Talk:Main Page

From Redbrick Wiki
  • My thoughts on the front page, at present it is somewhat cluttered, and as articles are added this will only get worse, I think we need to have less links that go out into categories. Thoughts? Receive 04:22, 11 Feb 2007 (UTC)
  • More of the categories could be moved into the side bar I think and given their own specific pages. undone 04:37, 11 Feb 2007 (UTC)
  • have started on Main_Page_Dev. Would like to move the categories to the sidebar, but, are they hardcoded in this version of mediawiki? Receive 01:27, 23 Apr 2007 (IST)
  • Hey, it's looking good! (good idea to organise it better). Categories should have a welcome/explanation paragraph, to make it feel less like a big directory? kpodesta 11:44, 24 Apr 2007 (IST)
  • Having lef the dev main page around for a few days most people seemed to like it, so i decided it was ready enough to move out here so that hopefully other people will help finish it. -- Receive 19:23, 24 Apr 2007 (IST)

Anyone want to do a 'Redbrick' skin to make this our own?

-- The Dead One 15:13, 9 Sep 2005 (IST)

There's some instructions here if someone feels interested... (dunno if I will) :-)

-- kpodesta 11:43, 24 Apr 2007 (IST)

John has been working on this

-- Receive 19:16, 24 Apr 2007 (IST)

That's pretty cool! Can't wait till it's finished! --The Dead One 18:51, 28 Apr 2007 (IST)

Some empty topics... if someone wants to fill them in:

Also, should we be using 'categories' to manage topics?

-- The Dead One 09:17, 2 Sep 2005 (IST)