RBOnly:Minutes 18 04 2006

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Minutes for meeting on Tuesday, 18th of April, 2006.

Date: 18th April 2006 Venue: Meeting Room 1, Clubs and Socs.

Present Incoming committee: Jess, Kat, Andrew, Padraig, Eoghan, Kevin, Diarmuid, Svan, John Absent Incoming committee: Simon, Charlie

Present Outgoing committee: Ken, Dara, Dave, Stephen, Stephen, Graham, Una Absent Outgoing committee: Michelle


Standing Orders

They need to be reviewed and okay-ed with committee. All committee are to read them, and post to the list within 2-3 days. Eoghan to email the link to the committee.

Specifically focusing on Guest Accounts regarding the request to reactivate eth0, from boards.ie through Stephen/Igy.

Strategy Meeting

Jess suggested organising the strategy meeting for the week prior to exams, in the evening so that both committee members and associates can attend. [The week of May 8th to 12th]

Jessica wanted it to be an "invite only" meeting, and looked for suggestions as to who invite to add to the list. Suggested members: P, Kpodesta, purdy, dizer, dec, and shadow.

Suggested to post to the boards explaining what the meeting was about, and to ask members for suggestions. They could be discussion points at the meeting. If anyone shows a strong interest they could be invited too.

Stephen Ryan said not to let it be a group of 40 or so, as we'd achieve nothing. Jess agreed and said that it should be invite only.

To keep in mind that we're looking to give Redbrick a cutting edge again, to compete with bebo etc.

Summer Events

Jess suggested a comedy night, there are some on in town fairly cheap, and it could be a good event for getting together.

John and Una suggested Sadsoc nights, cinema and drinks.

Padraig said that Max Randtz can get discounts or free entry to certain clubs. Someone said that redbrick wouldn't be interested in attending Spirit...


It was decided it was too late in the year to start organising them.

According to most they were a flop last year and not worth investing time in this year... or ever.

BSA Debate

The debate was officially cancelled. Aileen from BSA had been in contact with Jessica. Basically, Aileen has the funding for the event and would really like to go ahead with it next year. She suggested dates and would like to confirm that Redbrick will take part.

When the outgoing committee were asked, most had negative opinions of the event. The incoming committee were more or less of the same opinion.

Una suggested working with Micheal Ryan who is also looking to do an event with Redbrick, maybe to combine the BSA and Micheal Ryan. This was viewed to be a bad idea as if the Debate was a flop, then no one would attend the afters that could potentially be supplied by Micheal Ryan/BSA.

The point was made that if the debate was on in another college, would we bother ourselves to attend?

Stephen/Igy suggested that maybe if we got someone famous that might heighten interest.

Dara and Ken viewed the idea as a flop.

It was agreed that doing an event with Micheal Ryan and CA was a better idea than working with the BSA.

It was decided to take it to the list as we were getting no where. Decision as to whether we go ahead or not to be made by or at the next committee meeting.

Hand over

Bank stuff to be done over the next while.

Passwords and accounts only to be handed over when the committee member is fully confident that the person taking over for them is completely competent and knows what they're doing.


  • Chat

That committee members are not to abuse ops, or to spam the topic.

Padraig asked what justifies a kicking? The reply was: Common sense. To differentiate between messing and serious abuse. And to kick at spam.

Eoghan suggested that everyone read the files in the committee docs folder.

  • Crush life.dcu.ie

Ken suggested we "crush life.dcu.ie". Everyone agreed.

__________ ps. if I missed anything, lemme know and I'll edit them. Hard to talk and write at once :)