC Technical Applications Conference
   * TAC Total-Access Communications
   * TAD Technical Approval Demonstration
   * TAD Technology Availability Date
   * TAD Transmission And Distribution
   * TAF The Access Fund
   * TAH Test And Handling
   * TAH Total Abdominal Hysterectomy
   * TAH Trans-Avia Holland
   * TAL Thai Airways Co., Ltd.
   * TAM Transfer Alignment Maneuver
   * TAP Throttle Angle Position
   * TAP Time And Percussion
   * TAP Toxicological Agents Protective (suit)
   * TAR Test Accuracy Ratio
   * TAS Test Adapter Set
   * TAT Time After Time
   * TAT True Air Temperature
   * TAT Turn Around Time
   * TBA To Be Arranged
   * TBC Toss Bomb Computer (military)
   * TBI Target Bearing Indicator
   * TBI Throttle-Body Injection (automotive fuel-injection)
   * TBI Traumatic Brain-Injury
   * TBM Time Between Maintenance (not duplicates)
   * TBR Two Bed-Room
   * TBV To Be Verified
   * TCA Terminal Control Area
   * TCB Thermal Circuit Breaker
   * TCC Thurston County Code
   * TCD Temporary Configuration Departure
   * TCD Thyratron Core Driver
   * TCE Thermal Control Electronics
   * TCE Tsunamis en las Costas Europeas (language?)
   * TCI Tele-Communications International (duplicates?; company)
   * TCM TDRSS Communications Mode
   * TCM Technical Coordination Meeting
   * TCM Third-Class Mail
   * TCM Tri-City Meats Inc.
   * TCO Total Cost of Ownership
   * TCP Transmission Control Protocol (not duplicates; which is correct?) *
   * TCR Target Control Record
   * TCR Thermo-setting Cast Resin
   * TCS Temperate Coastal System
   * TCS Transmission Controlled Spark
   * TCU Transmission Control Unit
   * TCV Thurston Community Television
   * TDA Three-Dimensional Architecture
   * TDA Tracking Data-Acquisition
   * TDC Time-delay Closing (Sure, just TRY to delay time!)
   * TDD Time-Division Duplex
   * TDE Two-Dimensional Echocardiogram
   * TDF Typeface Definition File (computer file extension; not duplicates)
   * TDF Typeface Definition File @ (other; not duplicates)
   * TDI Transport Device Interface
   * TDM Technical Document Management
   * TDM Tool Design Manual
   * TDP Technical Data Package
   * TDP Telephone Distribution Panel
   * TDR Tool Design Request
   * TDS Tradeoff Design Studies
   * TDU Target Detection Unit
   * TDW Task Description Worksheet
   * TDX Tracking Dog eXcellent (dogs; AKC or CKC; 'X' for 'excellent')
   * TEB Tone Encoded Burst
   * TEC Topographic Engineering Center
   * TEF Test and Evaluation Facility
   * TEL Tetra-Ethyl Lead (chemical)
   * TEL Type-Enforcing Language
   * TEN Tax-Exempt Note (banking)
   * TER Tactical Electronic Reconnaissance (military)
   * TER Trailing-Edge Right
   * TES Test and Evaluation Squadron
   * TF0 Timer Flag Zero
   * TF1 Timer Flag One
   * TFD T-coded Form Die
   * TFH Technische Fach-Hoschule (German)
   * TFI The Friendly Instructions (as in RTFI; not duplicates)
   * TFL Transition Flight Level
   * TFP TOPS Filing Protocol (commercial)
   * TFS Three-Finger Salute
   * TFT Thin-Film Transistor
   * TFX Too Freaking eXpensive (not duplicates; 'X' for 'expensive')
   * TGD Thousand Gallons per Day
   * TGL Terminal Guidance Laboratory
   * TGO To Go Order
   * TH1 Timer One, High byte (register)
   * THC Tracking Handle Control
   * THF Two Henry Four (Shakespeare)
   * THR Transmitter Holding Register
   * THS Tenino High School (Washington)
   * THX Tom Holman Crossover (commercial; 'X' for 'crossover' - not verified)
   * TIA Texas International Airlines, Inc.
   * TIA Thanks In Advance
   * TIB Transcribed Information Briefing
   * TIC Token-ring Interface Card
   * TID Ter In Die (Latin; not duplicates; both are used)
   * TIF Tagged Image Format (computer file extension; not duplicates)
   * TIF Terminal Intrusion Function
   * TIG Texas Instruments Graphics (commercial)
   * TIG Tungsten/ Inert-Gas
   * TIM Telephone Interface Module
   * TIM Text Information Management
   * TIP Technical Information Package
   * TIR Target Illuminating RADAR
   * TIR Type Inspection Record
   * TIS Time Independent Sequence
   * TIU Turn It Up!
   * TIZ Traffic Information Zone
   * TKR Time-Keeping Record
   * TLA Throttle Lever Angle (aircraft)
   * TLB Translation Look-aside Buffer
   * TLC Thrust Limit Computation
   * TLD Test Loop Diagram
   * TLE Temperature Limited Emission
   * TLM Timber-Land Management
   * TLS Target Level of Service
   * TLS Telemetry Listing Submodule
   * TMA Thermo-Mechanical Analysis
   * TMA Too Many Acronyms! ($
   * TMC The Microstation Community (commercial)
   * TMD Theoretical Maximum Density
   * TMI Trailer Marketing Incorporated
   * TMJ Temporo-Mandibular Joint (medicine)
   * TMN Transverse-Mode Noise
   * TMP Technical Military Programming
   * TMR Tooling Material Request
   * TMS Terminal Monitoring System
   * TMS Tin Men Supply (company)
   * TMS Tooling Material Support
   * TMS Transaction Monitor System
   * TNA Task-bar Notification Application
   * TNC Texas News Channel (television)
   * TNM Telephony Network Management (telephony)
   * TNT Thin Nitrile Tecnology (commercial)
   * TOA Tropical Ocean Atmosphere
   * TOB Time Of Burst
   * TOC Total Operating Cost
   * TOE Typhoon Operational Experiment (WMO)
   * TOF Time Of Flight
   * TOH Total Operating Hours
   * TOO Table Of Organization
   * TOP Top Of Parapet (architectural)
   * TOR Transmit Or Receive
   * TOT Tropical Ozone-Transport
   * TP1 Transport Protocol class 1 (class details unknown; OSI)
   * TPC Tactical Pilotage Chart
   * TPC The Phone Company (movie: "The President's Analyst")
   * TPD The Prime Directive (fiction; Star Trek)
   * TPF Theoretical Point of Fog
   * TPH Tons Per Hour
   * TPH Transactions Per Hour
   * TPL Table-Producing Language
   * TPM Test Program Medium
   * TPM Total Productive Maintenance
   * TPO Transport Protocol class 0
   * TPO Transportation Packaging Order
   * TPR TAB Professional and Reference books (commercial)
   * TPS Test Package Set
   * TPS This Program Sucks
   * TPS Transaction Processing System
   * TPU Tacoma Public Utilities
   * TPU Tape Preparation Unit
   * TPY Tons Per Year
   * TRA Tax Relief Act
   * TRA Threaded-Rod in Adhesive anchor (architectural)
   * TRB Transmission Re-Builder (not duplicates)
   * TRF Time-Release Fertilizer
   * TRG Taper Ring Gauge
   * TRI Text Retrieval and Indexing
   * TRI Time-Resolution Imaging
   * TRM Todd, Rick, Matt (company)
   * TRP Test Requirement Package
   * TRS Takeoff Rotation Speed
   * TRS Tracking and Reconnaissance System
   * TRU Transportable Radio Unit
   * TSA Testicular Sperm Aspiration
   * TSA The Science of Acronyms ($)
   * TSB Termination Status Block
   * TSC Telecommunications Service Company
   * TSC Transportation System Center
   * TSE Target System Error
   * TSE Testicular Self-Examination
   * TSE Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (disease)
   * TSF Threat Situation Format
   * TSI Time Since Installation
   * TSL Transducer Speaker Library (commercial)
   * TSO Technical Service Order
   * TSO Test Site Office
   * TSP Termination Settlement Proposal
   * TSP Thermoplastic Sandwich Panel
   * TSP Traffic-Safety Program
   * TSR Test Strategy Report
   * TSR Test Support Request
   * TSS Takeoff Safety Speed
   * TSS Time Sharing System
   * TSS Time Standards System
   * TSU Tennessee State University
   * TSU Thermal Structural Unit
   * TSW Tropical-Storm Warning
   * TTC Terminating Toll Center (telephony)
   * TTD Time To Destination
   * TTD Time To Diagnose
   * TTF TrueType Font @ (other; not duplicates)
   * TTL Time To Live
   * TTO Transmitter Turn-Off
   * TTP Tape To Print
   * TTP Trainer Test Procedure
   * TTP Tropospheric Transport of Pollutants
   * TTS Target Tracking Site
   * TTS Transaction Tracking System
   * TTT Tandem-Tie Trunk (telephony)
   * TTU Tennessee Technological University
   * TTU True Transonic Ultrasonic
   * TUC Tool Usage/ Coordination
   * TUP Trinity University Players
   * TUR Transport Urile Aeriene Romane *
   * TUT To You, Too ('U' for 'you')
   * TVE Technical and Vocational Education
   * TVI Target Verification Interrogation
   * TVM Tachometer Volt-Meter
   * TVP Transient-Voltage Protection
   * TVS Thermal Vacuum-Switch
   * TWA Trade-Winds Airways Ltd.
   * TWB Terrestrial Wide-Band (DARPA)
   * TWC Third World Country
   * TWD Two-Wheel Disk brakes
   * TWE Trans-World Express
   * TWM Traveling Wave Maser
   * TWS Tail Warning Subsystem (not duplicates)
   * TWS Tail Warning System
   * TWT Task Work Request
   * TWT Traveling-Wave Tube
   * TXF Tax Exchange Format @ (other; not duplicates)
   * UAA University Athletic Association
   * UAA University of Alaska, Anchorage
   * UAB Under And Below (joke)
   * UAC Uninterrupted Automatic Control
   * UAD Upper Advisory Route
   * UAF Uruguayan Air-Force (military)
   * UAJ Umm Al Jawaby Oil Services Company
   * UAL Unit Authorization List
   * UAN Unit Assembly Number
   * UAS United Air Services
   * UAT User Access Terminal
   * UAW Updated Add Wire
   * UAW Upper Air-Way
   * UBI Unified Business Identification
   * UCB University College of Belize
   * UCC Unit-Conversion Calculator
   * UCC Upgrade Compliance Check
   * UCC Upholstery and Carpet Cleaning
   * UCE Useable Cue Environment
   * UCP Unit de Coordination du Programme de (language?)
   * UCS Uniform Cost System
   * UCS Universal Character-Set
   * UCT Under Continuous Testing
   * UDA Under Dutch Administration
   * UDC Universal Disk Control
   * UDF Un-Ducted Fan
   * UDG User-Defined Gateway
   * UDL Uniform Data Link
   * UDR Urgent Data Request
   * UDX Utility Dog eXcellent (dogs; AKC; 'X' for 'excellent')
   * UEF Unified Extra-Fine (thread)
   * UEI United Electronic Industries (company)
   * UEP Unplanned Event Pickup
   * UET Unit-Level End Item Test
   * UFM Under-Frequency Monitor
   * UFS Universal File Service (not duplicates)
   * UFS Universal File System (not duplicates)
   * UFS UNIX File Service (not duplicates; commercial)
   * UFS UNIX File System (not duplicates; commercial)
   * UGB Urban-Growth Boundary
   * UGI Union Gographique Internationale (language?)
   * UHC Unburned Hydro-Carbon (chemical)
   * UHR Ultra-High Resolution
   * UHR Unlimited-Hydroplane Racing
   * UHV Ultra High Vacuum
   * UIC University of Illinois, Chicago
   * UIF User Inter-Face
   * UIS Ulead Information Sequence *
   * UIS User Interface Software
   * UIT Universal Information Transport
   * ULA Unauthorized Landing Area (aircraft)
   * ULD Underwater Locating Device
   * ULP Upper-Layer Protocol
   * ULS Ultra-Lightweight Structure
   * UMA Unified Memory Architecture
   * UMC United Methodist Church
   * UMI University Microfilms International (company)
   * UMP University Medical Products
   * UMS Update and Management System
   * UNA Upstream Neighbor Address
   * UNC United Network Command
   * UNO United Nations Organization
   * UNO Unless Noted Otherwise (architectural)
   * UNY Upstate New York
   * UOL Underwater Object Locator
   * UOR Undulating Oceanographic Recorder
   * UPA Urban Priority Area
   * UPD University Police Department
   * UPI United Press International (company)
   * UPL Unique Parts List
   * UPO Un-planned Power-Outage
   * UPS Uninterrupted Power-Source (not duplicates)
   * UPS Updates Per Second
   * UPS Upper Chip Select
   * UQA Un-Qualified Applicant
   * UQL Unacceptable Quality Level
   * URI Uniform Resource Identifier
   * URL Universal Resource Locator (preferred; computer file extension; not duplicates)
   * URO Ultra-Racist Organization
   * URS Users Recommended Solutions
   * USA United States Army (military)
   * USC United States Cent (monetary)
   * USC University of Special Connections
   * USD Unique Signal Device
   * USG United States Global Trading Co.
   * USL Unix System Laboratories
   * USL UNIX Systems Laboratories (commercial)
   * USO Universal Service Order
   * USO UNIX Software Operation (commercial)
   * USP University of the South Pacific, Fiji
   * USS United States Standard
   * USS United States Steel (informal; not duplicates)
   * USS United States Steel Corp. (formal; not duplicates)
   * UST Utilize Systems Technology
   * USW Und So Weiter (German)
   * UT1 Universal Time One
   * UTC Ultimate Texture Collection (commercial)
   * UTD Uniform geometrical Theory of Diffraction
   * UTI Universal Technical Institute (commercial)
   * UTI Urinary-Tract Infection
   * UTM Unsuccessful Transmission Message
   * UTS Use The Source! (commercial)
   * UTU United Transportation Union
   * UUC UNIX-to-UNIX Copy
   * UUG Utstredni Ustav Geologicky (language?)
   * UUT Unit Under Test
   * UVM Unreal Virtual Machine (commercial)
   * UVS Ultra-Violet Spectrometer
   * UWM University of William and Mary
   * UWS University of Whales, Swasea
   * V2R VASI, Two lights on Right (aircraft)
   * VAA Verb, Active and Intransitive
   * VAA Victorian Apiarists' Association
   * VAB Van Allen Belts
   * VAB Vertical Axis Bearing
   * VAC Valley-Athletic Club (commercial)
   * VAC Ventriculo-Arterial Conduction (not duplicates)
   * VAC Verification And Check-out
   * VAC Video-Amplifier Chain
   * VAC Virtual Active Control
   * VAC Volt-Ampere Characteristics
   * VAD Vascular Access-Device
   * VAD Velocity-Azimuth Display (aircraft)
   * VAD Virtual Aircraft Development (not duplicates)
   * VAD Voltmeter Analog-to-Digital converter
   * VAF Vane Air-Flow
   * VAG Vernacular Architecture Group
   * VAI Ventilation Air Intake
   * VAI Video-Assisted Instruction
   * VAK Vertical Assembly Kit
   * VAL Virtual Application Language
   * VAL Visual Approach and Landing chart (aircraft)
   * VAM Value-Added Marketing (not duplicates)
   * VAM Vending and Affixing Machine
   * VAN Value-Added Network
   * VAR Volt-Amperes Reactance
   * VAS Vertical Aircraft Sizing
   * VAV Validation And Verification (not duplicates)
   * VAV Value Application Venders
   * VBA Volley-Ball Association
   * VBO Velocity to Burn-Out
   * VBS Vertical Beam Sensor
   * VBX Visual BASIC Extension @ (commercial; computer file extension; not duplicates)
   * VCA Vendor Cost Audit
   * VCD Virtual Communications Driver
   * VCF Viscosity Correction Factor
   * VCG Vector Cardio-Gram
   * VCL Visual Check List
   * VCM Vertical location of the Center of Mass
   * VCO Variable Crystal Oscillator
   * VCS Vehicle Control System
   * VCS Version Control System
   * VCT Vinyl Composition Tile
   * VCU Virginia Commonwealth University
   * VDA Video Data Access
   * VDC Video Data Channel
   * VDE Video Display Editor
   * VDF Variable Density Filter
   * VDG Value-Dependence Graph
   * VDM Vienna Definition Model (not duplicates)
   * VDP Vertical Dilution of Precision
   * VDP Visual Descent Point
   * VDR Vendor Data Requirement
   * VDS Video Data System
   * VDU Video Distribution Unit
   * VDV Very Distinguished Visitor
   * VED Vehicle Engineering Department
   * VEG Very Evil Grin
   * VEM Virtual Expanded-Memory
   * VEV Voice-Excited Vocoder
   * VFA Vibration Fly Around
   * VFC Voice Frequency Carrier
   * VFG Very Frigging Good (not duplicates)
   * VFP Veterans For Peace
   * VFS Visual Flight Simulator (not duplicates)
   * VGA Video Gate Array (commercial; not duplicates)
   * VGA Video Graphics Array (commercial; not duplicates)
   * VGH Vertical Gust and Height
   * VGS Visual Glide Slope (aircraft)
   * VHC Vancouver Hockey Club
   * VHS Very High-Speed
   * VHS Virtual-Host Storage
   * VIC Vertical-Impacter [rock] Crusher
   * VIE Virtual-Interrupt Enable
   * VIM Vendor-Independent Messaging
   * VIP Variable Information Processing
   * VIP Very Important Person
   * VIS Visual Information Services
   * VIT Visual Information Technologies Inc.
   * VIU Video Interface-Unit
   * VLA Very Large Array (radio telescope)
   * VLA Very Low Altitude
   * VLD Visible Laser Diode
   * Vlo Velocity, Landing-gear, Operating (aircraft; [non]capitalization by creator)
   * VLR Very Low Range
   * VLU Video Logic Unit
   * VMA Virtual Memory Address
   * VMC Virtual Machine Communications
   * VME Versa Module Eurocard (commercial; duplicates?; same thing)
   * VME Virtual-Machine Extension
   * VMM Virtual Multi-Meter
   * VMM Virtual-Memory Management (not duplicates)
   * VMM Virtual-Memory Manager (not duplicates)
   * VMS Verification Methods Summary
   * VMS Voice Management System
   * VMT Versatile Message-Transaction
   * VNA Virtual Network Architecture
   * VNB Valley Nut and Bolt (company)
   * VOA Volunteers Of America
   * VOC Volatile Organic Compound
   * VOD Voice Over Data
   * VOO Vessel Of Opportunity
   * VOQ Visiting Officer's Quarters (military)
   * VOS Virtual Operating-System
   * VOW Volunteers for Outdoor Washington
   * VPC Virtual Product Console
   * VPE Vendor-Provided Equipment
   * VPE Virtual Processing Element
   * VPL Virtual Programming Language
   * VPM Volts Per Meter
   * VPP Velocity Prediction Program (commercial; boat design)
   * VPT Voice-Powered Technology
   * VRC Vertical-Redundancy Character
   * VRD Vancouver Regional District
   * VRF Vector Relational Format
   * VRM Visual Raw Material
   * VRM Voltage-Regulator Module
   * VRS Virtual-Reality Software
   * VRT Voltage Regulation Technology (commercial)
   * VRU Voice-Response Unit
   * VSC Variable-Speed Chain
   * VSC Vehicle Skid Control
   * VSC Voltage-Saturated Capacitor
   * VSE Vehicular Support Equipment
   * VSF Vertical Scanning Frequency
   * VSI Virtual Serial Input
   * VSM Virtual Storage Management
   * VSP Vector Scientific Processing
   * VSP Virtual Software Processor
   * VSR Very Short Range
   * VSS Vertical Support Ship
   * VSS Visual Source Safe (commercial)
   * VST Variable Surface Tracking (dogs; AKC)
   * VSV Vacuum Switching Valve
   * VSW Voltage Standing-Wave
   * VTC Video Tele-Conferencing
   * VTC Voting Trust Certificate
   * VTH Vendor-Tested Hardware
   * VTL VISA Transition Library
   * VTM Video-Tape Machine
   * VTP Vertical Temperature Profiler (not duplicates)
   * VTR Video-Tape Reproducer
   * VTS Vendor-Tested Software
   * VUB Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgian)
   * VUI Video User-Interface (duplicates?)
   * VVC Voltage-Variable Capacitor
   * VWB Visual Work-Bench (commercial)
   * VWG Very Wicked Grin
   * VWS Voice Warning System
   * VWW Variable Width Word (not duplicates)
   * WAA Wardens' Association of America
   * WAA West Australian Airways (company)
   * WAA Western Awning Association
   * WAA Worker Adjustment Assistance
   * WAA Writing Assistants' Association
   * WAB Westinghouse Air Brake Co.
   * WAC Wage Analysis and Control (not duplicates)
   * WAC Wake Analysis and Control (not duplicates)
   * WAC Washington Athletic Club
   * WAC West Africa Committee
   * WAC Western Archeological Center
   * WAC Work Accomplishment Code
   * WAC Worked All Countries (amateur radio)
   * WAC World Administrative Conference
   * WAC Write Address Counter
   * WAD Weapons Alert Designator (military)
   * WAD Work Authorization Document
   * WAE When Actually Employed
   * WAF Widowed Asian Female ('singles' advertising)
   * WAF Women in the Air-Force (military)
   * WAF Women's Air-Force (military)
   * WAG Widowed Asian God ('singles' advertising)
   * WAG Wieder-Aufbau-Gesellschaft fuer die Juedische Bevoelkerung der Bucovina (language?) *
   * WAG Worked All Goose (amateur radio?)
   * WAH Work At Home
   * WAI Water-Alcohol Injection
   * WAI Worked All Italy (amateur radio)
   * WAK Wearable Artificial Kidney
   * WAL Western-American Literature
   * WAL Wyeth Ayerst Laboratories
   * WAM Warhead Assessment Missiles (military)
   * WAP Wireless Application Protocol
   * WAP Work-Around Procedure
   * WAR World Aero Refueling
   * WAS Wing And Spar
   * WAT Weighted Average Toxicity
   * WBA Wire-Bundle Assembly
   * WBC Weight and Balance Computation (not duplicates)
   * WBC Weight and Balance Computer (not duplicates)
   * WBF Water-Based Fluid
   * WBJ Wing Body Join
   * WBL Web-Based Learning
   * WBR West-Bound Road
   * WBR Wire-Bundle Revision
   * WBS Work Breakdown Schedule (not duplicates)
   * WCA Western Central Atlantic
   * WCB Will Call Back
   * WCC Wireless Cycle Computer (unfortunate ambiguousity)
   * WCD Weapon-Concept Definition (military)
   * WCD World Climate Data
   * WCF Widowed Chinese Father ('singles' advertising)
   * WCF Widowed Christian Female ('singles' advertising)
   * WCI World Climate Impact
   * WCL Wire-Connection List
   * WCM Widowed Chinese Mom (or Mother; 'singles' advertising)
   * WCN Wireless Computer Network
   * WCP Window Cleaning Professional
   * WCR Wiring Change Request
   * WCS Wildlife Conservations Society
   * WCS Workstation Communication Services
   * WCT West-Coast Trucking (company)
   * WCU Waveform Converter Unit
   * WDA Weapons Delivery Avionics (military)
   * WDD Wire Diagram Data
   * WDL Weapons Data List (not duplicates; military)
   * WDM Wavelength-Division Multiplexing
   * WDR Warranty Disposition Reports
   * WDW Walt Disney World
   * WDX Working Dog eXcellent (dogs; ACC or AWSC; 'X' for 'excellent')
   * WEC World Environment Center
   * WED Western Europe Daylight
   * WES Warning Electronic System
   * WEU Weapons Enable Unit (military)
   * WFA Work-Force Adjustment
   * WFE Wave-Front Error
   * WFE WSC Furnished Equipment
   * WFM Widowed French Male ('singles' advertising)
   * WFP Waiting For Parts
   * WFP Wire Forecast Program
   * WFS Washington Federal Savings (company)
   * WfS Washington Floral Service (company; [non]capitalization by creator)
   * WGD Working Group on Data
   * WGS Work Group System
   * WGT Wheeled Ground Transportation
   * WHC World Hydrological Cycle
   * WHI Woods Hole Institution
   * WHT Watt-Hour demand meter, Thermal
   * WIC Wavelength Independent Coupler
   * WIC Woman In Charge
   * WIC Women in Communications
   * WIE Women In the Environment
   * WIG Widowed Italian God ('singles' advertising)
   * WIM Widowed Italian Mom (or Mother; 'singles' advertising)
   * WIN Work Item Number
   * WIR Work and Inspection Record
   * WIT Web Interactive Talk
   * WJA World Jet Aircraft Industries, Inc.
   * WJC Water-Jet Cutter (not duplicates)
   * WJD Weld Jig Duct
   * WJG Widowed Jewish Goddess ('singles' advertising)
   * WLB War Labor Board
   * WLI William Law Institute (commercial?)
   * wln Western Library Network @ ([non]capitalization by creator; not duplicates; both are used)
   * WMA Western Marketing Agents (commercial)
   * WMD Weapon of Mass Destruction (military)
   * WMO World Meteorological Organization
   * WMS Work Management System
   * WMY World Mathematical Year (IMU)
   * WNT Windows New Technology (commercial)
   * WOD Weather Of the Day
   * WOD Word Of the Day
   * WOF Widowed Oriental Father ('singles' advertising)
   * WOF Work Order Form
   * WOL Word Of Light (church)
   * WOM Write-Only Memory (joke)
   * WOR Work Order Release
   * WOS Windows Open Services Architecture (commercial)
   * WOT Wide-Open Throttle
   * WPA Warsaw Pact Alliance
   * WPB Write Printer Binary
   * WPC Water Pollution Control
   * WPC Weeks Per Century
   * WPD Weeks Per Decade
   * WPE Western Plastics Expositon (Advanstar Expositions)
   * WPI Wire Provisions Installation
   * WPK WordPerfect Keyboard @ (commercial; computer file extension; not duplicates)
   * WPR Work performance review
   * WPT Wireless Portable Telephone (telephony)
   * WPY Weeks Per Year
   * WQM Water-Quality Monitor
   * WQR Water-Quality Report
   * WRD Water Rescue Dog (dogs; NCA)
   * WRI Wildland Resources Information
   * WRO Western-Region Office
   * WRP Wing Reference Plane (aircraft)
   * WRR Water Resources Research
   * WRT With Regards To
   * WSC West-side Shopping Center (real-estate)
   * WSE Willis Shaw Express (company)
   * WSF Washington State Ferry System
   * WSF Western Systems And Fabrication (company)
   * WSJ Wall Street Journal (commercial; newspaper)
   * WSO Weather-Service Office
   * WSP Working Steam Pressure
   * WSQ Work Station Qualifier
   * WSR Weapons Systems Reliability (military)
   * WSS Weapons Suspension Subsystem (military)
   * WSW Weapons Systems Warranty (military)
   * WTC World Trade Center
   * WTF What The Fuck?
   * WTH What The Hell? (not duplicates)
   * WTO Western Theater of Operations
   * WTT Working Together Team
   * WTW Wall-To-Wall
   * WUG Windows Users-Group
   * WUV Weighted Unit Value
   * WWB White Warning-Beacon
   * WWF Widowed White Father ('singles' advertising)
   * WWF Widowed White Female ('singles' advertising)
   * WWG Widowed White God ('singles' advertising)
   * WWL White Warning-Lamp
   * WWR Western Weekly Reports
   * WWW World Weather Watch
   * WWW World Wide Web (not duplicates; both are used; incorrect; non-proper noun)
   * WYG Widowed Yellow Goddess ('singles' advertising)
   * WYM Widowed Yellow Mom (or Mother; 'singles' advertising)
   * XAS X-band Antenna System
   * XBM X-Windows Bit-Map @ (other; commercial; not duplicates)
   * XCF eXperimental Computing Facility ('X' for 'experimental')
   * XCO Crystal-Controlled Oscillator ('X' for 'crystal')
   * XCU eXplosion Collapse, Underground operations ('X' for 'explosion')
   * XDM Xerox Dry Microfilm (commercial)
   * XDP eXtended Data-Processing ('X' for 'extended')
   * XDP Xero-Derma Pigmentosum
   * XDS X-ray Diffraction System
   * XFA X-ray Fluorescence Absorption
   * XFN X/ open Federated Naming
   * Xfr Cross in front of Right Foot ('X' for 'cross')
   * XGA eXtended Graphics Array (commercial; 'X' for 'extended')
   * XHV eXtra-High Frequency ('X' for 'extra')
   * XIO Extended Input-Output
   * XJR eXperimental Jaguar Racing ('X' for 'experimental')
   * XLA X-band Limiter Attenuator
   * XLC eXtra-Large Capacity ('X' for 'extra')
   * XLH Cross-Linked Hupophosphatemia ('X' for 'cross')
   * XLS Xenon Light-Source
   * XMM eXpended-Memory Mangler ('X' for 'expended'; joke)
   * XMM eXtended-Memory Manager ('X' for 'extended')
   * XMM X-ray Multi-mirror Mission
   * XMS eXtended-Memory Specification ('X' for 'extended'; LIM/AST)
   * XNS Xerox Network Services (commercial)
   * XOS Cross-Office Slot ('X' for 'cross')
   * XOS Xerox Operating-System (commercial)
   * XPA X-band Passive Array
   * XPC eXternal Power Contactor ('X' for 'external')
   * XPP Xi Psi Phi (Greek)
   * XPS X-ray Photoemmission Spectroscopy (not duplicates)
   * XPT eXpress Paid Telegraph ('X' for 'express')
   * XRA X-Ray Assistant
   * XRF eXperimental Reproduction Film ('X' for 'experimental')
   * XRL X-Ray LASER
   * XRS X-Ray Spectrometry
   * XRT X-Ray Technician
   * XSA Cross-Sectional Area ('X' for 'cross')
   * XSL eXtensible Style Language ('X' for 'extensible'; W3C)
   * XST eXperimental Stealth Tactical demonstrator ('X' for 'experimental')
   * XTC eXcess Three Code ('X' for 'excess')
   * XTE Cross Track Error ('X' for 'cross')
   * XTI X/ Open Transport Interface
   * XTR X-ray Transition Radiation
   * XVC Xenotron Video Composer (commercial)
   * XXS eXtra-eXtra [or Double extra] Strong ('X' for 'extra')
   * XYA X-Y Axis
   * XYL eX Young Lady ('X' for 'ex')
   * YAA Yachtsmen's Association of America
   * YAD Young's Nova Scotia Admiralty Decisions
   * YAF Young Asian Female ('singles' advertising)
   * YAF Young Australian Female ('singles' advertising)
   * YAG Young Asian God ('singles' advertising)
   * YAL Yttrium-Aluminum Laser
   * YAP Yaw And Pitch
   * YBA Youth Basketball Association
   * YBF Young Black Father ('singles' advertising)
   * YBT Youssef Ben Tachfine (Morrocan; seismograph)
   * YCC Luma, Chroma, Chroma ('Y' for 'luma')
   * YCD Young Christian Dad ('singles' advertising)
   * YCF Young Calvinist Federation
   * YCI Young Communist International
   * YCM Young Christian Male ('singles' advertising)
   * YCS high-school Young Christian Students
   * YCS Yearbook of Construction Statistics
   * YCS Young Collector Series
   * YDA Youth Development Association
   * YDC Yeast-extract Dextrose Calcium-carbonate agar
   * YDQ Yale Divinity Quarterly (publication)
   * YEA Year of Energy Action
   * YEA Yeast Extract Agar
   * YEC Year End Closing
   * YEP Yaw Envelope Protection
   * YES Yogurt Extra Smooth
   * YES Youth Emergency Service
   * YES Youth for Environmental Sanity
   * YFD Young French Dad ('singles' advertising)
   * YFU Youth For Understanding
   * YGH Your Good Health (publication)
   * YGL Yttrium Garnet LASER
   * YHA Youth Hostels Association
   * YHS Yelm High School (Washington)
   * YIF Young Indian Female ('singles' advertising)
   * YIG Young Indian God ('singles' advertising)
   * YIG Young Italian God ('singles' advertising)
   * YIM Young Indian Mom (or Mother; 'singles' advertising)
   * YIT Youth In Transition
   * YJG Young Jewish Goddess ('singles' advertising)
   * YJM Young Jewish Male ('singles' advertising)
   * YKB Yemen Kuwait Bank for Trade and Investment (commercial)
   * YLI Young Ladies' Institute
   * YMA Yeast Morphology Agar
   * YMC Your Marketing Consultant (not duplicates)
   * YMM Yeast Minimal Medium
   * YMS Young Micro Systems (company)
   * YOB Youth Opportunities Board
   * YOC Youth Opportunity Centers
   * YOD Year Of Death
   * YOG Young Oriental Goddess ('singles' advertising)
   * YPA Yearbook Printers' Association
   * YPD Yellow Pages Datasystem
   * YPF Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales (Argentinean)
   * YPH Yards Per Hour
   * YPM Yokefellowship Prison Ministry
   * YPS Yellowstone Park Service
   * YRC Yaw Ratio Controller
   * YRS Ysgarth Rules System
   * YRS Yugoslav Relief Society
   * YSC Yearly Spares Cost
   * YSL Yves Saint Laurent (company)
   * YSO Youth Symphony Orchestra
   * YSS Yoke-Shaker Speed
   * YST Yukon Standard Time
   * YTB Yield To Broker
   * YTI Youth Training Initiative (Australian)
   * YTS Yuma Test Station
   * YUL Yale University Library
   * YUN Yearbook of the United Nations
   * YWA Year's Work in Archaeology
   * YWG Young White God ('singles' advertising)
   * YWL Yukon Law Library, Whitehorse, Yukon
   * YWS You Win Some
   * YWS Young Workers Scheme
   * YYM Young Yellow Mom (or Mother; 'singles' advertising)
   * ZAA Zartman Association of America
   * ZAA Zeeman-effect Atomic Absorption
   * ZAA Zero Angle of Attach (not duplicates)
   * ZAA Zero Angle of Attack
   * ZAB Zinc-Air Battery
   * ZAC Zinc Aluminum Coater
   * ZAC Zinc Ammonium Chloride (chemical)
   * ZAD Zenith-Angle Distribution
   * ZAF Zero Alignment Fixture
   * ZAI Zeirei Agudath Israel *
   * ZAI Zero Address Instruction
   * ZAI Zero Administrative Initiative
   * ZAI Zero Angle of Incidence
   * ZAL Zionist Archives and Library
   * ZAM Z-Axis Modulation
   * ZAM Zinc, Aluminum, Magnesium
   * ZAP Zeff Advanced Products (company; ZAPCo)
   * ZAP Zero Ability to Pay
   * ZAP Zero and Add Packed
   * ZAP Zero Antiaircraft Potential (military)
   * ZAP Zero-miss Antipersonnel Projectile (military)
   * ZAP Znamenity Amerikansky Pisatel (Russian)
   * ZAP Zone Axis Pattern
   * ZAP Zoological Action Program
   * ZAP Zymosan-Activated Plasma rabbit
   * ZAR Zero-G Antenna Range
   * ZAR Zeus Acquisition RADAR (military)
   * ZAS Zaire Aero Service
   * ZAS Zarkani Air Services (company)
   * ZAS Zero Access Storage
   * ZAS Zero-Administration Security (commercial)
   * ZAS Zymosan-Activated Serum
   * ZAT Zinc Atmospheric Tracer
   * ZAT Zydowska Agencja Telegraficzna (language?)
   * ZAW Zero Administration for Windows (commercial)
   * ZBA Zero-Based Analysis
   * ZBA Zero-Bias Anomaly
   * ZBA Zero-Bracket Amount
   * ZBA Zoning-Board Approval
   * ZBB Zero-Base Budgeting
   * ZBE Zinc Battery Electrode
   * ZBF Zero-Beat Frequency
   * ZBL Zero-Based Linearity
   * ZBO Zone of British Occupation
   * ZBP Zero-Base Programming
   * ZBR Zero Bend Radius
   * ZBR Zero-Base Review
   * ZBR Zero-Beat Reception
   * ZBR Zone Bit Recording
   * ZBS Zivena Beneficial Society
   * ZBT Zero-Beat Tuning
   * ZBT Zeta Beta Tau (Greek)
   * ZBT Zion Bemishpat Tipadeh (from the Bible)
   * ZBV Zoological Board of Victoria
   * ZCA Z Club of America
   * ZCA Zero-Current Apply
   * ZCB Zero-Coupon Bond
   * ZCB Zinc-Coated Bolt
   * ZCC Zeppelin Collectors' Club
   * ZCC Zero-Current Condition
   * ZCC Zero-Current Control
   * ZCC Zirconia-Coated Crucible
   * ZCD Zero Crossing Detector
   * ZCD Zone Controlled Deposition
   * ZCG Impedance Cardio-Gram ('Z' for 'impedance')
   * ZCL Zero Command-Line
   * ZCN Zinc-Coated Nut
   * ZCO Zero Cross-Over
   * ZCP Zero Command Point
   * ZCP Zero Control Point
   * ZCP Zinc-Chromate Primer
   * ZCP Zonta Club of Perth
   * ZCR Zero temperature Coefficient Resistor
   * ZCR Zero-Crossing Rate
   * ZCR Zero-Current Relay
   * ZCR Zero-Current Release
   * ZCR Zone of Correct Reading
   * ZCS Zero-Current Switch (not duplicates)
   * ZCS Zero-Current Switching (not duplicates)
   * ZCS Zinc-Coated Screw
   * ZCT Zero-Count Table
   * ZCW Zinc-Coated Washer
   * ZDA Zinc Development Association
   * ZDB Zeitschriften-Data-Bank (German)
   * ZDC Zero-Defects Council
   * ZDC Zeus Defense Center (military)
   * ZDC Zinc Dibenzyldithio-Carbamate (chemical)
   * ZDC Zinc Die-Casting
   * ZDC Zip Disk Controller (not duplicates)
   * ZDC Zip Drive Controller (not duplicates)
   * ZDD Zero-Delay Device
   * ZDD Zip Disk Drive (Iomega)
   * ZDE Zentralstelle Dokumentation Elektrotechnik (German)
   * ZDF Zucker Diabetic Fatty
   * ZDF Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (German)
   * ZDG Zinc-Doped Germanium
   * ZDI Ziff Desktop Information
   * ZDI Ziff-Davis Interactive Co.
   * ZDK Zen-Do Kai Martial Arts Association, International
   * ZDL Zero Delay Lockout
   * ZDL Zivil-Dienst-Leistender (language?)
   * ZDL Zone Division Logic
   * ZDP Zero Delivery Pressure
   * ZDP Zero-Defects Policy
   * ZDP Zero-Defects Program
   * ZDP Zero-Defects Proposal
   * ZDP Zimbabwe Democratic Party
   * ZDP Zinc Diakyldithio-Phosphate (chemical)
   * ZDR Zentral-Deutsche Rundkunk (German)
   * ZDR Zeus Discrimination RADAR
   * ZDS Zenith Data Systems (company)
   * ZDS Zilog Development System
   * ZDS Zinc Detection System
   * ZDS Zung Depression Scale
   * Zdt Die Zoologie des Talmuds (language?)
   * ZDT Zero-Ductility Transition
   * ZDV Zero Dead-Volume
   * ZDV Zi-Do-Vudine (language?)
   * ZdZ Zeichen der Zeit (German)
   * ZEA Zero-Energy Assembly
   * ZEA Zero-Entropy Automorphism
   * ZEC Zero Energy Coefficient
   * ZEC Zinc Electrochemical Cell
   * ZEC Zurich Energy Corp.
   * ZED Zero Express Dialing
   * ZED Zero-Energy Deuterium
   * ZED Zur Erkenntnis der Dichtung (German)
   * ZEE Zona Econmica Exclusiva (language?)
   * ZEE Zone Economique Exclusive (language?)
   * ZEF Zero Extraction-Force
   * ZEG Zero Economic Growth
   * ZEG Zero Energy Growth
   * ZEI Zero Environmental Impact
   * ZEM Zero Electrophoretic Mobility
   * ZEN Zeit Ewig Nirgendwo (German)
   * ZEN Zeitgeist, Enhancement, Nonglare
   * ZES Zero-Energy System
   * ZES Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome
   * ZES Zona Marina Especialmente Sensible (language?)
   * ZES Zone-Electrophoresis System
   * ZES Zoo Education Service
   * ZET Zero-Emissions Truck
   * ZET Zero-gravity Expulsion Technique
   * ZEV Zero-Emissions Vehicle
   * ZFA Zero-Frequency Apply
   * ZFC Zero Failure Criteria
   * ZFC Zero-Field Cooled
   * ZFC Zero-Frequency Condition
   * ZFC Zero-Frequency Control
   * ZFC Zipp-Forming Cells
   * ZFC Zirconia Fuel Cell
   * ZfG Zeitschrift Feur Geschichtswissenschaft (German)
   * ZFL Zeitschrift Feur Lftrecht- und Weltraumrechtsfragen (German)
   * ZFP Zone du Front Polaire (language?)
   * ZFP Zyglo Fluorescent Penetrant (commercial)
   * ZFR Zero-Frequency Relay
   * ZFR Zero-Frequency Release
   * ZFS Zero Field Splitting
   * ZFS Zero-Frequency Switch (not duplicates)
   * ZFS Zero-Frequency Switching (not duplicates)
   * ZFS Zone Field Selection
   * ZfV Zeitschrift feur Versicherungswesen (German)
   * ZFW Zero Fuel-Weight
   * ZGA Zero Grade Air
   * ZGB Zoological Gardens Board
   * ZGE Zero-Gravity Effect
   * ZGE Zero-Gravity Environment
   * ZGE Zero-Gravity Expulsion
   * ZGF Zero Gravity Facility
   * ZGG Zero-Gravity Generator
   * ZGH Zonal Gravity Harmonic
   * ZGM Zinc Glycinate Marker
   * ZGS Zambia Geological Survey
   * ZGS Zero Gradient Synchrotron
   * ZGS Zero-Gravity Shower
   * ZGS Zero-Gravity Simulator
   * ZGS Zirconia Grain-Stabilized
   * ZGS Zone Gradient Synchrotron
   * ZGV Zapadnaya Gruppa Voisk (Soviet)
   * ZHE Zero Headspace Extractor
   * ZHF Zone Heat Flux
   * ZHR Zirconium Hydride Reactor
   * ZIA Zone of Interior Armies
   * ZIC Zirconia-Indium Crucible
   * ZID Zone of Initial Dilution
   * ZIE Zone Immuno-Electrophoresis
   * ZIF Zenix Income Fund (commercial)
   * ZIF Zero Insertion Force (not duplicates)
   * ZIG Zero Immune Globulin
   * ZIG Zoster Immune Globulin
   * ZIL Zigzag In-Line
   * ZIL Zork Interactive Language
   * ZiM Ziemia i Morze (language?)
   * ZIM Zonal Interdiction Missile (military)
   * ZIO Zinc Iodide-Osmium (chemical)
   * ZiP Za i Przeciw (language?)
   * ZIP Zero Insertion Pressure (not duplicates)
   * ZIP Zero Interest Payment
   * ZIP Zigzag Inline Package
   * ZIP Zinc Impurity Photodetector
   * ZIP Zodiacal Infrared Program
   * ZIP Zone Information Protocol
   * ZIP Zoster Immune Plasma
   * ZIR Zacks Investment Research (commercial)
   * ZIT Zone Information Table
   * ZKA Zentral-Katalog der Auslaendischen Literatur (language)
   * ZKW Zi-ka-wei (Chinese)
   * ZLC Zero-Lift Chord
   * ZLC Zinc, Lead, and Cadmium extracts
   * ZLD Zero Lift Drag
   * ZLD Zero-Level Drift
   * ZLD Zodiacal Light Device
   * ZLE Zaba Lee Enterprises (company)
   * ZLG Zero Line Gap
   * ZLI Zia Landform Images
   * ZLJ Zambia Law Journal
   * ZLL Zero Lot Line
   * ZLL Zero-Length Launch
   * ZLL Zero-Length Launching (military)
   * ZLN Zwiazek Ludowo-Narodowy (Polish)
   * ZLP Zero-Lift Plane
   * ZLR Zanzibar Law Reports
   * ZLR Zanzibar Protectorate Law Reports
   * ZLS Zero Level Sparing
   * ZLS Zero-gravity Locomotion Simulator
   * ZLV Z-axis along Local Vertical
   * ZLV Zero-Length Vector
   * ZMA Zinc Meta-Arsenite (chemical)
   * ZMB Z Marker Beacon (military)
   * ZMB Zero Moisture Bias
   * ZMB Zinc Mercato-Benzimidazole
   * ZMC Zero-Magnetostrictive Composition
   * ZMC Zygomatico-Maxillary Complex
   * ZMD Zung Measurement of Depression
   * ZMM Zone-Melting Model
   * ZMP Zero Moving Parts (not duplicates)
   * ZMP Zero-Motion Part (not duplicates)
   * ZMR Zone-Melting Recrystalization
   * ZMT ZIP Mail Translator
   * ZMU Zone Management Unit
   * ZNC Zone Network Controller
   * ZNC Zone of Nonproliferating Cells
   * ZNL Zero-memory Non-Linear
   * ZNP Zanzibar Nationalist Party
   * ZNP Zion Nuclear Plant
   * ZNR Zinc-oxide Nonlinear Resistor
   * ZOA Zionist Organization of America
   * ZOA Zone Of Action (military)
   * ZOA Zone of Avoidance
   * ZOC las Zonas Ocenicas Costeras (language?)
   * ZOC Zone Of Convenience (not duplicates)
   * ZOC Zone Of Convergence (not duplicates)
   * ZOD Zero-Order Detector
   * ZOE Zero-Order Equation
   * ZOE Zinc Oxide-Eugenol
   * ZOE Zone Of Entry
   * ZOE Zone Of Exclusion
   * ZOE Zone Of Exit
   * ZOF Zone Of Fire (military)
   * ZOG Zeatin-O-Glucoside
   * ZOG Zionist Occupation Government (U.S. Government)
   * ZOH Zero-Order Hold
   * ZOI Zero-Order Interpolator
   * ZOI Zone Of Incorporation
   * ZOP Zero-Order Predictor
   * ZOP Zinc-Oxide Pigment
   * ZOR Zinc-Oxide Resistor
   * ZOR Zone Of Reconnaissance
   * ZOS Zoom Optical System
   * ZPA Zero Period Acceleration
   * ZPA Zeus Program Analysis
   * ZPA Zone of Polarizing Activity
   * ZPB Z80 Processor Board
   * ZPB Zinc Primary-Battery
   * ZPB Zinc-Plated Bolt
   * ZPC Zero Print Control
   * ZPC Zero-Point of Charge
   * ZPC Zinc-Phosphate Coating
   * ZPC Zone Power Converter
   * ZPD Zero Path Difference
   * ZPE Zero-Point Energy
   * ZPE Zeta Phi Eta
   * ZPG Zero Population-Growth
   * ZPH Zero-Phonon Hole
   * ZPI Zone Position Indicator
   * ZPL Zero-Photon Line
   * ZPL Zim Passenger Line (commercial)
   * ZPM Zero-Point Motion
   * ZPN Zinc-Plated Nut
   * ZPO Zeus Project Office
   * ZPO Zone Project Officer
   * ZPP Zimbabwe Progressive Party
   * ZPR Zero-Power Reactor
   * ZPS ZEH Plotting Software
   * ZPS Zinc-Plated Screw
   * ZPS Zone Power-Supply
   * ZPT Zero Power Test
   * ZPT Zoxazolamine Paralysis Time
   * ZPV Zero-Point Vibration
   * ZPV Zone maritime Particulirement Vulnrable (language?)
   * ZPV Zoomed Port Video (commercial)
   * ZPW Zinc-Plated Washer
   * ZQT Zero Quantum Transition
   * ZRA Zero Range Approximation
   * ZRA Zero-Resistance Ammeter
   * ZRC Zenith Radio Corp.
   * ZRC Zurich Reinsurance Centre Holdings (commercial?; UK)
   * ZRE Zero Rate Error
   * ZRK Zona Receptor Kinase
   * ZRL Zagadnienia Rodzajow Literackich (language?)
   * ZRM Zone Reserved for Memory
   * ZRO Zoological Record On-line (not duplicates)
   * ZRO Zoological Record Outline (not duplicates)
   * ZRT Zero-Reaction Tool
   * ZRV Zero Relative-Velocity
   * ZSA Zero-Set Amplifier
   * ZSA Zero-Speed Apply
   * ZSB Zinc Storage-Battery
   * ZSC Zero-Speed Condition
   * ZSC Zero-Speed Control
   * ZSC Zero-Subcarrier Chromaticity
   * ZSC Zinc-Silicate Cell
   * ZSD Zebra-Stripe Display
   * ZSD Zinc-Sulfide Detector
   * ZSF Zero Skip Frequency
   * ZSG Zero-Speed Generator
   * ZSI Z Solar Inertial
   * ZSI Zero Size Image
   * ZSI Zytec Systems, Inc.
   * ZSL Zero Sight Line
   * ZSL Zero Straight Line
   * ZSL Zero-Slot LAN (commercial)
   * ZSL Zjednoczone Stronnictwo Ludowe (language?)
   * ZSL Zoological Society of London
   * ZSN Zoological Society of Naples
   * ZSN Zurich Sunspot Number
   * ZSR Zero-Speed Relay
   * ZSR Zero-Speed Release
   * ZSR Zeta Sedimentation Rate
   * ZSR Zinc Sedimentation Rate
   * ZSS Zen Studies Society
   * ZSS Zero-Speed Switch (not duplicates)
   * ZSS Zero-Speed Switching (not duplicates)
   * ZSS Zinc-Sulfide System
   * ZST Zinc-Sulfide Tracer
   * ZST Zone Standard Time
   * ZTA Zeta Tau Alpha (Greek)
   * ZTB Zuercher Taschen-Buch (language)
   * ZTC Zero Temperature-Coefficient (not duplicates)
   * ZTC Zone Temperature-Coefficient (not duplicates)
   * ZTC Zone Temperature-Controller (not duplicates)
   * ZTN Zinc Tannate of Naloxone
   * ZTO Zero-Time Outage
   * ZTO Zone Transportation Officer (military)
   * ZTP Zero-Temperature Plasma
   * ZTR Zweig Total Return Fund, Inc.
   * ZTS Zero-Transient Switch (not duplicates)
   * ZTS Zero-Transient Switching (not duplicates)
   * ZTS Zoom Transfer Scope
   * ZUM Zeitschrift fuer Urheber und Medienrecht (German)
   * ZUM Zimbabwe Unity Movement
   * ZUM Zone-Usage Measurement
   * ZuP Zellstoff und Papier (language?)
   * ZUP Zone a Urbaniser en Priorite (French)
   * ZVA Zero-order Variable Aperture
   * ZVA Zero-Voltage Apply
   * ZVC Zero-Voltage Condition
   * ZVC Zero-Voltage Control
   * ZVF Zero-Velocity Fading
   * ZVR Zener Voltage-Regulator
   * ZVR Zero-Voltage Relay
   * ZVR Zero-Voltage Release
   * ZVS Zero-Voltage Switch (not duplicates)
   * ZVS Zero-Voltage Switching (not duplicates)
   * ZVX Zygocactus Virus X
   * ZWL Zero Wave-Length
   * ZWO Zuiver Wentenschappelijk Orderzock (Dutch)
   * ZWP Zone Wind Plotter
   * ZWS Zell-Weger Syndrome
   * ZWS Zentral-Wohlfahrts-Stelle der Juden in Deutschland (German)
   * ZWS Zonal Wind-Stress
   * ZWV Zero Wave Velocity
   * ZYB Zionist Year-Book (publication?)
   * ZYP Zefkrome Yarn Program (commercial)
   * ZZA Zamak Zinc Alloy (commercial)
   * ZZC Zero-Zero Condition
   * ZZD Zig-Zag Diagram
   * ZZR Zig-Zag Rectifier
   * ZZR Zig-Zag Riveting
   * ZZT Zu Zu, Tennessee (seismograph)
   * ZZV Zero-Zero Visibility
   * ZZW Zero-Zero Weather

TLA.TXT (Copyright © Rocket Information Services 1998 and 1999, all rights reserved)

Of course many of these contain numbers and hence, are not technically TLAs.


Originally from the Encyclopedia