
From Redbrick Wiki
Revision as of 17:41, 19 February 2007 by Receive (talk | contribs)
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After many users both layed claim to and denied their affiliation with the tag "emo", it has been decided that the wiki is the best Redbrick tool with which to lay the matter to rest. Here is a list of known emos on Redbrick and pics with which to both prove their "emoness" and identify/avoid them in the real world.



03:20 < Aisling > but i feel emo

^^ Proof enough.


File:Emo doc.jpg


Emo dregin.JPG

BREAKING NEWS: Dregin just came out of the emo closet to Castle in #lobby. Check here for proof.


Emo gizmo.jpg


Emo twiggy.JPG

Likes to mention the war - emo.



Photo-graphical evidence of undone on the loose in the real world has proven hard to come by. He has made it onto the list due to his constant claims to haircare prowess and threats to kill his parents in #lobby. Any better pictures may save the life of many an ill-educated DCU student should they approach him unaware of his "emoness" so, please act with the utmost urgency in passing these on.


Atlas emo.jpg

Although not showing some of the more classic emo signs this person never seems to be happy, and has almost never been recorded smiling. That, and his other somewhat "unusual" habits make him emo enough for this page.