Up and Down the Bar

From Redbrick Wiki

May 25, 2010.

tl;dr Merchelo is a cunt.

18:00:50  Tiny | m8i7koko9o
18:01:12  Tiny | gay ass
18:01:42  Tiny | fucking lag
18:07:20  moju | lol
18:11:33  d_fens | :D
19:01:38  moju | oh
19:01:41  moju | just for comedy value
19:01:43  moju | root@dev:/home/tiny# uname -a
19:01:45  moju | Linux dev.landa2.com #1 SMP Tue Dec 29 14:41:18 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux
19:08:34  --> | Merchelo (~merchelo@merchelo.redbrick.dcu.ie) has joined #lobby
19:08:36  Merchelo | oh hai
19:08:42  carri | Merchipoo!
19:08:43  HAUK | Hai
19:08:43  Merchelo | drinks eh?
19:08:47  Merchelo | i won't be there
19:09:03  Merchelo | m8i7koko9o
19:09:06  Merchelo | m8i7koko9o
19:09:09  Merchelo | gay ass
19:09:14  Merchelo | fucking lag
19:09:16  HAUK | lol
19:09:25  Merchelo | passwd
19:09:32  Merchelo | lol
19:09:40  goldfish | trolling scum.
19:09:41  Merchelo | redbrick, outputting retards since lil_cain
19:10:41  goldfish | lol
19:13:16  nemo | lulz eipc trulz
19:15:03  Tiny | Merchelo: next time i see you i promise i will beat you up and down the bar..
19:15:07  goldfish | I hope it's as funny when you accidentally put a password into IRC.
19:15:14  Tiny | no need to be a fucking CUNT..
19:15:34  carri | :/
19:16:16  Tiny | you werent here when it happened either you just logged in to be a dick
19:16:26  Tiny | TROLLING IDIOT..
19:16:39  Angelkat | o_o
19:16:42  moju | lol
19:16:47  Darz0re | free passwords getting handed out?
19:16:55  Tiny | aparently
19:17:25  Darz0re | oh, you pasted it here
19:17:27  Darz0re | noob
19:17:38  moju | hopefully no one used it maliciously
19:18:10  Darz0re | >_>
19:18:14  Darz0re | <_<
19:18:23  goldfish | THE PUNISHER IS IN TOWN
19:19:49  Tiny | Darz0re: lag on connection, i didnt realise it worked though i got it wrong so i entered it again..
19:20:03  Tiny | thought
19:20:03  moju | wait
19:20:06  moju | password
19:20:09  moju | then screen -dr
19:20:13  moju | then password again?
19:20:15  Tiny | no,
19:20:19  Tiny | locked screen
19:20:22  moju | ah
19:20:25  moju | shockin
19:20:47  Tiny | but yeah Merchelo, you are a dick and you had better hope i never meet you..
19:21:00  moju | lol
19:21:02  HAUK | lol
19:21:03  moju | why?
19:21:06  goldfish | Tiny: did you miss the part where moju "rooted" your machine?
19:21:09  moju | for pasting your password again?
19:21:51  Merchelo | lOL
19:21:58  Merchelo | m8i7koko9o
19:22:07  Angelkat | so Merchelo Tiny coming next redbrick event? :D
19:22:18  goldfish | [19:01]     moju │ oh
19:22:20  goldfish | [19:01]     moju │ just for comedy value
19:22:22  goldfish | [19:01]     moju │ root@dev:/home/tiny# uname -a
19:22:23  Merchelo | I think i'll sleep in instead tbh Angelkat
19:22:24  goldfish | [19:01]     moju │ Linux dev.landa2.com #1 SMP Tue Dec 29 14:41:18 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux
19:22:32  Angelkat | Merchelo: fair enough.
19:25:31  Tiny | lol, this is all funny till you spend a night in a&e i suppose..
19:25:35  Tiny | i await that day
19:28:01  atlas | Are we quite done with the empty threats now?
19:28:11  HAUK | atlas: Give it a minute...
19:29:31  Tiny | well see how empty they are..
19:30:24  Merchelo | empty like me sack after a night with yer auld one
19:38:30  goldfish | THERE'S NO REDBRICK USER TINY
19:40:22  Tiny | no there is not..
19:40:29  Tiny | try a /wi there goldfish
19:41:26  HAUK | Tiny: I hope you changed all your passwords.
19:41:35  Tiny | i did
19:41:39  Tiny | and still am
19:41:46  HAUK | Jaysus
19:42:16  Tiny | on my phone modem
19:42:22  HAUK | OIC.
19:43:02  Tiny | hence the lag issue that started all this
19:43:10  HAUK | Ah
19:43:21  castle | Tiny: twice in three months man, jeebus
19:43:29  Tiny | moju: did you kill anything when you rooted mt machine?
19:43:33  moju | no
19:43:45  HAUK | Lies.
19:43:47  HAUK | ;)
19:43:53  Tiny | did anyone else root it?
19:44:00  Tiny | im noticing sites down
19:44:20  goldfish | he just put your network interface into promiscuous mode and installed a kernel-based keylogger
19:46:29  Tiny | well this is a wonderful use of my time the night before an exam, thought id just get away with changing my rb passwd, but no, people had to go and be cunts..
19:46:45  tnkrbell | Tiny: O_o
19:47:06  Tiny | not in the least the cunt who wasnt evern there when it happed and jumped on the bandwagon, re-pasting it all over lobby..
19:47:46  Tiny | i should have left my password and let one of the cunts get disusered for logging into my RB..
19:48:14  goldfish | you should have
19:49:59  Merchelo | m8i7koko9o
19:50:39  Tiny | HAUK: Cunts is a derogitory tem i use to discribe anyone who did anything with my password, including re-pasting, rooting, and discussing what could be done inthe public domain
19:50:44  Tiny | thats about 6 or 7
19:51:12  Tiny | they will translate to either missing teeth or broken bones i havent decided yet..
19:51:25  Tiny | maybe a combination, we'll see how i feel on the day
19:51:26  HAUK | k.
19:51:35  HAUK | I didn't do anything.
19:51:41  HAUK | I'll be in tomorrow at the exam.
19:51:50  HAUK | I need my handies to write.
19:52:11  nosmo | Behind the bike sheds
19:52:12  Tiny | i know.. you posted after Merchelo and you assumed i was talking to you
19:52:20  HAUK | Ok, cool.
19:53:26  Merchelo | look Tiny
19:53:28  Tiny | Seriously though.. it takes a special kind of attention seeking dickhead to act like merchelo did.. and continues to.. he'll get pleanty of attention when im done with him anyway.. that is for sure
19:53:37  Merchelo | lol
19:53:44  Merchelo | candlelight supper?
19:53:50  Merchelo | walk on the beach?
19:53:52  goldfish | oh dear
20:03:03  HAUK | I'm gonna go for a walk.
20:03:15  HAUK | You lot don't kill each other when I'm gone.
20:03:43  nemo | goldfish: what the fuck, where do you find this shit
20:05:20  winters | whats all this m8i7koko9o shit people keep saying?
20:05:37  robby | winters: WELCOME TO THE PARTY
20:05:56  Tiny | cheers guys,
20:06:16  winters | i saw it on rb and wondered
20:15:22  Merchelo | Tiny: do you know where I live?
20:16:27  Tiny | nope
20:16:41  Tiny | do i want to?
20:16:42  Merchelo | ok, good luck trying to beat the shit out of me so.
20:16:44  Tiny | not really
20:17:20  Merchelo | also, you should update your kernel, I hear there's good security updates in the current one.
20:19:20  Merchelo | but that's 2 now, right?
20:19:26  Merchelo | redbrick, and Tiny's?
20:25:59  Tiny | ok.. all honestly (if possible) who was on my ovh box..
20:26:05  Tiny | -l
20:26:13  Tiny | aside from moju
20:26:51  goldfish | not I
20:28:02  atlas | Perhaps you should threaten them some more, that might make them talk.
20:30:13  FUN | Tiny: doesn't look like anyone logged on
20:31:04  credak | FUN: I think he means his server ;)
20:33:02  FUN | credak: But for someone to log onto that it'd have to be the same pass, which is bad security, and they's need the ip etc for his box
20:33:18  goldfish | someone did log onto his server
20:33:18  credak | Ah
20:33:26  goldfish | they pasted it here
20:33:32  FUN | who?
20:46:58  Tiny | right well there goes another hour of study cleaning that mess up..
20:47:33  Merchelo | lol
20:50:35  Merchelo | my time here is up
20:50:41  <-- | Merchelo (~merchelo@merchelo.redbrick.dcu.ie) has left #lobby (m8i7koko9o)
20:50:51  Tiny | what a dick
[17:52] Tiny | right, well i suppose now i know who my frieds are, found one password i forgot to change because
someone was looking at my linkedIn profile and assumed i had left myself logged in, as it said i had worked as
a Fluffer as expierence.. was nice of that recruiter to point it out to me.. :/